Sorry it took so long to reply. Â My computer crashed and I have been working my way through the recovery disks. Â I am typing this at work. Â

I bought the fan online from an outfit in Buffalo. Â It is an industrial stength fan with a long guarantee. Â They shipped it to a store here in Pittsburgh. Â If I keep the windows open and the humidistat set at 70%, the fan never comes on. Â But with the windows closed, it will run until it draws enough dry air from inside the house to balance the tub. Â
The fan is mounted outside at the peak of the roof about a 20 foot run away from the tub. Â An insulated flex duct runs from the grille in the wall near the ceiling through the attic to the fan. Â The fan is very quiet and all you hear is air movement.
Venting into the attic is bad news. Â It will make the insulation damp and useless.
We have tile in this house and the two condos in Florida. Â It is nice, but might be tough to maintain with an indoor hot tub. Â Even if you silicone the grout it would get mouldy in time unless you keep after it. Â We don't even mop up the water when we get out. Â It just evaporates in an hour or so. Â We only mop with routine cleaning and after we get "frisky" in the tub. Â We have 2 feet of clearance on 2 sides, 14 inches on one side and 7 feet on the other: plenty of air circulation.
If I had to do it over, I would skip the fan and just open the windows.
Thanks Term. Â Those pics are old and we made some improvements since then. Â If I can ever make the computer work again I might post an updated pic if ya'll promise not to make fun of me again.