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Author Topic: White residue on tub and steps ???  (Read 16524 times)


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Re: White residue on tub and steps ???
« Reply #15 on: December 09, 2006, 05:26:30 am »
The difference bewteen using dichlor to sanitize daily and MPS to shock would most noticibly be a lowering of TDS (total dissolved solids) and an increse in CYA (cyunaric acid) Which may be exactly what will clean up your steps.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2006, 05:27:58 am by Tman122 »

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Re: White residue on tub and steps ???
« Reply #15 on: December 09, 2006, 05:26:30 am »


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Re: White residue on tub and steps ???
« Reply #16 on: December 09, 2006, 09:27:02 am »
I am still going with the high mineral content.  
I am a dichlor user, did not use MPS during my first 4 months, and still got those pretty spots.  My ph has been sky high and below 7, and I still got those spots.  :P

If you have a water softener hooked up, it should only be hooked up to your cold water--not your hot water and not your hose.  You wouldn't want to be drinking, cooking, and watering plants with that "salty" water.

I get a mineral residue ring around my kitchen faucet and I most certainly can tell which pipe is the cold water pipe in my laundry room sink-yuck!

I had asked a question awhile back about if Defender helps with that buildup and never got an answer.  I had a tech out who told me that I need to make sure I use it faithfully as he has seen a lot of buildup on spas that haven't used it regularly.   I am wondering if what he has seen on the neighborhood's tubs is mineral build-up similar to my faucet, NOT scale formation.  I am assuming the hot tub scale is calcium? Yes, and a mineral, but perhaps not all minerals are the same and perhaps one mineral is taken care of with Defender and the others are not.   Hmmm. This is an interesting thought.   :-?  

I live in Limestone bluff country.  
2005 HS Vanguard

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Re: White residue on tub and steps ???
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2006, 02:56:54 pm »
I am suprised that term did not chime in here and post his filtration pic.
After all even Hs Is just a tub that makes warm water.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: White residue on tub and steps ???
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2006, 02:56:54 pm »


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