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Author Topic: I went to Chemical school and now I am really....  (Read 3730 times)


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I went to Chemical school and now I am really....
« on: December 04, 2006, 06:16:37 pm »

My local dealer has a monthly training on chemicals.  Since I am a newbie, I attended the class.  I have also read and watched the vdeo that came with the tub....really I did ;)

After reading this forum and the material I recieved, I thought I was on my way....

I use spa56...chlorine and the renew products.

I thought that you put the spa56 in once a week and the renew in after everytime you soak.

He told me just the opposite.  One of the issues I seem to have is that no matter how many times I put spa 56 in the tub.....within a day or two....the test strip says there is none.
He said that this was normal.  That in fact by adding renew when the test strip states no chlorine...that it is a waste.  He stated that I should put a couple of caps of spa56 in after each soak and then hit it with renew once a week.

Any comments?  Appreciate the help.

6-8" of snow hit last week.....it's great to have a tub! ;D

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I went to Chemical school and now I am really....
« on: December 04, 2006, 06:16:37 pm »


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Re: I went to Chemical school and now I am really.
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2006, 06:40:14 pm »

I thought that you put the spa56 in once a week and the renew in after everytime you soak.

He told me just the opposite.  One of the issues I seem to have is that no matter how many times I put spa 56 in the tub.....within a day or two....the test strip says there is none.
He said that this was normal.  That in fact by adding renew when the test strip states no chlorine...that it is a waste.  He stated that I should put a couple of caps of spa56 in after each soak and then hit it with renew once a week.

1) That is how I preach it as well.

2) The reason you add the dichlor after each use as opposed to trying to make one big add once a week (as many want to try) is the very same reason you keep finding none on the test strip. You really can't keep a residual in there so you have to add per use so it can drive up the chlroine level before it quickly disipates. BTW, if you go a week without use (and therefore without any dichlor added) go out and add another tablespoon or so that way you'll be good the next time you enter.
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Re: I went to Chemical school and now I am really.
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2006, 07:19:32 pm »
It may help to understand that Spa 56 is chlorine, aka dichlor. Renew is non-chlorine shock, aka MPS
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Re: I went to Chemical school and now I am really.
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2006, 09:15:25 pm »
Your dealer gave you good info ... people do use the stuff the other way but your biologically safer adding chlorine every day and shocking with MPS.


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Re: I went to Chemical school and now I am really.
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2006, 10:51:16 pm »
the guys are right on pete, dichlor daily, shock weekly.



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Re: I went to Chemical school and now I am really.
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2006, 02:15:31 am »
  I use the exact same products. I add a teaspoon of dichlor(Spa 56) after each soak. This usaually gives my a 1-2ppm FC level 24 hrs later. The only way to find out your post soak dichlor dose is trial and error. I would start out by adding a teaspoon(a couple of capfuls seems like alot to add daily) per bather post soak. You are trying to achieve between a 3-5ppm 20 minutes after adding. After that I would test the water every couple of hours and see what the chlorine is doing. Try to get some sort of chlorine present 24 hrs later before your next soak. Once you establish this, you do not need to test FC so frequently unless your daily bather load changes. Btw, all this info is based on daily use of the spa.
  I also use mps(Renew) to shock and not daily like your dealer suggested. I rotate mps and dichlor as my weekly shocks. I just let my water tell me which one to use. So far using these poducts this way has given me crystal clear water with no surprises for 5+ weeks. If you have any questions feel free to PM me.
  Talk to you later,
Here's a pic of my water for you. :)

« Last Edit: December 05, 2006, 04:31:53 pm by tileman »


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Re: I went to Chemical school and now I am really.
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2006, 10:50:57 am »
Assuming Nature2, both methods work.  Actually natrue2 recommends using the dichlor or MPS before use. :-?
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Re: I went to Chemical school and now I am really.
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2006, 11:19:37 am »
Interesting how different mfgs recommend different methods. Arctic instructs owners with the Peak ozone system to use their Refresh product (comparable to Renew) - one ounce per soaker after every use - and then one ounce of chlroine twice a week regardless of usage. I have been doing that since I got it (month and a half) without any problems. There is not smell, chlorine or otherwise, and the water is crystal clear.


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Re: I went to Chemical school and now I am really.
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2006, 11:23:25 am »
Interesting how different mfgs recommend different methods. Arctic instructs owners with the Peak ozone system to use their Refresh product (comparable to Renew) - one ounce per soaker after every use - and then one ounce of chlroine twice a week regardless of usage. I have been doing that since I got it (month and a half) without any problems. There is not smell, chlorine or otherwise, and the water is crystal clear.

That is a commonly seen method often found in manufacturers manuals in conjunction with ozone. However, most of us have concluded that it is just not effective enough (even with ozone which I highly recommend) and recommend the dichlor per use and the weekly shock.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2006, 11:23:59 am by Spatech_tuo »
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Re: I went to Chemical school and now I am really.
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2006, 11:56:28 am »
I also use Dichor daily and shock with MPS once a week.  One question on something Pete mentioned in his intitial post regarding not adding shock if the chlorine levels are zero...is this accurate?

Here is what happened with my tub in the last day.  I added 2 tsp. Dichlor yesterday late afternoon after soaking and today (about 20 hours later) my FC was .5  and my TC was 1.5 (CC is 1).  I just shocked and about 15 minutes later my FC was near 0 and my TC was also near zero.  What should the chrlorine numbers look like after shocking?

I use the Taylor test kit 2005 FYI.


« Last Edit: December 05, 2006, 11:58:44 am by gores95 »


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Re: I went to Chemical school and now I am really.
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2006, 12:58:18 pm »
Interesting how different mfgs recommend different methods. Arctic instructs owners with the Peak ozone system to use their Refresh product (comparable to Renew) - one ounce per soaker after every use - and then one ounce of chlroine twice a week regardless of usage. I have been doing that since I got it (month and a half) without any problems. There is not smell, chlorine or otherwise, and the water is crystal clear.

That is a commonly seen method often found in manufacturers manuals in conjunction with ozone. However, most of us have concluded that it is just not effective enough (even with ozone which I highly recommend) and recommend the dichlor per use and the weekly shock.
What are the resulting problems with the process I described, spatech?


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Re: I went to Chemical school and now I am really.
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2006, 03:00:51 pm »
What are the resulting problems with the process I described, spatech?

I can only give my experience with the process you described.  I cannot keep my water clear using MPS at each soak and dichlor once or even twice per week.  After a day or two my water would inevitably turn cloudy.  This with ozone and Nature2.  After about a month of trying with the same results, I went back to my dichlor after use and shock with MPS when needed.  I know it works for some, but from my results, I can't believe it is as microbiologically safe as using dichlor every use.  


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Re: I went to Chemical school and now I am really.
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2006, 04:54:48 pm »
Excellant info everyone.  Although, I have not had water issues...I have started the spa56 after each soak and then I will use the renew once a week.

Thanks for the input.

Pete ;D


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Re: I went to Chemical school and now I am really.
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2006, 05:33:34 pm »
Interesting how different mfgs recommend different methods. Arctic instructs owners with the Peak ozone system to use their Refresh product (comparable to Renew) - one ounce per soaker after every use - and then one ounce of chlroine twice a week regardless of usage. I have been doing that since I got it (month and a half) without any problems. There is not smell, chlorine or otherwise, and the water is crystal clear.

That is a commonly seen method often found in manufacturers manuals in conjunction with ozone. However, most of us have concluded that it is just not effective enough (even with ozone which I highly recommend) and recommend the dichlor per use and the weekly shock.
What are the resulting problems with the process I described, spatech?

Tony summed it up pretty well, with teh last sentence in particular. MPS is a shock, not a anitizer. I've seen many people be fine with this method for awhile but it can go south, quickly. Certianly things like frequnecy of use, # people, etc. factor in as well. BTW, the clarity of the water alone does not always tell you whether your water is safe to use. I've seen water that looked clear but gave people the "spa hives". Your method may be working for you but I'd venture to guess you're a bit on the edge. Once people use the dichlor/use they see that it works great and there is no issue with chlorine odor and they are MUCH less apt to have water issues. The MPS/use method is there to placate those who come into this thinking they want to use a "less chlorine" method and I see that method given out typically from Nature 2 literature, spa salesman telling people what they want to hear and brochures/manuals that make it seem like "their" spa somehow works better to make it less chlorine dependent, etc. (many do this I believe so I'm not bagging on your brand). When you talk to the spa professionals who deal with water quality on a regular basis after the sale I doubt you'll find too many who would recommend the MPS/use method.
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Hot Tub Forum

Re: I went to Chemical school and now I am really.
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2006, 05:33:34 pm »


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