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Author Topic: Need opinions on a 2002 Tiger River 'Bengal' spa?  (Read 22142 times)


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Need opinions on a 2002 Tiger River 'Bengal' spa?
« on: December 11, 2006, 02:21:01 pm »
I see a 2002 Tiger River Bengal spa for sale around my area.  The spa looks to be in like new condition from the pictures and everything is supposed to work flawlessy and the spa only has light use.  I am looking for a 4-5 person spa to put in my garage, need something that isn't any bigger than about 7'5" x 7'5".  I want to buy used to save money because I know how fast these thing de-value if you buy them new.

So I need opinions on that model spa?  Any good?  I have seen new Coleman, Hot Springs, and Dimension 1 spas at local dealers.  These are a bit out of my price range though, I am looking to stay around 4K and basically for that price I am stuck buying a home depot spa, etc.  But I hear the big box store spas are terrible so I wanted a better quality spa even if it's used.

So given the above spa description, what would you feel is a good buying price?  I live in NJ.


BTW.. what is the difference between Hot Springs and Tiger River?  I know they are both owned by the same company but is Tiger River much worse than Hot Springs?  or are they using basically all the same materials, pumps, jets, controls, etc.?

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Need opinions on a 2002 Tiger River 'Bengal' spa?
« on: December 11, 2006, 02:21:01 pm »


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Re: Need opinions on a 2002 Tiger River 'Bengal' s
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2006, 02:28:56 pm »
The differences in Tiger River line vs the Hotsprings line are primarly around the jets and filtration.

Hot spring spas feature the Moto Massage and the no bypass filtration. These are exclusive features to the HS line.

The Tiger River line is made in the same factory and offfers the same quality, just differnt features. Tiger River Spas have a convential filter cartridge and typical jetting.

I'm not sure what a 5 year old Bengal would go for. But I would price out a new one, just for comparision.

Also, the Bengal was available as a 110v unit, and a 220 unit. This is also something to consider.

Over all the Tiger River line is a quality unit, but offer less features.

What are they asking for this unit?

07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Need opinions on a 2002 Tiger River 'Bengal' s
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2006, 02:35:43 pm »
they want $2,700 and they said they paid $6,900 for it new in 2002.

what is better, the 110volt or the 220volt version?

is there a big difference between a Tiger River and Hot Springs of comparable models when sitting in them and feeling the jets?

BTW..how hot can you make the water in these spas?


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Re: Need opinions on a 2002 Tiger River 'Bengal' s
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2006, 02:46:51 pm »
Yes, there is a difference in the 110v and 220v.

While a 110v can plug into a standared GFCI outlet, it can only run the pump or the heater. Not both at the same time.  If you are putting the tub outside, or in a cold region, then I personaly believe a 220v is the only way to go.
A 220v tub will cost you a bit more to hook up.

Yes, the jets are different in the Hotsprings line. The most noticable is the moto massage, but on the  other standard jets, I belive they are the same. (a 4" spinner on a Tiger River is the same as a 4" spinner on a hotsprings).  In addition to jets, it's the pumps that impact the massage, as well as where the jets are placed.   Before buying any tub, I would recomend wet testing it, as well as wet teting other tubs, just so you can compare, and know what you are getting and what you are not getting.  The TR Bengal is a budget tub. limitied jets and features, but of excellent quality. I storngy recoemd though, that you wet test some other tubs, you need something you can compare it to.

My tiger river caspain, (wired for 220v) has a factory set limit of 104. Which is plenty hot for me. I typically keep it at 101.  

They paid $6900 in 2002? That seems high to me. (but prices vary greatly from region to region.).  I paid close to that for my Caspian (the next model up) in 2005.  Go figure.

PS. The other difference between the HS and TR that I can think of is the TR tend to be a bit shallower in the seating, while the majority of the HS tubs seem to sit deeper.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2006, 02:49:32 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Need opinions on a 2002 Tiger River 'Bengal' s
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2006, 02:59:50 pm »
I agree with Drewstar here. With the options you have available though I would not hesitate to buy a Tiger River (even a used one) over a Big Box store tub.


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Re: Need opinions on a 2002 Tiger River 'Bengal' s
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2006, 03:13:46 pm »
OK, here's my $.02.

I have a 2005 Bengal that I purchased used, so I know a bit about which I speak.

The guy I bought it from had it hooked up and allowed me to wet test.  Don't buy a tub unless you can wet test it.  Perhaps you could go to a dealer and test a new one.

You can get the serial number from inside the pump cabinet and get more info from your local Hot Springs dealer.  Warrenties do not transfer with these tubs.

$6,900 in 2002 sounds a bit high.  I priced a new one earlier this year for around $1,000 less than that.

This is a quality tub, made by Watkins Manufacturing and there are a few folks on this board besides me who have them.

The tub can go approx 2 degrees above it's 104 degree max setting.

If it was really, really babied, it might be worth what they are asking.  A lot of HS dealers sell used tubs.  I would do some comparison pricing before jumping on this.  
Don't forget to factor in moving and electrical wiring costs when you make your decision.  

Best of luck to you Ehizzle.


Mod:  I read Drestars last post after posting this reply.  I think we are exactly on the same page  8-)
« Last Edit: December 11, 2006, 03:16:59 pm by PotomacG »


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Re: Need opinions on a 2002 Tiger River 'Bengal' s
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2006, 03:22:35 pm »
All good points.

Also consider:

Putting in a new filter.  (um...$50? or so)

Condition of the cover.  Torn, water logged, ripped.  New covers run several hundred dollars

Lifter. does it have one? Replacing these can run you $150

Steps. Check these out too. are they cracked? Do they sit flat, plastic or wood? Steps run $70-150 or so.

Does the unit have an ozone unit? I'm told these only last a few years. A new Corona Discharge Unit can run 100-300.

If the tub is going to be inside, consider the humidity. Most indoor installations require some type of fan unit to exhaust the humidity.

Outside, you're going to need a cement pad, or pavers or beef up an existing deck.

Electrical wiring can run you several hundred dollars.

-just some off the top o my head things to consider.
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Need opinions on a 2002 Tiger River 'Bengal' s
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2006, 03:57:55 pm »
If the Ozonator is a Watkins Ozonator, it should last 10 years. So you still have a while on that.


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Re: Need opinions on a 2002 Tiger River 'Bengal' s
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2006, 06:27:03 pm »
sounds good to me, shoot him an offer and see if he bites.

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Re: Need opinions on a 2002 Tiger River 'Bengal' s
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2006, 06:27:03 pm »


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