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Author Topic: First winter with hot tub--now pregnant!!  (Read 11102 times)


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Re: First winter with hot tub--now pregnant!!
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2006, 06:33:36 pm »
You got to watch out for them floaties in the tub ... Use more chlorine!!!


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Re: First winter with hot tub--now pregnant!!
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2006, 06:33:36 pm »


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Re: First winter with hot tub--now pregnant!!
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2006, 06:52:56 pm »
You can hot tub while pregnant. Keep the water at 98 degrees and you will not cook your kid. Normal body temp is 98.6 degrees so a tub kept at 98 is no problem.


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Re: First winter with hot tub--now pregnant!!
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2006, 07:50:37 pm »
sled, I am going next Friday.  I am so freaked out.  I picture my balls floating in the tub from being so swollen.  Did your doctor tell you not to tub???

How much down time did you have.  I am going to a clinic called the gentle vasectomy clinic.  They do a no scaple technique, which apparently eliminates downtime.  I dont need stitches with this procedure.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, tell me that it didnt hurt.  I feel like I am going to be sick.

I had thought about it but I couldn't bring myself to do it ... sometimes I wish I did.

Just remember it takes a few (6?) months before your shooting blanks!


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Re: First winter with hot tub--now pregnant!!
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2006, 08:09:33 pm »
I read about that no scalpel procedure. My doc didn't do that. He did the old fashion way.

Here is a quick overview...

Nurse tells you to get naked from the waist down.
Nurse has you lay on table
Nurse cleans your frank and beans with soap and warm water.
Nurse then tapes your frank to your belly (so it's out of the way)
Nurse then takes a bic razor, shaves your beans(dry)
Doc comes in, sticks needle in one side of beans(vas), injects anesthetic.
Cuts a hole in your beans, then pulls out Vas(vein). Clamps two sides, then cuts Vas,
He then Cauterizes(I swear I saw smoke) each end, then stitches you back up.
Repeat for other side.

Then they stuff gauze around your entire package, then slips on a jock strap.

Go home, sit on couch with ice in your crotch for 2 days. Get up only to go to the bathroom, and eat.

My doc gave me perkasett(sp) for the pain. Which there really was no pain, only discomfort.
I had mine done on Friday, and was back at work on Monday morning..

Doc said to stay out of hot tub for 1 month (yeah right)..

My stitches/cuts are almost cleared up, so I’m probably going in this weekend.

Did it hurt.. Well no, it didn’t(only when he stuck the needle in)..

It was mostly just an uncomfortable/invasive procedure.

Good luck.

That about sums it up.  I had mine done 8 years ago.  Piece of cake.  Any no one is a bigger baby about needles than me.

Key for me - lots of Valium prior to procedure.  The doc prescribed it.  I watched TV during the procedure.  I swear they could have REMOVED the frank and the beans and I would not have cared at that point.  For the record I did see smoke.  I thought a new Pope had been elected.  Then I realized I was just on fire.

Make sure to follow the docs post-op instructions.  No lifting other than 12oz bottles.  Ice packs are your friend.

Err, and you will need to go into the docs for a swimmer count test.  This involves a semi-humiliating manual override.  Don't skip this test or you could be sorry.  Also, do not go mountain biking 2 weeks post-op.  Ask me how I know!  :)
« Last Edit: December 14, 2006, 08:11:31 pm by Webini »


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Re: First winter with hot tub--now pregnant!!
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2006, 08:12:21 pm »
Congrats kervis!

Better safe than sorry regarding the tub is my advice.  


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Re: First winter with hot tub--now pregnant!!
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2006, 12:16:04 am »
I'm going hardcore all up in he-aw!
If getting in a hot tub is risky to the baby...then why would one want to risk it?
I believe one can live without a soak if need be, a baby may not be able to live with the soak.  
I think I would do all that I could to ensure my baby had every chance in the world to get here safe and sound.
These guys on this site can tell you how the hot tub works and how to work the hot tub, but they don't know anything about pregnancy!
In other words, be responsible and stay safe.


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Re: First winter with hot tub--now pregnant!!
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2006, 02:50:42 am »
You can hot tub while pregnant. Keep the water at 98 degrees and you will not cook your kid. Normal body temp is 98.6 degrees so a tub kept at 98 is no problem.

Not a safe assumption. Agreed, probably ok for a limited time, but you cannot stay indefinitely at 98 Deg and expect your body temperature not to rise. The whole "mammals are exothermic thing" again..........Think about how a 98 degree day feels.
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Re: First winter with hot tub--now pregnant!!
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2006, 07:09:33 am »
It sure did get the romance up and running.



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Re: First winter with hot tub--now pregnant!!
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2006, 09:07:46 am »
You guys crack me up!!  Term's picture is priceless   :o ;D and I appreciate your concern and advice.

I had read the info that Matt Foley included--great stuff, because many times they say to not let your body temp rise too high but they never give you a number.  I am a runner also.  I started up again about 5 years ago.  I didn't run with the first 3 kids.  I plan to run as far into this pregnancy as my body will let me, so again, that temperature advice is good to know.  Yesterday it was 45 when I headed out and I wore shorts!

I will follow fatman's advice about keeping the tub at 98. Makes perfect sense to me.

I have 3 fabulous children already and had no issues with any of the pregnancies.  I have been very fortunate.  Doesn't mean things won't be different...

My mucus plug will keep out any bacteria.   :P  That's what it's for!

We really need to be concerned with my smoking, drinking, and recreational drug use--just kidding!  ;D ;D  Or how about those HOT, HUMID summer days that are coming up in a few months--I'll be as big as a house then--yikes!  I'll have to lay in a kiddie pool filled with ice.

So again, thanks for the good wishes and advice, forum friends!   I want you to know that I am a well-educated woman and would never purposely do anything to harm myself or my growing baby.  :)

Watch out for those floaties in the tub per Vinny's advice--keep up on your sanitizer.
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Re: First winter with hot tub--now pregnant!!
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2006, 09:25:56 am »
 mucus plug?

I don't think I want to know.

Never had children. Never will. Only like to think of the female body in a recreational sense. Mucus plug....couldn't they have a better name? Is it what I think it is?

DO I dare even ask?

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Re: First winter with hot tub--now pregnant!!
« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2006, 09:43:28 am »
think of the mucus plug as the cork in a bottle of wine.  It is a thick chunk of mucus that protects the baby from the outside world so to speak.  It also helps keep the baby in its place without arriving early.

When it falls out it is discusting, that is usually the first tell tail that the baby is on route.


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Re: First winter with hot tub--now pregnant!!
« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2006, 10:27:03 am »
think of the mucus plug as the cork in a bottle of wine.  It is a thick chunk of mucus that protects the baby from the outside world so to speak.  It also helps keep the baby in its place without arriving early.

When it falls out it is discusting, that is usually the first tell tail that the baby is on route.

Eeeeeeeew.  I don't want to know this.  

See? I'm putting my hands over my ears


I'm not listeing to you.  I don't want to hear about these things.
07 Caldera Geneva

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Re: First winter with hot tub--now pregnant!!
« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2006, 10:27:03 am »


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