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Author Topic: Tested & bought  the Hot Spot Trinidad/Questi  (Read 3232 times)


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Tested & bought  the Hot Spot Trinidad/Questi
« on: October 28, 2006, 09:04:42 am »
Thanks to those who responded to my previous thread regarding the Hot Spot brand by Hot Spring.  I wet tested the Trinidad and while it doesn't have many bells/whistles, it was extremely comfy and I didn't float away in any of the seats or lounger (this was the most important test).

So, it is being delivered Monday but we won't be up the cabin for 2 weeks.  Should I reschedule delivery closer to when we will be up at the cabin?  I am worried that the chemicals will be all screwed up after 2 weeks and as a novice, that worries me.  

I had to leave pretty quickly after testing the tub because  I had my 2 dogs in the car.  She briefly went over chemicals with me.  She said test the water before every use, she is throwing in a chlorine floater since I won't be up there all the time which she said would balance the water better.  Is that true?  She said keep it at 85 degrees with the chlorine floater and all I should have to do is shock it or adjust depending on the strips.


Thanks and I am very excited although it is killing me to know we will have it for 2 weeks and we can't even use the damn thing.

Hot Tub Forum

Tested & bought  the Hot Spot Trinidad/Questi
« on: October 28, 2006, 09:04:42 am »


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Re: Tested & bought  the Hot Spot Trinidad/Questi
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2006, 10:32:37 am »
Do you mean a bromine floater?  Chlorine for tubs is in the form of dichlor which is granular in form not puck, so it doesn't go in a floater.  It is also put in after use, where as bromine floats in all the time.  Don't let them give you a tri-chlor floater, trichlor is chlorine made for pools, not tubs.

Is anyone going to be there when it is delivered?  Or is the dealer going to stay and fill it and get it running for you?


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Re: Tested & bought  the Hot Spot Trinidad/Questi
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2006, 11:05:31 am »
Our "delivery" included putting the tub on the deck, assembling the coverlift, etc....the electrician hooked up power, and WE filled the tub and added chemicals....it sounds as if your delivery includes all the above?
And I agree with Brooke....only tub-safe floater that I'm aware of (that doesn't really mean anything other than I might be behind on things) is bromine. Dichlor comes in granules.....  :-?


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Re: Tested & bought  the Hot Spot Trinidad/Questi
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2006, 11:45:22 am »
Hi there,

Thanks for the quick replys!  I was told delivery included deck bracing, electrical, tub delivery and filling.  I will double check though.

As for the floater, I could have sworn she said chlorine tablets but I will ask her if she meant bromine.  So chlorine tablets aren't safe for tubs?

What would you all recommend for us seeing as we are at our cabin every other week?


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Re: Tested & bought  the Hot Spot Trinidad/Questi
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2006, 07:05:10 pm »
I vaguely remember your earlier post now showing what was included in your final pricing and that sounds familiar.  :)

I would reccomend bromine.  I use dichlor, but I think for you bromine would be best in your situation so you have constant sanitization... it might take a little while to figure out exactly how to 'dial it in' since you won't be there most of the time.  I'm guessing you could leave it at a lower level when you are gone and then as soon as you get there bump it up higher for the weekend, so it is prepared for the bather load.  Like I said I don't use bromine, so I don't know if it works that quickly or not.  It may be wise to do a shock when you leave each weekend as well.

Hopefully one of the bromine experts will pop in with advice.


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Re: Tested & bought  the Hot Spot Trinidad/Questi
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2006, 07:25:54 pm »
Thanks to those who responded to my previous thread regarding the Hot Spot brand by Hot Spring.  I wet tested the Trinidad and while it doesn't have many bells/whistles, it was extremely comfy and I didn't float away in any of the seats or lounger (this was the most important test).

So, it is being delivered Monday but we won't be up the cabin for 2 weeks.  Should I reschedule delivery closer to when we will be up at the cabin?  I am worried that the chemicals will be all screwed up after 2 weeks and as a novice, that worries me.  

I had to leave pretty quickly after testing the tub because  I had my 2 dogs in the car.  She briefly went over chemicals with me.  She said test the water before every use, she is throwing in a chlorine floater since I won't be up there all the time which she said would balance the water better.  Is that true?  She said keep it at 85 degrees with the chlorine floater and all I should have to do is shock it or adjust depending on the strips.


Thanks and I am very excited although it is killing me to know we will have it for 2 weeks and we can't even use the damn thing.

SCG, I found this old post of yours. I cannot believe she set you up with a chlorine floater instead of a bromine one after knowing your regimen. She must deal with pools alot more than spas.
What's the name of the company you purchased from so I can send them an email regarding their practices?  Don't worry I won't mention any names. I just don't want them to continue giving people false information. It's bad for the whole industry.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Tested & bought  the Hot Spot Trinidad/Questi
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2006, 07:25:54 pm »


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