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Author Topic: Newbie - 100% bromine - water feels "hard"  (Read 2470 times)


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Newbie - 100% bromine - water feels "hard"
« on: December 21, 2006, 01:00:35 am »
I am a new spa owner.  500 gallon Gulf Coast Spa.  I'm using a 100% bromine system (Brilliance for Spas) per local dealer recommendation.  I liked the Bromine option due to a feeling of less maintenance away from home for weeks at a time.

After filling spa, balancing chems, and then filling floater with sanitizer, the new water felt really nice, soft and clean.  After about a week or about 2 users, 4 times, I shocked with Brilliance Oxidizer (1 oz).  After 2 days, Bromine back to normal levels, PH at 7.6, TA at 120 and CH at 400.  These are all the same readings I had after initially after balancing the tub at fill-up.  However, now the water seems to feel, HARD.  I really liked the feeling of the soft, silky water.  Is this soft, silkier water just due to NEW (drain/refill) water and not expected to remain soft after usage?  I read people on this forum just crazy about waiting for their NEW water and am wondering if this may be 1 of the reasons people like it?  Or am I doing something wrong?  Should I maybe attempt to get my TA and PH lower?  Will that possibly affect the "SOFT SILKYNESS" of the water?

Additionally, I will add that Brilliance recommends the user of a metal and scale control product (weekly).  I have not used this as my dealer has stated my water is great from the tap (CH wise), just needed help on my PH and TA.  Maybe I should use this product to "SOFTEN" the feel of my water?

My TAP readings are...
PH        7.3
IRON      .0
TA         210
CH        246

My water (so far) is clear and my filter is also clean.  We are clean soakers and use very minimal swimsuits.

Thanks in advance for any advice provided.  I know I'm not too far off; I just need a little assurance/guidance.  I current use test strips (again dealer provided) but plan to get test kit to do my Bromine sanitizer readings, TA, PH  and CH.  I hope that test kit will be easier to read then the finicky test strips.

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Newbie - 100% bromine - water feels "hard"
« on: December 21, 2006, 01:00:35 am »


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Re: Newbie - 100% bromine - water feels "hard"
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2006, 04:46:40 am »
there is a product you can buy, it is a blue powder, and it is a water conditioner or softner.  It makes the water feel like clouds, really nice stuff.  I dont think its a reflection of bromine but water ages in the tub constantly changes.  towards the end of your fill usually 3 to 4 months the water will feel fizzy and not so nice.  I used conditioner in the beginning, maybe ill start using it again.  I dont know what the name goes by, perhaps someone can help.  It also has a nice smell to it and make the water smell good as well.


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Re: Newbie - 100% bromine - water feels "hard"
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2006, 04:55:28 am »
IMy water (so far) is clear and my filter is also clean.  We are clean soakers and use very minimal swimsuits.

I'm gona need to see these "minumal swimsuits" before I can help. :P

Soft soak is a good product if used sparingly (it adds quickly to TDS) But there's nothing like fresh water to cure your ills.


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Re: Newbie - 100% bromine - water feels "hard"
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2006, 11:24:05 am »
Additionally, I will add that Brilliance recommends the user of a metal and scale control product (weekly).  I have not used this as my dealer has stated my water is great from the tap (CH wise), just needed help on my PH and TA.  Maybe I should use this product to "SOFTEN" the feel of my water?


Yes, take Brilliance recommendation and see how it works.  If that doesn't do the trick, talk to your dealer.  Your water should be fine for 2-3 months
« Last Edit: December 21, 2006, 11:24:30 am by neocacher »

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Re: Newbie - 100% bromine - water feels "hard"
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2006, 02:34:50 pm »
i do a fresh refill every 2 month in order to get the feel

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Newbie - 100% bromine - water feels "hard"
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2006, 02:34:50 pm »


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