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I also pretty much go with Vermonter's method. And keep Chas' rule in mind- The simplest and least expensive solution to bad water is new water.I know that's not a direct Chas quote, but that's in essence what he says.
I realize that in most cases the cheapest way to clean up your water/tub is new water. I was just curious as to why my water is only lasting the 2mth mark lately when use/chems etc has not changed. The only thing I really do different then the vermont method is I use MPS to shock. now the MPS I use does have some sanitizer in it. I really like it but I wonder if I could get away with a by weekly shock. I may try that. Or at least test my water to determine if I can get a way with a by weekly shock.Does anyone else shock by weekend and hows it work for you?
But they make MPS with dichlor in it....I think it's called, like, enhanced shock or something.
A ozonator stops working after about two years
The original question