Ok gang. thought you'd like an update on my back. I've been spending alot of time on my couch these days or my therapy session with the Coleman 461. My medication that they have me on keeps me in a constant fog so I have to be very careful in the hot tub, I'm now only spending about 15 minutes by myself in the tub, just get so sleepy! Anyway, I see the Pain Specialist in Cheyenne on the 30th hubby decided to take the 31st off so we can stay just a touch longer in Cheyenne since my mom and sis live down there, so it will be nice to visit. Then I see my doc on the 6th of September (btw I get to spend that weekend which will be memorial weekend on the mtn hunting deer! woohooooo) which hopefully someone will have an answer as to what they are going to do with my back. I'll keep you all updated and thank you for all being so patient and being so sympathic to my illness. I do consider you all friends!