It's Pearl Harbor Day..and my tub's first birthday! I can't believe it has been a year already and we haven't lost interest or desire to use the tub. We are as excited about it now as last year when we took our first soak. It's just that now we know so much more...Things like:
You really don't need towel warmers...
clean flip-flops or shoes from the house to the tub are a must!
Keeping the water balanced and clear is not as hard as it first seems.
It's not weird to have bathing suits hanging in the mudroom when it is 10 degrees out!
Hot water really does help arthritis, reduce stress and help you sleep better.
The stars are so awesome in the winter sky...and the colder and clearer the sky...the better.
I could go on and bore you all even more...I guess I should just say
our tub, after one year, is everything we expected and more...
Hot water is the key to health, happiness and a good night's sleep!