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just bought a Jacuzzi 365 - why you ask?
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Topic: just bought a Jacuzzi 365 - why you ask? (Read 3354 times)
Junior Member
Posts: 28
just bought a Jacuzzi 365 - why you ask?
December 06, 2006, 11:32:13 am »
Hi all,
thanks first to posters on this forum - I found reading the posts a very informative aid to my search for a hot tub.
This is my first hot tub and I was pretty open to any brand. I live in North Vancouver, Canada and friends suggested to make sure I buy from a good dealer in case I have any issues in the future.
I started looking at Jacuzzi and the 365 was my first interest as it fit my budget better than the 400 series tubs. One thing I did want was a tub where up to 6 people can comfortable sit in the tub - not being on a high raised cooling seat either. This ruled out the arctic tubs - I actually really liked there tubs but the seating configurations with armrests and all were'nt for me.
The foot dome and jets looked a really good, and I like the fact that the Sundance Optima had 2 foot jets per seat. We wet tested this though and found the seating to have too many higher cooling off seats than the Jacuzzi 365. Its nice to be able to sit next to you fiance or squeeze in lots of friends with most still being fully in the water.
In the end I found the Jacuzzi 365 to be the best fit - really like the power of the jets on the 2 power pump setting aswell. Like the foot dome and jets and above all love the price. Were new home owners battling the high mortgage so cost is definitely a factor for us.
I also found a great dealership in "CrystalView" (North vancouver). The sales guys were not pushy - family run business and I just have a good feeling about them. Everyone always says how important a good dealership is, so this is great. I guess the proof will be further down the track if any problems occur. I'm of the mind set that issues will happen. As an engineer I understand if you take a container fill it with holes, water, hoses, joints, pumps etc, something some time will go wrong - and hopefully my dealer will be there to help me.
Thanks again for everyones help.
I'd be really interested to hear from other owners of 300 series jacuzzi tubs and what their experiences are like, + and -
Hot Tub Forum
just bought a Jacuzzi 365 - why you ask?
December 06, 2006, 11:32:13 am »
Ultimate Member
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In the spa business for over 20 years.
Re: just bought a Jacuzzi 365 - why you ask?
Reply #1 on:
December 06, 2006, 11:36:20 am »
Great report.
We used to sell Jacuzzi 300 series, and by and large our customers love their tubs.
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.
Mentor Level Member
Posts: 5274
Re: just bought a Jacuzzi 365 - why you ask?
Reply #2 on:
December 06, 2006, 11:56:03 am »
Congrats Rich.
Do you mind, what did the tub cost? A range is fine if you don't want to give details. I ask, as in another thread, someone on a budget is looking for a quality tub and I was curious what the 300 series might gerneally run someone?
07 Caldera Geneva
Junior Member
Posts: 28
Re: just bought a Jacuzzi 365 - why you ask?
Reply #3 on:
December 06, 2006, 12:10:46 pm »
No problem discussing cost. T
he guys at CrystalView (Jacuzzi and Sundance dealer here in North Vancouver) were very up front with me on pricing. I got a great deal as its the end of 2006 and I also bought the floor model (extra $500 off). Its worth noting that the floor model has only been in for 2 months and has not been wet tested. It also has a full warranty etc.
CrystalView also had a special on to throw in a hot tub cover opener (will be great for my fiance), and a ozone filter.
All this for $7300 + tax (remember thats Canadian and tax will be 13%). Works out to be approx US$7200 after tax and conversion. Normally that would be a bit higher but buying just before the 2007 models come in, helping them shift the floor model helped me out.
I did also consider the Sundance Bahia as its similar to the Jacuzzi 365; however I learned from the forums that it had a smaller pump. The dealer did also not have one in and I liked having a hands on look at the 365.
Hope this helps.
Mentor Level Member
Posts: 5274
Re: just bought a Jacuzzi 365 - why you ask?
Reply #4 on:
December 06, 2006, 12:14:19 pm »
Thanks Rich, that's a nice tub.
07 Caldera Geneva
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Posts: 1255
Look into my eyes
Re: just bought a Jacuzzi 365 - why you ask?
Reply #5 on:
December 06, 2006, 01:40:46 pm »
looks like a great tub, hope you love it.
Re: just bought a Jacuzzi 365 - why you ask?
Reply #6 on:
December 06, 2006, 03:26:45 pm »
Welcome to the forum Rich and CONGRATULATIONS!
I have had my 2006 J-345 for 5+ weeks now and absolutely love it. I visited 8 different dealers over a 6 week period before I finally decided on my Jacuzzi. I too was on a budget and for the money it was the best in it's class, imo. I wet tested a total of 4 different Jacuzzi's and the J-365 was one of them. After deciding I didn't want a lounger I narrowed my search down to the 365 and 345. Both were great but I finally decided to go with the 345 b/c 95% of the time I would be the only one using it. So I really didn't need anything bigger.
Your price of $7200 U.S. is the exact same amount my dealer was selling it for w/o tax at 7%. I paid $6099 for my 345. I too bought from a long time family ran business.
The open seating which you mentioned is a must for me as well and is very much apparent in Jacuzzi spas.
I have no doubt whatsoever that you will be just as happy as I am with your purchase. Have they delivered it yet? If so, how was the first soak?
Talk to you soon,
Last Edit: December 06, 2006, 07:46:30 pm by tileman
Re: just bought a Jacuzzi 365 - why you ask?
Reply #7 on:
December 06, 2006, 04:29:44 pm »
Rich, here's a pic of my 2nd favorite toy.
Full Member
Posts: 195
Jacuzzi J-345
Re: just bought a Jacuzzi 365 - why you ask?
Reply #8 on:
December 06, 2006, 10:08:58 pm »
J-345 owner here, for the last 14 months. Quite happy probably for many of the same reasons as Chad. I couldn't go larger than a 7' tub so the open seating in the 345 is good for me.
My dealer also really made the deal, very laid back nice young lady.
Hot Tub Forum
Re: just bought a Jacuzzi 365 - why you ask?
Reply #8 on:
December 06, 2006, 10:08:58 pm »
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