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The product he left with me is called 'L.T. Spa 56 Chlorinating Granules' . Is this chlorine or shock? Â According the the directions on the package it seems to act as both. Â 1/2 oz (5min prior to entering the tub) and 1 oz every 2 to 4 weeks to superclorinate. Â I know Reese mentioned Dichlor and I dont know what that product is, but I will research it. Â Should I be using what I currently have as my daily chlorine or as my superchlorine (shock)?? Â or both???
...I'm confused by my dealer... He not only told me to use only a teaspoon and a half ONCE A WEEK, but he also wrote it on the bottle.... I know not to add chlorine prior to using a tub/pool.  Ok with non chlorine shock more than 15 min prior to use, but not chlorine.   Again,,,  WHY DOES IT SAY TO USE IT B4 ON THE BOTTLE?Â