HOLY CRAP zz! You must be an engineer to design something like that?!?! I'm going to be embarrassing to put my setup on the forum. About the only thing we have in common is that both our units are on top of stone, but even then you've got 6"' and I've only got 2" (now the rimshot for that line - you perverts).
At $7200 for the install, did you pay more for that than the unit itself? I think my total cost was $30 for stone and $170 for decorative stone for the path I installed myself leading from my patio to the spa. Wow, quite the setup and congrats for am awesome undertaking!
It is interesting but, necessity is the mother of invention.
Almost three years ago my beloved wife suffered a brain aneurism at age 55.
She was in hospital for over 10 months and a nursing home for 1 year. During that period I did not know if she was going to survive or not.
For me to survive that period I had gotten a Rx from our Dr. for Hydro therapy (a Hot Tub) for tendonitis which I was experiencing, and I knew that because of the extreme stress I was going through regarding my wife that I needed a creative outlet, rather than sitting around, maybe drinking and feeling sorry for myself. This kept me sane.
So I discovered this forum, and other hot tub forums which I researched extensively before purchasing a new Beachcomber Hot tub .
Through this journey I met Steve, Stuart, Chas, Dr Spa, Mccall, Spahappy Johanna,Wisoki, Brewman, HotTubMan, Drewstar and many others all over North America who shared with me some really honest, heart felt advice. These people are very professional and are a Class Act.
After acquiring our first Spa I wrote a piece which I published on this forum entitled "How to Buy a Hot Tub" which got over 10,000 hits relating my experiences and insights on Hot Tubs.
Now, after almost 3 years I still drop in to this forum as I feel I owe that to my fellow posters who shared their experiences and I continue to share my ownership experiences as we go forward.
So to answer your question my Hot Tub retailed for about the same price as what the wholesale cost to build this new deck,
The price paid was a bargain as my wife, now a stroke victim can benefit from Hydro Therapy and the only way I can get her into the tub is to have it on the same floor that we live on and have it sunken so that it is easy for me to sit her on the edge and slide her into the tub.
Even more interesting is that our friends have rallied around us and have helped us achieve this. Sometimes you never know who your real friends are until you suffer a crisis.
There is no price that is too much to give my wife the therapy she needs that our hot tub can give.
I also found that where we previously located our tub I was not using it as often as I would have liked to because we had to go through our basement door to access it and my wife being in wheel chair, I could not get her to it let alone get her into it. Now we can just almost fall into it no matter what the weather is doing. Until you experience this it is hard to appreciate.
So this would never have happened without this unique set of circumstances, and the fellowship I feel toward my fellow posters on this forum.
I envisioned this hot tub deck plan over a year ago and we are just now beginning to enjoy the fruit of this vision.
I have to say that without the wonderful correspondence I had with many people on this forum I would probably not have had the courage and confidence to go forward and see this through.
For this I feel eternally greatful and blessed..
Thanks Gang
Your friend,