Okay, first off, everyone stop the arguing...no peeing in the community hottub unless you're the last one in and it's time for a flush n fill. Don't make me pull this computer over and come back there with this paddle...

Secondly....an inflatable tub? Okay....if that's what you've gotta have, go for it. However, I'm a bit confused....I guess you're either going to use it indoors, or you live in a WARM climate (somewhere close to Hades would work well in this case), or I'm so far off on my blowup tub knowledge that I'm thinking they don't really have diddly SQUAT for heaters? If the water's below body temp, sitting around in a tub can make you chilly. It's simply the nature of the beast. And from what I've read, they don't have real high tech heaters in those, but I've been known to be wrong (3 times today so far and counting). I can't begin to imagine what the cost would be to try and heat one and keep the water warm enough to use at all times.
Next....The store that you're looking to purchase from is going out of business? Ummm...is that due to lack of marketability of their product? Quality issues? What about if/when you need service on your purchase? $1,600 is a lot of money to put down just to find out you're SOL.
You don't want a hard side tub due to portability, cost and size constraints, from what I've read? Okay, that really limits you then....If it weren't such an issue, I'd suggest going to local dealers and asking if they've got smaller used tubs for sale....a Jetsetter or other small used tub would fit the bill on at least a couple of the issues....
Sidenote: the cost of operating a hot tub (the hard sided type) isn't all that much, if you get a quality made one. We bought the HS Grandee in March, it holds 500 gallons....and our bill hasn't gone up any month more than about $20. It's all a matter of what you want or need and have room for.
Best of luck in your search.