Welcome to our forum.
Hi everyone, I am back again,I read the forum often, but being a newbie, I don't have a lot to contribute, although I have posted a few questions. Â Just like the Navy Seals, I get in and then get out. Â Maybe that makes me selfish, but everytime I think about replying to a thread, someone else does and says it better than me anyway!Anyway, I have a question for you. Â My question is did any of you Arctic owners get documentation on how the "Peak" Ozone effects the amount of chemicals to use? Â My generic manual that came with my Summit just says "bla, bla, bla...unless you have the Peak Ozone, then it will be different, blah, blah, blah"... Â Â I am totally serious. Â It is very confusing at best.I called my dealer and he did his best (great guy btw), but I could tell he had no experiance with the Peak Ozone. Â I originally ponied up for the "Peak" instead of the "Arctic" ozone since I don't seem to have a life besides work and need to travel frequently. Â Sometimes I can be gone out of the country for an entire week. Â Like this coming weekend, I will be leaving on Sat. and returning a week from Monday. Â I like to shock before I leave and I feel better knowing the "Peak" ozone is working all the while I am away.So how about it? Â Anyone have documentation on the Peak Ozonator?Thanks for your help. Â I am sure glad to have this resource for spa questions!Oh, and the next time I get the courage to post something I will include photos of the cool spa deck I built. Â It might be even as impressive as Tilemans, *wink wink*!Steven - aka NorthWoodsDipper
Why have my ears been burning?I wish I could help you more, but all I can do is agree with you that it's be nice if someone could explain it WELL!!! (hint, hint.....) - Annejust a quick question for you, how long does the standard ozone last for??  Am I suppose to do something to replace it over time or does it las forever??? - BoscoIf Tom would get back from lunch...maybe we could get the real story (LOL) - SugarbearThese are not really "quick questions" but I'll do my best!Here is some information from my initial training with Arctic.  UV Light- 10-20 mg/h declining with age, 90 day half life, 1 yr serviceArctic Ozone - Corona Discharge (spark) unit, 200 mg/h new, avg 150mg/h, service life 3-5 yearsPeak Ozone - CD unit, 500 mg/h steady, expected service life 5+ yearsIt's easy to replace the CD unit, Bosco, and if your spa is still under warranty, AFAIK it will be replaced under the warranty.Other differences between Arctic and Peak Ozone Systems:Arctic uses an expansion chamber to slow the water so the ozone has time to work; Peak uses a reverse-flow mixing chamber which provides a longer exposure time with greater surface area to ensure that the high levels of  ozone are broken down by contact with contaminantsThe AO runs only when the pumps run; PO has its own 24/7 circ pump that shuts off when the pumps run The PO has a more extensive off-gas system I have asked around the plant, people who have an Arctic with ozone, and got a variety of figures up to 80% with the most common estimate being "about half".  Sugarbear's figures suggest a 30% to 80% reduction which is in this range.  However, the official position is that sales people should NOT to give a figure because it varies widely and because we cannot document it; better to under-promise and over-deliver. Â