I have a few comments with regards to a near future hot tub installation in a sunroom 23 x 13 using insulated E glass windows and with a 8'-12' sloped insulated ceiling(no attic). In conversations with my a/c contractor his suggestions and comments are as follow:
- If I install a insulated low E glass non vented skylight approx 4' x 4' directly over the sundance geneva size(7'5" x 7'5" tub (5'-6' tub-ceiling distance)) condensation will form on the skylight and drip into the tub constantly(when tub opened), even if I have a well-powered attic vent adjacent to the skylight.
- Obviously moderate levels of moisture-humidity will have to be maintained to ensure moisture related problems. A seperate a/c unit will be used and a dehumidifier will probably be needed if RH gets above 70%.
- Tieing(cold air return) this sunroom into my current a/c house system would be unwise due to excessive moisture and corrosive spa chemical vapors flowing over my a/c coils. All spa chemicals are corrosive to metal in varying degrees.
- A high quality waterproof paint(on plywood,no drywall) may be needed for area around spa due to condensation or thin plastic panels found in bathroom/shower applications would probably be best for ceiling/walls.
- Any furniture cushions in this room will absorb moisture and could be problematic.
- My spouse seems to be under the impression the spa would be used more if indoors rather then outdoors.
The above items sound correct to me in a theoretical world, but in the real world things may be different. Can anyone confirm or elaborate on the above or any other problems in similar installations I may be missing with this proposed indoor spa installation. I live in Charleston, SC.
Thanks in advance