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Author Topic: Help the Chas  (Read 32089 times)


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Re: Help the Chas
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2005, 11:42:54 pm »

I just hope my husband puts this much thought into my gift when our 25th rolls around (only 3 more years).  

We are planning a huge party and we have a blues singer friend that is going to play at it.  ( He used to live here in MN but moved to the Bay area about 10 years ago.  Any blues fans on the west coast?  His name is RJ Mischo, you may have heard of him and if you haven't, he's worth seeking out to hear)  We decided that we"ll invite all of our friends that we've made in the past 25 years and let them know how special they've been to us, even though we've lost contact except for Christmas cards.

You guys are so cool.  You are all so thoughtful.

Stuart with your beautiful flowers and essay
JC with your spa package
Chas with the getaway in the mountains
Drewski with the quality time
Wmccall with the cruise
Spaman with the camping and fishing trip


Although Stuart, I think I like your flowers and essay the best.

Good ideas guys!

Chas, how about a banner hanging from a bridge on your way to the mountains? It could say something like: "I really love you and  I honor anyone who could put up with me for two and a half decades!"
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Re: Help the Chas
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2005, 11:42:54 pm »


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Re: Help the Chas
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2005, 10:00:08 am »
I'm working on the essay - the flowers will show up today at the store, the day spa thing is also all set up, I didn't get to sneak out and check on flatware, but that is a marginal thing: cute, and we do need it, but not the most important one.

As to the banner on the way - I would love to, and I may ask my kids to do it. If they can't, I may have them make one for the house: we'll be back on the actual date of the event so it would be cool to have it hanging on the front of the house.

Well, I've got some writing to do!

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Help the Chas
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2005, 11:22:33 pm »
OK - it's over and it was a great success. Well, there might be something special a little later, but I won't be posting info about THAT here...

First off, we just spent the past few days alone together at a friends' brand new house up in Pine Mountain Club. So quiet it was almost spooky, and not a phone or fax in sight. We did a little walking around in the village, stopped into the club, and then did some four-wheelin' up to the top of a sharp mountain peak with fantastic views all around. We enjoyed the whole time side by side, often holding hands and just smiling a lot. A very nice change from the rush of our normal lives. Came home Monday evening.

Walked into the store this morning and the alarm wasn't set. Sort of got my attention, but it was because a couple of employees had come in early and hung up a banner with 'Happy 25th" on it. They also gave us two dozen roses, but they split them up: one dozen at the store and the other at home. I had gotten a big spray of snow-white orchids which I had delivered Friday - and to my dismay thay were not lasting as long as they should have - so the roses brightened it all up.

I have been putting cards here and there all week, even while we were up at Pine Mountain. I like the response to those things - I may keep that part up a little longer...  ;)

After closing we went out to a nice restaurant right on the ocean. We live by the beach but we seldom get near it, so this was a nice change. It also is a steak and seafood place, and I like steak and Hope likes Seafood. Bonus!

Then it was home where all the family was gathered to 'open presents' with so much excitement I thought it was Christmas or something. We sat down as our kids showered us with gifts - Starbucks cards ($25 each of course) a silver plate engraved with the following:

"Mom and Dad
Happy 25th anniversary
Thank you for being an example of a love that always preseveres and remains hopeful. Your commitment to God and each other blesses us. (Their names and the date)"

Wow. I thought that would just about do it, but there was more: and you are going to think I'm kidding - get ready...

A sterling silver mouse. As in computer mouse. Engraved with "Happy twenty fifth" and the date. But the "twenty fifth" was in binary! My kids have a wonderful sense of humor! And just so Hope wouldn't feel left out they got a nice little sterling mirror which can double as a small picture frame, also engraved - though not in binary....

I presented Hope with the new silverware, and she loved it! Then the gift certificate for the day spa, the $25 gift certificate for Bath and Body works, a seven-page narrative of the highlights of our life together - you all know how I love to write, there was 'Mocha Mudslide' hiding in the freezer, and ... well you get the idea.

Hey, at this rate I am determined: I'm goin' for gold !!

Thanks for your help and ideas.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Help the Chas
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2005, 04:26:48 pm »
Congrats to you and your wife. Sounds like you guys have a good thing going. My wife and I have 10 more years to our 25th so I better start planning on what I'm gonna get her. I'll need the extra time as I never know what to get.
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Re: Help the Chas
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2005, 07:53:15 pm »
Oh Chas!  That is beautiful!  I see why she has put up with you for 25 years!   ;) ;D

I figure you are good for another 25!!!
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Re: Help the Chas
« Reply #20 on: August 04, 2005, 02:12:12 pm »
Every time I log on, this thread shows as having something 'NEW,' but it hasn't for some time.

Bill, are you toying with my sanity again? Talk about abusing a limited resource...

Or is it just my computers?

??? ??? ???
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

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Re: Help the Chas
« Reply #20 on: August 04, 2005, 02:12:12 pm »


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