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I sure wish Arctic could pony up for better documentation. I am not just talking about Peak Ozone, I am talking across the board. Everything seems a bit vague to cover all models. For example, wouldn't it be nice to have a diagram that shows which diverter valves and pumps control which jets? Yes, you might say duh, just try it out. But it would be nice to see the entire circuit laid out.
...There are several different calculations on output of the differing O3 units, not sure where you numbers came from? And measuring O3 output is a whole lot different than calculating its effectiveness based on someones water and its cleanliness. One persons water could very well utilize O3 to actually do some sanitizing that may have a huge effect on the sanitizer usage. While another persons water may see absolutely no benefit from O3 usage.
My question is did any of you Arctic owners get documentation on how the "Peak" Ozone effects the amount of chemicals to use? My generic manual that came with my Summit just says "bla, bla, bla...unless you have the Peak Ozone, then it will be different, blah, blah, blah"... So how about it? Anyone have documentation on the Peak Ozonator?
But why the heck wouldn't my dealer know this [Peak Guide] is on your site?How can I get the diverter diagram you talked about? My dealer did not know one existed.Steven
BTW, bring back the "mean" bear. The "happy" bear is way too sissy! What were you thinking?