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Author Topic: Ok, Very new, a little confused looking for advice  (Read 5346 times)

Late Innings

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Ok, Very new, a little confused looking for advice
« on: December 12, 2006, 05:34:01 pm »
I've been a pool owner for over 10 years now. The pool is about 30,000 gal, sand filter, Clorine with a Nature 2 cartridge.  Now, I've never concerned myself with free clorine. I test once a week during the season, and find the only thing I ever have to do is add clorine pucks to the feeder when needed.  (I may have to add 5#s of baking soda from time to time and that adjusts both TA and PH (to an extent))   The pool is a piece of cake for me and the water is always sparkling and inviting.

I've been a spa owner for just under a week.  (we love it and were even in it last night in a mild drizzle)  When we opened it last night I noticed the water was just a touch cloudy. The tub holds just under 600gal (sundance maxxus) Its got an ozonator and N2 cartridge.
Now heres where I'm confused. The dealer whom I like very much said to add 1 1/2 teaspoons of clorine a week.  Thats it.    He gave me other chemicals such as clarifier, PH up, PH down, and so on.  About the only thing he's got me monitoring is the PH and the TA which will vary to some degree but not much (based on my experience with a pool).    I see on this forum that most suggest adding 1-2 teaspoons of clorine, even with ozonators after every use.         So what is it?   Once a week or after each use?    If after each use, what about when the spa hasn't been used in a few days?  Shock is fast burning, should it be added daily regardless of use?    BTW, I added a tablespoon of clorine last night and the test strip today shows trace at best.

Thanks.   I'm not really freaked out by any means.  Just want my tub ready whenever I open the cover.

Hot Tub Forum

Ok, Very new, a little confused looking for advice
« on: December 12, 2006, 05:34:01 pm »


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Re: Ok, Very new, a little confused looking for ad
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2006, 06:01:19 pm »
Add chlorine each time you use the tub.  Shock weekly.

Wade through Ozone Question. (Very Technical) thread.  It gets technical, but explains why you need to use the chlorine.
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Re: Ok, Very new, a little confused looking for ad
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2006, 06:11:51 pm »
Sanitize after each use, or every couple of days when not used.  Visit www.rhtubs.com.  The FAQ contains the Vermonter and Northman maintenance programs that are often referenced here, along with some guides that will give you even more background.

As far as your current situation, hit it with a couple of tablespoons of dichlor, and wait a day to see if it clears up.  Next step after that would be a MPS shock.  If it still hasn't cleared up after another day, try the clarifier.  Good luck!
« Last Edit: December 12, 2006, 06:12:32 pm by Reese »


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Re: Ok, Very new, a little confused looking for ad
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2006, 06:13:39 pm »
I have the same tub L I. I always add chlorine after every use. Its a big tub. I usually add 1 tablespoons if only one person uses the tub. If more than one in the tub, then 2 tablespoons. I have always had clean clear water.

Late Innings

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Re: Ok, Very new, a little confused looking for ad
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2006, 06:29:12 pm »
The product he left with me is called 'L.T. Spa 56 Chlorinating Granules' . Is this chlorine or shock?   According the the directions on the package it seems to act as both.  1/2 oz (5min prior to entering the tub) and 1 oz every 2 to 4 weeks to superclorinate.

I know Reese mentioned Dichlor and I dont know what that product is, but I will research it.  Should I be using what I currently have as my daily chlorine or as my superchlorine (shock)??  or both???



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Re: Ok, Very new, a little confused looking for ad
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2006, 06:52:38 pm »
I'm sorry L I, I use dichlor. I'm not familiar with the product your using so I can't comment on how you should use it. I am just saying what works for me and the product I use.


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Re: Ok, Very new, a little confused looking for ad
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2006, 07:19:01 pm »
The product he left with me is called 'L.T. Spa 56 Chlorinating Granules' . Is this chlorine or shock?   According the the directions on the package it seems to act as both.  1/2 oz (5min prior to entering the tub) and 1 oz every 2 to 4 weeks to superclorinate.  I know Reese mentioned Dichlor and I dont know what that product is, but I will research it.  Should I be using what I currently have as my daily chlorine or as my superchlorine (shock)??  or both???
The product you have is what we call dichlor around here.  You can use it for both daily sanitation and shocks (you can also use MPS/non-chlorine shock for the shock dose).  I wouldn't but it in before use though, wait until after you get out.  All the info you need is at the site I noted earlier.

Late Innings

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Re: Ok, Very new, a little confused looking for ad
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2006, 07:54:07 pm »
Thanks for all the help guys!   I have since read the thread you've pointed me to and found it to be both very informative and a bit heated at times. (kills me  ;D)  

I am still a bit confused though and its not with the information I've gotten here. That all makes sense to me, well most of it anyway.  I'm confused by my dealer whom, as I said earler, I really like. He's laid back, (not too), very matter of fact, I feel he gave me a good deal and did everything he said he was going to.  He not only told me to use only a teaspoon and a half ONCE A WEEK, but he also wrote it on the bottle.  

I dont think he was just trying to sell me on the ozonater. He knew I know very little, nothing upon our first meeting, about hot tubs.

I think the advice you guys have given me makes perfect sense.
Reese, I know not to add chlorine prior to using a tub/pool.  Ok with non chlorine shock more than 15 min prior to use, but not chlorine.     Again,,,  WHY DOES IT SAY TO USE IT B4 ON THE BOTTLE????    

I didn't expect my hot tub to become a hobby... Its ok,, I have several hobbies and can always handle one more!!!      Again, Thanks for the advice!


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Re: Ok, Very new, a little confused looking for ad
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2006, 08:08:49 pm »
There is nothing wrong with using chlorine before getting in the tub. The only problem is that some people are sensitive to chlorine and hot water. By adding after soaking it should be very low the next time you soak. You need to realize that if you soak in the tub without chlorine and something was happening bacteria wise - you wouldn't be protected.

BTW, if you have a party you need to add chlorine before, during and after.

Now the fact that you use pucks in the pool and don't look at CYA ... :)

Late Innings

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Re: Ok, Very new, a little confused looking for ad
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2006, 08:43:20 pm »
Vinny,   The water in my pool is maintained at 1-2 since I've got the mineral pack.(probably closer to 2) Before the mineral pack it was 3-5. Thats all I need with the N2 and the water is always clear at night, right in front of the lights.   I can look out my wildow and know when the feeder on my pool reaches about the equivalent of one puck. (mind you I brush the walls weekly and run a polaris damn near 3 hours daily).  I totally understand the need for chlorine. And having gone with and without a mineral pack, I love the idea of using about half the chlorine.  Chlorine is, generally speaking, NOT VERY GOOD FOR US.  Besides, I love the fact that bathing suits dont fade nearly as badly.
  My confusion comes from my dealer telling me I only need 1 1/2 tsp's what he gave me, once a week.    (He gave me a bottle of test strips. Now I'm use to using drops. On the bottle of test strips, he blackened (magic marker) the chlorine chart.)    

I guess what I'm trying to say is, being new and going for what I understand is one of the more reputable tub manufacturers, you would think ' just listen to my dealer' , right?


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Re: Ok, Very new, a little confused looking for ad
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2006, 09:06:41 pm »
Late Innings,

As far as the pool ... If it works for you then that's all that matters.

For chlorine usage, different folks have come on here and have had different things said to them by their dealer; heck my dealer told me to use a N2 stick and enhanced shock once a week. My tub would be a mess if I did that.

Reading other people's accounts of water care and knowing mine I've come to the conclusion that every water behaves differently. As far as bacteria safe water - chlorine once a week will probably not cut it.

Chlorine can be bad for us - drinking water may have chlorine in it (probably does as water treatment plants need chlorine to keep the water safe) so bathing in 1 - 5 PPM chlorine may not do much to most people's skin. I swim in 3-6 PPM chlorine, soak occasionally in chlorinated water and my black bathing suit is going on 2 years old without fading.

Some dealers like to promote their "easy care system" but I find hot tub water care much more involved than pool water care. If I screw up pool water, I just shock at night (I've been in the pool after shocking also), brush the walls & floor and filter for 24 hours. Definately miss a couple of hours of a tub needing some chlorine and we're talking cloudy water and a whole clean up process.

Listen to the advice here and you'll do great. It is possible that following the dealer's advice will work too but I think the question of a bacteria safe tub goes away by using chlorine more frequently.


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Re: Ok, Very new, a little confused looking for ad
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2006, 09:47:05 pm »
...I'm confused by my dealer... He not only told me to use only a teaspoon and a half ONCE A WEEK, but he also wrote it on the bottle.... I know not to add chlorine prior to using a tub/pool.  Ok with non chlorine shock more than 15 min prior to use, but not chlorine.     Again,,,  WHY DOES IT SAY TO USE IT B4 ON THE BOTTLE???? 
I haven't read a chlorine label in a long time, but I had it in my head that the re-entry period was longer than that.

As far as your dealer's program, it sounds like 1/2 of the Nature 2 routine.  If I recall correctly, Nature2's literature calls chlorine weekly and MPS(non-chlorine shock) prior to each use.  It seems a lot of dealers use how little chlorine is needed as a selling point.  A system like that may work for some, but IMO leaves little margin for error, and doesn't match sanitizer availability to bacteria load.  To me a chlorine after each soak approach makes more sense.  


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Re: Ok, Very new, a little confused looking for ad
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2006, 10:57:09 pm »
Frankly, I have no idea why your dealer recommended that protocal.  When I went to my chemical supplier's dealer meeting last year, they said the last person you should listen to regarding chems, is typically spa manufacturers.

Many dealers are great and knowledgeable about spas, but not as knowledgeable about chems.

We have one low end dealer who sells his spas and tells his customers to come to us for chems.
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Re: Ok, Very new, a little confused looking for ad
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2006, 09:11:59 am »
I use Spa 56. It is Dichlor.

I also have an ozinator.

I add 1/2 teaspoon per person after each use and run the jets for 10 minutes.  Depending on use, I shock the tub ever 10-18 days. I clean the filter once a month.  I check and adjust for (if neccesary) PH and AL.  I change the water every 4 months.  I don't have any water care issues.

I would recomend that after you use the tub, add the dichlor to achieve a reading of 5 ppm about 10 minutes after using the tub.  This should be along the lines of   .5  to 1.5 teaspoons per person.  Run the jets for 10 mins.


« Last Edit: December 13, 2006, 09:12:25 am by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva

Late Innings

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Re: Ok, Very new, a little confused looking for ad
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2006, 02:38:59 pm »
Ok, so I'm following the advice I've received here and the tub looks great!  The past two nights the wife and I have used the tub and upon exiting I've added 2 Tablespoons of Dichlor.  

I just tested the water (1:35p ct) and my PH is about a 7.5, Total Alkalinity is about 100. Chlorine 0.   Shouldn't I be showing some residual of chlorine before entering the tub.  If the chlorine is at 0, wheres my protection from bacteria that I or other bathers are introducing into the tub??  

Should I use dichlor to shock the tub. I know there is non chlorine shock that I can use ( I use one every other week in my pool, the odd weeks shocking with chlorine shock).

Thanks, this forum has been a big help!!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Ok, Very new, a little confused looking for ad
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2006, 02:38:59 pm »


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