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Author Topic: The Perfect Soak  (Read 1844 times)


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The Perfect Soak
« on: December 14, 2006, 07:14:40 am »
Years ago at the recomendation of someone on another forum I started a log book to adjust my water and get my chlorine usage right. I have since became more seasoned and have ignored my log book for the last few years but offer this advice to those who give a rip. About in the middle of my little log I started a page that I added information to regarding what temp and outside weather was the best for soaking. I also have been ignoring that section until last night. I used that section to jot down those moments when I had what I felt was the perfect soak. You all know what I am talking about, those times when not alot of words are spoken between soakers, your eyes are mostly closed and alot of Ahhh noises are eminating from your tub area. The wine bottle lasts just long enough or the beer/drink/water lasts just long enough, your kinda jello-e, you feel a tad sleepy, and you forget how long you have been in the tub. Theres usually a meassage on your answering maching when you get in and the dog needs to go out. There are other factors also, that may detract from your perfect soak, the neighbors motion light coming on, a car pulling in the drive, kids, jet liner circling above, you know. Well I had one last night and dug out the book to enter this experience. While looking through the notes I came to a conclusion. There are alot of perfect soaks and it seems for me that most happened below 30 degrees with no wind, either clear sky or light snow and thats what led to one of those Perfect Soaks. Never below 10 degrees and never above 70 in my world. I had about 40 entries in that part of my log.

But I live in Northern Minnesota and get to try my tub in 80-90 degree weather and 10 degree and below weather. So this means nothing to those in more temperate climates. But it does mean that if it is 30 degrees and either clear or lightly snowing with no wind.......I am bolting to my tub no matter what!!!!

Anyone else have a "perfect time" to achieve that Perfect Soak. For some it can be every soak especialy if your still in your tub honeymoon. For othr more seasoned users your perfect time may narrow a bit which is to bad, but still worth the effort of keeping and maintaining a jetted hot water vessel in your yard.

Hot Tub Forum

The Perfect Soak
« on: December 14, 2006, 07:14:40 am »


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Re: The Perfect Soak
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2006, 08:08:14 am »
My perfect soak is the early morning when it is at the day's coolest temp.  Watching the sunrise is what makes it great.  A cool, clear night sky is wonderful too but it is the breaking of dawn in a hot tub that sets me up in a good mode for the rest of the day.


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Re: The Perfect Soak
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2006, 10:49:35 am »
For me, the best soak is on a lightly snowing evening, temp at that 25 to 30 or so degree mark.  The snow dusting on the hemlocks surrounding the tub, glass of Bordeau or Cabernet and oh yeah, the neighbor's over lit back yard off which means after 11PM.  Also love the no moon clear and starry nights.


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Re: The Perfect Soak
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2006, 10:54:04 am »
Forgot to add, the wife and I ride motorcycles for enjoyment, and I keep a log of all my 4 hour plus rides.  Who was with us, where we went, where we stopped for lunch or dinner, weather etc.  It's fun to read back and remember the times we shared with our riding bretheren.  I also work out and lift weights, and I keep a detailed log of weights, sets, intensity etc.  I believe keeping a record improves your experiences in many things, as it adds extra focus to it.  Never thought about a soak log, but will consider starting one.  If I combine with my "wine we like"log, it should be easy and a nice addition.  


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Re: The Perfect Soak
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2006, 12:46:51 pm »
I tend to agree with the previous replies.  To me , a windless, clear, winter night between 15-30 degrees is the best.  When my wife , who doesn't tub very much at, all joins me, it makes it all the more special.  

Neo in South Dakota
« Last Edit: December 19, 2006, 12:48:21 pm by neocacher »

hot tub Frank

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Re: The Perfect Soak
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2006, 02:18:29 pm »
for me every soak without kid is a grate one

Hot Tub Forum

Re: The Perfect Soak
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2006, 02:18:29 pm »


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