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Author Topic: Where's Terminator  (Read 11208 times)


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Re: Where's Terminator
« Reply #30 on: October 28, 2006, 04:26:13 pm »
Do they still birth underwater?   I would have expected the birth to occur in a 98 degree Grandee.  

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Re: Where's Terminator
« Reply #30 on: October 28, 2006, 04:26:13 pm »


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Re: Where's Terminator
« Reply #31 on: October 28, 2006, 08:01:00 pm »
Congrats Term! All the very best to you and your family!



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Re: Where's Terminator
« Reply #32 on: October 28, 2006, 08:22:10 pm »
Congrats!!! You all look very happy and relaxed in those photos, which is impressive.
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Re: Where's Terminator
« Reply #33 on: October 29, 2006, 01:12:55 am »
Congratulations Terminator!


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Re: Where's Terminator
« Reply #34 on: October 29, 2006, 12:32:14 pm »
Congrats to Mrs. Terminator as well !!

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Where's Terminator
« Reply #35 on: October 29, 2006, 07:58:54 pm »

Cute Family!

(ps: I caught some fish while in East Texas this weekend)

hot tub Frank

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Re: Where's Terminator
« Reply #36 on: October 30, 2006, 09:29:02 pm »
what the blue hat for?
to keep the hair away from the new Baby?????????????


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Re: Where's Terminator
« Reply #37 on: October 31, 2006, 09:25:37 am »
Congrats man!   Good to hear all went well........


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Re: Where's Terminator
« Reply #38 on: October 31, 2006, 11:23:59 am »
Paul G.
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Re: Where's Terminator
« Reply #39 on: October 31, 2006, 12:38:05 pm »
Chiming in late with congrats - a beautiful family!


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Re: Where's Terminator
« Reply #40 on: October 31, 2006, 01:13:02 pm »

Cute Family!

(ps: I caught some fish while in East Texas this weekend)

Ummmm, Zep..... aren't you just suppose to SHOOT them with an AK47 while in East Texas? :-/  Maybe Term has given me a tainted view... I dunno....  :-?


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Re: Where's Terminator
« Reply #41 on: October 31, 2006, 01:16:36 pm »


 ;D :D :)

Thank you drewstar.  I LOVE your Halloween pics!  It would be a blast to party with you.

That all sounds great. Congrats to Mom, Dad and Sis.

As far as the weight goes, that a fine starting point and as soon as you get a few deep fried twinkies in him he'll move up in weight class in no time and show Pops who's boss.

Thank you spatech.  The little varmint is eating like his ol' pappy and will be nice and round in no time.


Thank you, cooltoy.

+1 thank you, Gary.

Congratulations!  He's adorable and your daughter looks so happy!!!!  Great picture!

Thank you , bohms.  Savanna loves him to death.  She thinks he belongs to her.  I told her to give me $20 and I'd sign over the rights.  She's only got $12 so she's hoping he'll go on sale.

Congratulations Chris! He is beautiful. Be nice to old meaness, she did good :)

Thank you tmknies1.  Ol' Meanness got sweet for a little while, but is now back to her crotchety ol' self.  She is terribly swollen and asked me what she should be for Halloween...I told her either the Michelin Man or the Hindenburg.  I should've thought a little harder about my answer.

Congratulations Term!  Glad to hear that everything is OK.  What a wonderful opportunity for you to pass out cigars!

Thank you vlady.  I did give the baby his first cigar, but told him he couldn't smoke it until he got off the breast as Ol' Meanness cannot tolerate the smell.

Congrats Chris!  When's the little guys first soak????  

Although I guess you could say he's been soakin' the last nine months or so!!!!!  ;)

Thank you gores95.  We started his sister at 2 years of age, I will probably start Jesse a little sooner as he looks kinda like a frog.  He loves to sit naked in the sink at home with the water running on his giblets just like his daddy.

Don't fret, my little guy was born at 6 lbs 12 oz and six months later he is a wopping 22 lbs 4 oz. A Solid Boy!!

That is good to hear.  He sounds like he is going to be a linebacker, which is much better than being a dancer any day!


Cigar Time!

Yessir!  And now that the baby is here, I have someone who can help me brew up a batch of beer that I still owe you.


      Congrats to you and your family :)

Thank you my Canadian amigo!

Great News, Chris.

Thank you kindly, Phil.

He's adorable, must take after ol meaness ;D ;D Congratulations to you and your family.

How lucky for you both that you'll have a built in babysitter.

Thank you Joanna.  Both of my loinfruits are fortunate in that they take after their momma in the looks department, but have their daddy's sweet nature.

Congrats Chris.  Good to see one more Hot Spring baby out there!! ;)

Thank you Vanguard.  If he'd a been born a Sunbelt baby, I'm afeared the rats would have made off with him.

Congrats to your whole family, here's to hope, health and happiness. The pic is beautiful.


Thank you Ray...and thank you for the e-card! :)  Now I really do have a mini-me! ;D

Congrats term
Nice addition to you famlie :) :)

Thank you Frank.  He's going to end up costing a little more than your $400 family addition, but I hope to get as much enjoyment out of mine as you do yours! ;)

I'll follow up with the rest of ya'll after awhile!

Chris O
« Last Edit: October 31, 2006, 01:19:02 pm by East_TX_Spa »
Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Where's Terminator
« Reply #42 on: October 31, 2006, 01:58:56 pm »
Since he was conceived in Australia, I was talking to him in my Aussie accent whilst we were in the delivery room.  Now, all the nurses and doctors think I'm an Aussie.  Crikey!

Does that mean you cracked open a Fosters in celebration instead of your old favorite beer? ;D

I'm very happy for you Term. That's a gorgeous baby.
Looking at the pics, I think it's safe to say that big sis will be quite the helper for her new brother. You can see a glow on her on the picture by the bedside.
Good luck and congrats!


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Re: Where's Terminator
« Reply #43 on: October 31, 2006, 02:47:30 pm »

Good job.

Thank you Chas.  I didn't know I had it in me.  When Ol' Meanness told me she was pregnant, I blurted out "Dang, you're old enough to be a grandma and you're having a baby?!"  I probably should've thought a littel harder about than one, too.

Congratulations Term! Did you get him his first firearm yet?

Thank you LtDan.  I will probably start him out with a shotgun until his aim improves...although, he's a pretty good shot with the little peeshooter nature gave him.  The critter hosed me down from halfway across the nursery last night.  I was mighty proud!

Congatulations! You and the misses must have some pretty good genes as your kids are adorable. :) A World Series baby.......maybe a future baseball player?

 Best Wishes,

Thank you Chad.  Most everyone on both sides of the family is fairly normal (me being the exclusion).  But, I have nice legs for a man and large, some even say pretty feet, which the baby does as well.  I played baseball in college, but was only on the team because I did everyone's homework to keep them eligible.  Hopefully, Jesse will make it to college based on his athletic prowess and not his brains.

Congrats Chris. I'm drinking a Shiner Bock for you right now. I'm sure he'll be soaking in the "Sea Monkey" spa very soon.

Thank you Jeff.  I'm drinking a Shiner Bock for you as well!  When I'm ready to retire, hopefully Jesse will be able to take over the day-to-day operations of SeaMonkey Spas.  It is the legacy I will leave him.

What a wonderful gift you have received  Well done Mr. and Mrs. Terminator, well done! May the Lord smile upon you!

Thank you Campsalot.  He surely has!

Do they still birth underwater?   I would have expected the birth to occur in a 98 degree Grandee.  


Believe me, you have no idea how badly I wanted her to do this!  She said "You'd just post the pictures on the internet like an idiot".  Tis true, I surely would have.  All in all, it weren't a very pretty sight.  I truly would have liked to see how well the Tri-X filters handled the afterbirth, though. :'(

Congrats Term! All the very best to you and your family!


Thank you Steve.

Congrats!!! You all look very happy and relaxed in those photos, which is impressive.

Thank you Anne.  He's a very good baby and does a good job of keeping us mellow.  Not like a screaming little ball of hate the way his sister were!

Congratulations Terminator!

Thank you Matt.

Congrats to Mrs. Terminator as well !!


Thank you Chas.  It is dutily noted that Ol Meanness is obviously a very lucky woman, the luckiest I've ever had the pleasure of owning.


Cute Family!

Thank you Zep.  I would have much rather gone fishing with you last week.  It looks like you did pretty good!  Caddo is a beautiful lake, the only non-manmade lake in Texas for those of ya'll that didn't know.  Now you do.  There's alligators and sunken gold in that lake.

Congrats man!   Good to hear all went well........

Thank you Jack.  It went about as good as could be expected!


Thank you Paul.

Chiming in late with congrats - a beautiful family!

Thank you imp.  Except for me and my dad, they all look pretty good!

Ummmm, Zep..... aren't you just suppose to SHOOT them with an AK47 while in East Texas? :-/  Maybe Term has given me a tainted view... I dunno....  :-?

Bite yore tongue!  AK-47 is a communist weapon...gotta shoot them varmints with a good ol' American made AR-15 capitalist weapon! :D

And you said "taint".   I saw more taint than I cared to last week!

Since he was conceived in Australia, I was talking to him in my Aussie accent whilst we were in the delivery room.  Now, all the nurses and doctors think I'm an Aussie.  Crikey!

Does that mean you cracked open a Fosters in celebration instead of your old favorite beer? ;D

I'm very happy for you Term. That's a gorgeous baby.
Looking at the pics, I think it's safe to say that big sis will be quite the helper for her new brother. You can see a glow on her on the picture by the bedside.
Good luck and congrats!

Thank you skellman.  What's funny is the whole time I was in OZ, I saw 1 Foster's sign.  I've never had the stuff.  Shiner Bock for me and mine

Also, thank you Guzz for the nice PM you sent me.  I appreciate it!

Chris O

« Last Edit: October 31, 2006, 02:49:41 pm by East_TX_Spa »
Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Where's Terminator
« Reply #44 on: October 31, 2006, 03:06:59 pm »
That's why I try not to be popular....look at the work it creates!  ;D

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Re: Where's Terminator
« Reply #44 on: October 31, 2006, 03:06:59 pm »


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