Hows the new rugrat doing. Must be sleeping at least 2-3 hrs at a time by now. I have to ask. do you or mrs. sweetness get up for them 2:00 am feedings. Hopefully for you she is breast feeding and there is no choice but her to get up. Just don't tell her about them pumps those liberated females are using.

The little varmint's doing fine, Mr. Arm. He does sleep 3-4 hours at a stretch and is a good baby as far as babies go. We've got a pretty good system worked out:
Ol' Meanness looks after him during the day. When I come home, I isolate him from his momma and sister to train him in the ways of manliness. Since I don't go to bed until around 1 am, I feed him from the bottle while Ol' Hateful sleeps. At midnight, she gets up and he draws on the teat until the next time whenst I return.
So far, so good!