OK - I suggest we begin a support group of sorts: let's help each other create a catch-phrase to use in our profile. Let's keep it light....
I'll start us off:
Bill = My van was on a real roll the other day.
I brought you into this forum, and I can take you out.
Haven is a four-letter word.
Frostbite and hot wings - two of my favorite things.
So you have to ask yourself, punk: 'Feelin' Lucky?'
I'm the one with all the power around here. Right honey?
Gravity, more than just a good idea, it's the law.
Enterprise: more than just a mediocre series, it's a way of life.
Hey baby, do you curl here often?
Chas is right.
Stuart=I used to sell those.
I only need One Dimension.
The Marquis de Sale.
No, HotSpring is THAT much BETTER! Honestly.....
Full foam is the answer to mankind's greatest problems.
Why buy something based on it's ability to be fixed?
Cousins, shooting, meanness and Bismarck ND!
I look like a cross between George Clooney and Curly.
"they hung a lantern on his ear and used him for a light pole"
Most Marquis dealers are better looking than HotSpring dealers.
Was there a blem trailer with it?
We sell Marquis as far as 75 to 100 miles away every week.
So, what are you trying to say here?
Chas is right.
Lori =Dynamite comes in small packages.
I love my Vanguard!
"I thought I might tell you, my price did include some extras."
Chas said to give him some leeway.

Good luck! Have fun! And did I mention...wet test!
Oh Bill, Bill, Bill.
Come on you guys!
Chas is right.
Tman = Tools baby!
Go big or go home.
Ice fishing. Not for wimps.
Ice fishing. Not for losers.
Ice fishing. The bigger the fish - the bigger the hole needs to be.
My other truck is a Chevy.
I know as much about spas as some manufacturers. Ok, ONE manufacturer.
I don't know why, but he still lets me post over there.
If you can't stand the cold, go to California!
Chas is right.
Steve = And let's not even talk about his wife....
Chas is right.
Frank = (*&^%$##()!!!
Chas is right.
Just some (light hearted) ideas to get us started...