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Lets make an assumption that over 24 hours the water will drop from 100 to 90. Now, are you saying it will take MORE energy to raise the temp back up from 90 to 100 than it would to manitain the temp at 100 for the entire previous 24 hours??
What I do know is that I don't want to wait 2 hours for the water to run up to temperature if I want to use the spa. What I suspect is that the amount I'd save wouldn't be worth it to me.
Hi all, I'm new to this hot tub thing and was just wondering what temp everyone recommends setting there tub to when not using it. I have no idea myself. The first night I thought I'd better bring it down to 80 degrees overnight (so as not to pay for heating to a higher temperature). It ended up snowing that night and to my surprise in the morning the temp was 100 degrees !! - I guess the circulatino and filter pumps that run must help maintain the temp. Last night I set it to 90 degress, but am now wondering if this is foolish. Should I just leave it set at 100. Any thoughts and advice... cheers Rich
My massage therapist has a Snorkel hot tub, which she hops in at 108. Â