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[size=14]CONGRATS TERM!Cute Family
That all sounds great. Congrats to Mom, Dad and Sis. As far as the weight goes, that a fine starting point and as soon as you get a few deep fried twinkies in him he'll move up in weight class in no time and show Pops who's boss.
Congratulations! He's adorable and your daughter looks so happy!!!! Great picture!
Congratulations Chris! He is beautiful. Be nice to old meaness, she did good
Congratulations Term! Glad to hear that everything is OK. What a wonderful opportunity for you to pass out cigars!
Congrats Chris! When's the little guys first soak? Although I guess you could say he's been soakin' the last nine months or so!!!!!
Don't fret, my little guy was born at 6 lbs 12 oz and six months later he is a wopping 22 lbs 4 oz. A Solid Boy!!
Congrats!Cigar Time!
Term, Congrats to you and your family D
Great News, Chris.Congrats!
He's adorable, must take after ol meaness Congratulations to you and your family.How lucky for you both that you'll have a built in babysitter.
Congrats Chris. Good to see one more Hot Spring baby out there!!
Congrats to your whole family, here's to hope, health and happiness. The pic is beautiful.Ray
Congrats termNice addition to you famlie
Great!!Good job.
Congratulations Term! Did you get him his first firearm yet?
Congatulations! You and the misses must have some pretty good genes as your kids are adorable. A World Series baby.......maybe a future baseball player? Best Wishes, Chad
Congrats Chris. I'm drinking a Shiner Bock for you right now. I'm sure he'll be soaking in the "Sea Monkey" spa very soon.
What a wonderful gift you have received Well done Mr. and Mrs. Terminator, well done! May the Lord smile upon you!
Do they still birth underwater? I would have expected the birth to occur in a 98 degree Grandee. Congrats.
Congrats Term! All the very best to you and your family!Steve
Congrats!!! You all look very happy and relaxed in those photos, which is impressive.
Congratulations Terminator!
Congrats to Mrs. Terminator as well !! 8-)
[size=14]CONGRATS TERM!Cute Family!
Congrats man! Good to hear all went well........
Chiming in late with congrats - a beautiful family!
Ummmm, Zep..... aren't you just suppose to SHOOT them with an AK47 while in East Texas? :-/ Maybe Term has given me a tainted view... I dunno.... :-?
Since he was conceived in Australia, I was talking to him in my Aussie accent whilst we were in the delivery room. Now, all the nurses and doctors think I'm an Aussie. Crikey!Does that mean you cracked open a Fosters in celebration instead of your old favorite beer? I'm very happy for you Term. That's a gorgeous baby.Looking at the pics, I think it's safe to say that big sis will be quite the helper for her new brother. You can see a glow on her on the picture by the bedside.Good luck and congrats!