I have a ton of Tulip Poplars here in Maryland.
Looks like you've got a little bit of Carolinian Forest in your backyard. That's fantastic. Blue Beech as well? Now there's good firewood. Hard as nails and a real pain when it comes to splitting.

Ya. Not only did I grow up with a Tulip Tree in my back yard (it's still there and nearly 80 feet tall!), but my Dad instilled in me a real love of woodlands. He's amazing - can identify trees in winter by their bark or buds - & often by the grain of the wood. When he retired he took up wood turning and has produced some amazing pieces over the years (bowls, mostly).
As a kid it was never much fun to go winter wood cutting; the best part back then was the hot chocolate afterwards. Funny how now I don't mind it so much!

I've always wanted to build a house on the edge of a woodlot - but until my son's done school, we're staying put in the city. Looks like you have the best of both worlds backing onto that gorgeous ravine! With your set-up, how do you ever get anything done? I'd be out in that tub all the time.