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Author Topic: Tri-x Filters  (Read 3483 times)


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Tri-x Filters
« on: November 12, 2006, 12:02:08 pm »
Does anyone know if I can use the Tri-x filters in my Prodigy?  Is there an advantage to using them?  Thanks for any help you can give.

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Tri-x Filters
« on: November 12, 2006, 12:02:08 pm »


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Re: Tri-x Filters
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2006, 12:50:06 pm »
Yes they will fit. They are much more surface area than the pleated type, they can be cleaned easier, even run through the dishwasher if you wish, and they will outlast the pleated kind.

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Re: Tri-x Filters
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2006, 02:29:44 pm »
Tri-X filters are awesome!!   I got mine "thrown in" when we purchased our Jetsetter.  They're so easy to clean, whether with the hose or in the dishwasher.  
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Re: Tri-x Filters
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2006, 03:14:03 pm »
How about fitting in a Caldera Martinique? How much more than the pleated do they cost?


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Re: Tri-x Filters
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2006, 05:54:06 pm »
around here, the pleated filters for the Grandee run about $35 each...the Tri-X are closer to $55 each. I have broken down and put them in the dishwasher, which I didn't think I'd do...worked well for me....


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Re: Tri-x Filters
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2006, 06:36:46 pm »
I got this directly from the manufacturers website:

"The unique Tri-X filter is three-dimensional. Traditional filters rely upon the paper media to catch particulates in a single pass. The Tri-X filter not only filters by using the element’s surface area, but it also filter’s by using the media’s depth (third dimension). · More Filtration Area. Because it filters by depth rather than just surface filtration, Tri-X filters ten times more gallons per square foot than other filters and it provides over twice (65 sq. ft.) the filtration area of a standard (30 sq. ft.) filter."

1. Aren't pleated filters 3-dimensional too? Don't they posess height, width and depth? Mine do. Where is the uniqueness?

2. More filtration area? My pleated filters have many many more individual pleats that the Tri-x. If I have 90 pleats to your 16, I don't care how much depth you have, that gives me more surface area.

3. Provides twice the square footage of a standard 30sq ft filter? Who said 30 sq ft was standard?? Why not say 3 times the sq footage of a 20 sq ft filter?

Just some Madison Avenue spin....
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Re: Tri-x Filters
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2006, 06:58:30 pm »

1. Aren't pleated filters 3-dimensional too? Don't they posess height, width and depth? Mine do. Where is the uniqueness?

2. More filtration area? My pleated filters have many many more individual pleats that the Tri-x. If I have 90 pleats to your 16, I don't care how much depth you have, that gives me more surface area.

3. Provides twice the square footage of a standard 30sq ft filter? Who said 30 sq ft was standard?? Why not say 3 times the sq footage of a 20 sq ft filter?

Just some Madison Avenue spin....

I should leave this to term or Chas but it's pretty straightfowrad to answer I believe.

1 & 2) They are referring to filter media and it's depth. If you did a cross section of the two filters you'd see a certain thickness to the TRIX filters as oppsed to standrad paper media. Therefore, relative to teh filter media, one would be 3-D where you really wouldn't think of the paper filter in that way since it filters at the surface and not through the depth of the material.

3) I do believe they are comparing them to a standard Hot Springs 30 sq ft filters so it would be "standard" to HS spas.

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Re: Tri-x Filters
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2006, 07:07:00 pm »
Ok, fair enough, but two more questions;

1. If they are saying that the extra mass will catch particles deep within the material, then how do you clean deep within the material. Are they cleanable? Do you throw them out after a certain amount of use?

2. The "Worlds Best Hot Tub" tubs sells their hot tubs with standard 30sq ft filters??? HA! I hope they're not those "pitiful" little ones Terminator has been showing us...
« Last Edit: November 14, 2006, 07:08:11 pm by Repeat_Offender »
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Re: Tri-x Filters
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2006, 09:41:21 pm »
Ok, fair enough, but two more questions;

1. If they are saying that the extra mass will catch particles deep within the material, then how do you clean deep within the material. Are they cleanable? Do you throw them out after a certain amount of use?

2. The "Worlds Best Hot Tub" tubs sells their hot tubs with standard 30sq ft filters??? HA! I hope they're not those "pitiful" little ones Terminator has been showing us...

1) There are a lot of Hot Springs owners here so we'll let them answer that question.

2) Why the anti-HS tone? I assume it goes beyond how the filters are marketed?
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Re: Tri-x Filters
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2006, 10:19:18 pm »
Ok, fair enough, but two more questions;

1. If they are saying that the extra mass will catch particles deep within the material, then how do you clean deep within the material. Are they cleanable? Do you throw them out after a certain amount of use?

2. The "Worlds Best Hot Tub" tubs sells their hot tubs with standard 30sq ft filters??? HA! I hope they're not those "pitiful" little ones Terminator has been showing us...

1) There are a lot of Hot Springs owners here so we'll let them answer that question.

2) Why the anti-HS tone? I assume it goes beyond how the filters are marketed?

Agreed, just because you own spa "X", doesn't mean spas A,B, & C are inferior.  I certainly understand brand loyalty as I'll talk up HotSpring with the best of them, but I won't slam another quality tub.  Hot Spring has been around for 29 years and have sold a lot of tubs, over 700,000 I believe.  They must know what they're doing, not only with their filters, whether paper or tri-X, but with the rest of the components in their tubs.  Boy this thread went bad in a hurry  :o
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Re: Tri-x Filters
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2006, 10:56:16 pm »
Ok, fair enough, but two more questions;

1. If they are saying that the extra mass will catch particles deep within the material, then how do you clean deep within the material. Are they cleanable? Do you throw them out after a certain amount of use?

2. The "Worlds Best Hot Tub" tubs sells their hot tubs with standard 30sq ft filters??? HA! I hope they're not those "pitiful" little ones Terminator has been showing us...

1.  Yes, they are cleanable.  Just throw them in the dishwasher.  This will flush out the dirty stuff.  Not sure how it works, it just does.  No, you don't throw them out.  I've had mine for about 18-20 months - not positive when I got them, but soon after they came out.  They are clean and are just like new when I clean them.

2.  Yes, each of the paper filters is 30 sq. ft.  That means each spa has a minimum of 90 sq. ft.  IE, Jetsetter.  Just add another 30 sq. ft. for each paper filter you add.  When you move to the Vista, it has the 65 sq.ft. Tri-X and five filters, thus 325 sq. ft. of filtration.  No, the 30 sq.ft filters are not the "pitiful little ones" previously seen.  

3.  To your previous question of the height, width and depth.  Yes, technically, that is the case.  However, even in your post, Hot Spring clarifies what they refer to as the 3rd dimension of depth.  These filters are much thicker than paper.  The filter uses the full depth to filter the water.  A paper filter uses only the surface as it is so thin.  I'm sure some stuff gets caught in the paper, but only a little bit can since it is so thin.  I don't know how thick the Tri-X material is, but i know it does have visible depth to it.

Let's not turn this into a dead horse thread, but I think Hot Spring has pretty much figured out the filtration thing and, just as Sundance has a unique filter, Hot Spring has one nobody else has.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2006, 10:59:33 pm by aquatub »
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Re: Tri-x Filters
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2006, 09:21:32 am »
Ok, fair enough, but two more questions;
2. The "Worlds Best Hot Tub" tubs sells their hot tubs with standard 30sq ft filters??? HA! I hope they're not those "pitiful" little ones Terminator has been showing us...

I've never seen HotSpring refer to themselves as "The World's Best Hot Tub" but that is a term many of our customers have used.  On the website, they refer to themselves as "the world's number one selling brand of portable spas and the hot tub industry leader for over 29 years" as well as "the best built portable hot tubs".

I remember seeing Sundance billing themselves as the "World's Best Hot Tub" a few years ago, so maybe you're confusing HotSpring with Sundance.  They also are the one's with the disposable filter, so again, maybe you're confusing the two companies.

That pitiful little filter was sitting next to a Tri-X filter in the picture.  The regular paper cartridges are the exact same dimension as the Tri-X.

Hope this information and that provided by the others helps to answer your questions and clear things up for you.  Happy selling! :)

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Re: Tri-x Filters
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2006, 09:21:32 am »


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