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Author Topic: Varieties of jets  (Read 5943 times)

Larry Becker

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Dimension 1's Approach...
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2006, 06:04:18 pm »
One of the reasons I went with my Dimension 1 Sarena Bay was the two "BioForm Recliners, each equipped with a programmable Dynamic Massage Sequencer." I was worried that it was all manufacturing hype, but the more I use it, the more I like it. I can vary the sequence and timing of the massage in the two seats in my spa. There are six different programs and a variable timer that lets you change the length of each segment of the massage. My particular model has two of these seats, as well as other seats with different things going on. I enjoy the variety, and find that I DON'T like to just sit and be blasted -- it is annoying, wearing,  and kind of hurts after awhile.

In the Dimension 1 line, the Chariman II and Lotus Bay spas have one of these seats, and the Sarena Bay has two.

The only thing similar to this that I saw was the Hot Spring Moto Massage, but it is the same thing over and over. The Dimension 1 gives some variety.

Anyone else have something like this on their spa, or are there other Dimension 1 owners out here?
2005 D-1 Sarena Bay

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Dimension 1's Approach...
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2006, 06:04:18 pm »

In Canada eh

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Re: Varieties of jets
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2006, 06:08:51 pm »
How do you move the jets around?

Its really simple, unscrew the 2 unions and the air line behind the seatback and you can move the jetpacks around all you want!  Ooopps.......nope.......wait a minute......thats only on a Bullfrog ;) ;)

                          Sorry gang but I can't resist the easy ones ;D
Bullfrog 451


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Re: Dimension 1's Approach...
« Reply #17 on: December 04, 2006, 07:28:11 pm »
One of the reasons I went with my Dimension 1 Sarena Bay was the two "BioForm Recliners, each equipped with a programmable Dynamic Massage Sequencer." I was worried that it was all manufacturing hype, but the more I use it, the more I like it. I can vary the sequence and timing of the massage in the two seats in my spa. There are six different programs and a variable timer that lets you change the length of each segment of the massage. My particular model has two of these seats, as well as other seats with different things going on. I enjoy the variety, and find that I DON'T like to just sit and be blasted -- it is annoying, wearing,  and kind of hurts after awhile.

In the Dimension 1 line, the Chariman II and Lotus Bay spas have one of these seats, and the Sarena Bay has two.

The only thing similar to this that I saw was the Hot Spring Moto Massage, but it is the same thing over and over. The Dimension 1 gives some variety.

Anyone else have something like this on their spa, or are there other Dimension 1 owners out here?

Wow - I was at a D1 dealer last week and he never mentioned that cool Dynamic Massage Sequencer. :o  Sounds perfect.  The main feature he was proud of was the NeckFlex jet, however, I was thinking that water would be splashng all over my head with the jet out of the water.  I also did not like the aesthetics with the "butterfly" shape and white shell, however, I realize that I should probably pay more attention to performacne and less to looks.  Maybe I'll take another look just for that cool DMS...


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Re: Varieties of jets
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2006, 08:26:55 pm »
Ok, patty, I'm not sure why you disagree with me. I specifically said different jet styles is ONE of the most important features and you posted that "jet variety is only one of them". I think we're saying the same thing, are we not? I didn't say one factor is more important than another; just bringing up a subject I think would be of interest to most. (Sorry if you were insulted by my post.)

I disagree on variety being the one of the most important features.  I think it's one of many factors - whose importance is determined by the buyer.  And I disagree that one becomes bored without a wide variety.  That's it.  Not insulted by any means :)  


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  • Jacuzzi J-345
Re: Varieties of jets
« Reply #19 on: December 04, 2006, 11:05:23 pm »
my 2c

There's a big difference between the Jacuzzi LX jets when they are set to rotate versus shooting straight. One seat in the j-345 has two LX jets around kidney level on me, when those suckers are set to rotate it feels like my internal organs are being turned into mush.

Overall the j-345 has 5 MX jets (big large volume), 4 LX (straight or rotate) and 16 FX (smaller more pinpoint).

So for just 25 jets there's a pretty good variety of therapy effects.


Larry Becker

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Re: Dimension 1's Approach...
« Reply #20 on: December 04, 2006, 11:16:12 pm »
One of the reasons I went with my Dimension 1 Sarena Bay was the two "BioForm Recliners, each equipped with a programmable Dynamic Massage Sequencer." I was worried that it was all manufacturing hype, but the more I use it, the more I like it. I can vary the sequence and timing of the massage in the two seats in my spa. There are six different programs and a variable timer that lets you change the length of each segment of the massage. My particular model has two of these seats, as well as other seats with different things going on. I enjoy the variety, and find that I DON'T like to just sit and be blasted -- it is annoying, wearing,  and kind of hurts after awhile.

In the Dimension 1 line, the Chariman II and Lotus Bay spas have one of these seats, and the Sarena Bay has two.

The only thing similar to this that I saw was the Hot Spring Moto Massage, but it is the same thing over and over. The Dimension 1 gives some variety.

Anyone else have something like this on their spa, or are there other Dimension 1 owners out here?

Wow - I was at a D1 dealer last week and he never mentioned that cool Dynamic Massage Sequencer. :o  Sounds perfect.  The main feature he was proud of was the NeckFlex jet, however, I was thinking that water would be splashng all over my head with the jet out of the water.  I also did not like the aesthetics with the "butterfly" shape and white shell, however, I realize that I should probably pay more attention to performacne and less to looks.  Maybe I'll take another look just for that cool DMS...

One of the other things I liked about the Sarena/Lotus Bay WAS the funky shape - different from anything else out there. It isn't just "a box of water" (as someone has said), but it has a little style.
The white shell is their main shell color option, but they come in other colors, too. The Ultralife Alpine (aka, White!) has a much longer warranty ("lifetime" - whatever that means) but they have other colors with a standard warranty (7 years). I bought a floor model (never wet), and it happened to have the white. Looks VERY COOL at night with the LED lights/fountain going. Other colors wouldn't show the colors as well.  
The Neckflex collars are pretty cool. That got my attention, too. If you have the water level in the spa filled correctly, the nexk jets don't spash about too much. If the water level is too low, several of the more powerful jets on both sides of the spa not only splash, but they can shoot out of the spa.  The Neckflex collars are adjustable up and down for the height of the individual - I have a long torso, so I have it up as high as it will go, and I could still use another inch or two, but it's ok.
The Dynamic Massager really is cool . You can select one of several sequences, or have all the jets going, and you can pause the thing (it actually has a pause button) if you just want one section of jets to work.  
Several of my jets are interchangeable, and my dealer gave me a couple to try, but I just like the ones that came with the tub.  

2005 D-1 Sarena Bay


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Re: Varieties of jets
« Reply #21 on: December 05, 2006, 05:15:08 pm »
my 2c

There's a big difference between the Jacuzzi LX jets when they are set to rotate versus shooting straight. One seat in the j-345 has two LX jets around kidney level on me, when those suckers are set to rotate it feels like my internal organs are being turned into mush.

Overall the j-345 has 5 MX jets (big large volume), 4 LX (straight or rotate) and 16 FX (smaller more pinpoint).

So for just 25 jets there's a pretty good variety of therapy effects.


I agree that the 25 jets provide plenty of variety. I chose this spa mainly b/c of this. It had the most variated jets in it's price range, IMO.
Steve, by far my favorite seat is the "therepy seat". (the one with 9 fx jets)

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Re: Varieties of jets
« Reply #21 on: December 05, 2006, 05:15:08 pm »


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