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Author Topic: Drewski Needs Help....  (Read 2092 times)


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  • Artesian Piper Glen since 1999 in Beachtown, USA
Drewski Needs Help....
« on: December 05, 2006, 05:50:02 pm »
Hi All!

Sorry about not posting here for a few months, but I got back into SCUBA diving over the summer (gave up bowling) and I've been hanging out at SCUBAboard.com a lot. If I did two forums, I'd never get any work done!

Anyway, I hope everyone has been well and enjoying their tubs. Unfortunately, I can't say the same. I'm having another FL "C" error that I'm attempting to sort out on my Piper Glen. I've been off-line for a few days now and lack of hot water is making me GRUMPY.

The 1999 version of the Piper Glen uses a Gecko MSPA-4 digital control pack with 2 pumps, heater, circ pump, 110 V light and ozone (230 V @ 50 AMP). You might remember from when I was a regular poster here that I started to have intermittent control problems back in 2002. Eventually I had an FL "C" error code that would not resolve, even with replacing the pressure switch (BTW, the only Artesian dealer in Norolk/Virginia Beach went OOB in 2001, so I was on my own).

With GRACIOUS help from members of this forum, I traced it to the board and a $.05 board connector that had somehow gotten wet and broke off due to being corroded. With help from others, Artesian was VERY nice and sent me a new main board FREE, even though my warranty had expired. I re-waterproofed the control panel seal, pack box and wiring, followed by replacing the main board (long process, but not that difficult). Everything had worked fine since, no problems.

The other night the kids were in the tub and somehow "nudged" the drain valve so the tub lost about 6" of water over several days (I was away on business). This caused the pumps to suck some air when the freeze cycle activated (the filters were only partially submerged) and when I went to get in the tub when I got back, I had the FL "C" error.

I re-filled the tub, re-seated the filters and tried all the "standard" stuff. I flushed the circ pump/heater circuit with a hose, re-set the GFI, turned it "off" for 12 hours, re-set the pressure switch by screwing it down, then back up, removed the pressure switch screw cylinder and checking the spring, etc. I didn't remove the switch body from the heater pipe to clean out the bottom because the tub still held water. I was forced to drain it last night because freezing weather moved in (typical - somehow it ALWAYS seems my tub problems occur in November or December!).

When I turn the tub on, I clearly "hear" a relay "click." Usually, the tub goes into "start-up" mode which is a run through the "freeze cycle" with the first pump coming immediately on, followed by a cycle to the second. Now, the relay "clicks," the pump pauses, the heater cuts out and then each pump goes through the cycle. I tried to start with the pressure switch wires wired together, but this didn't change anything.  

So, today I ordered a new pressure switch from an on-line store. I'm HOPING that's the problem. The board looks "clean," I didn't see any evidence of what occurred before. I do have a source for a replacement board at about $265, but I'm hoping I don't need to do that.

Anything I'm missing? Advice MUCH appreciated...

It's a HOT tub... anything else is just a POOL!

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Drewski Needs Help....
« on: December 05, 2006, 05:50:02 pm »


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Re: Drewski Needs Help....
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2006, 07:07:12 pm »
Drewski ... Burp the sucker. If it sucked air you may have a massive air lock. I believe you have diverter vales, I think I remember you not having 6 distinct pumps as the newer ones have.

If you do, unscrew the diverter valve and listen for the air to escape. Try unscrewing the drain on the bottom of the pump if you don't have diverters. Mine (not a Piper) has tubes that go to all the pumps from the circ pump and Artesian recommends that you use the therapy pumps to clear the circ pump.

Give these a try you traitor! ;) ;D


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Re: Drewski Needs Help....
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2006, 12:00:25 pm »
Hey Vinny, thanks for the reply!

I tried that route, even used a hose down the circ pump suction. On my tub, the pressure switch is located on the heater circuit which only uses the circulation pump. It could be an air bubble in the threaded hole where the switch screws in, but the only way I can "prove" that is to remove it then re-fill and test. So, I just ordered a new switch.

This always seems to happen in November (the same month I bought my tub) and always when it freezes. A few days before I had the problem, it was 75 out. A few days into the problem, it had dropped to 29 at night. Go figure...

It's a HOT tub... anything else is just a POOL!


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Re: Drewski Needs Help....
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2006, 11:30:13 am »
Hi All:

Well, I got a replacement pressure switch from SpaBabes the other day, did the install, re-filled and BAM, on-line!

12 HRS later I was "out the door at 104" and enjoying the tub.

When I pulled the old switch, I couldn't really see anything wrong with it but when I metered it when the tub was running it had a "weird" up and down reading. This time I got the stainless steel version of the same switch. Obviously that Gecko board has some type of fault sensing routine on it because try as I could, I could not "fool" the board into thinking the switch was OK.

But, I'm still planning on doing a major rebuild this coming summer. New cover, "wet ends" for the pumps, circ pump and ozonator. Probably a few jet body replacements as well. I'd consider getting a new pack with controls, but my last board replacement was only a year or so ago so I think I'll stick with it.

I'll post some pics in a new thread when I get there...

I still look at this board occassionally, but, quite honestly, you can only talk so much about tubs before you start hearing the same stuff again and again. My scuba diving board, on the other hand, has thousands of topics. Although, some of the people that post there aren't as NICE as you guys.

Anyway, for the people who responded to this thread and PM'd me, THANKS for the help!

Peace and Hot Water..

I am, THE


It's a HOT tub... anything else is just a POOL!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Drewski Needs Help....
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2006, 11:30:13 am »


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