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Author Topic: Spa indoor installation questions/comments  (Read 2290 times)


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Spa indoor installation questions/comments
« on: October 30, 2006, 11:45:36 am »

       I have a few comments with regards to a near future hot tub installation in a sunroom 23 x 13 using insulated E glass windows and with a 8'-12' sloped insulated ceiling(no attic). In conversations with my a/c contractor his suggestions and comments are as follow:

- If I install a insulated low E glass non vented skylight approx 4' x 4'  directly over the sundance geneva size(7'5" x 7'5" tub (5'-6' tub-ceiling distance)) condensation will form on the skylight and drip into the tub constantly(when tub opened), even if I have a well-powered attic vent adjacent to the skylight.

- Obviously moderate levels of moisture-humidity will have to be maintained to ensure moisture related problems. A seperate a/c unit will be used and a dehumidifier will probably be needed if RH gets above 70%.

- Tieing(cold air return) this sunroom into my current a/c house system would be unwise due to excessive moisture and corrosive spa chemical vapors flowing over my a/c coils. All spa chemicals are corrosive to metal in varying degrees.

- A high quality waterproof paint(on plywood,no drywall) may be needed for area around spa due to condensation or thin plastic panels found in bathroom/shower applications would probably be best for ceiling/walls.

- Any furniture cushions in this room will absorb moisture and could be problematic.

- My spouse seems to be under the impression the spa would be used more if indoors rather then outdoors.

       The above items sound correct to me in a theoretical world, but in the real world things may be different. Can anyone confirm or elaborate on the above or any other problems in similar installations I may be missing with this proposed indoor spa installation. I live in Charleston, SC.

Thanks in advance

Hot Tub Forum

Spa indoor installation questions/comments
« on: October 30, 2006, 11:45:36 am »


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Re: Spa indoor installation questions/comments
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2006, 07:20:48 pm »
You need ventillation! Exhast fans with open windows are probably the best assuming that the outside humidity level isn't above the inside level. I would think that unless you have an air exchange system it will play havoc with an air conditioning system.

Outdoor paint, maybe oil based, is the best paint to use IMO - it's made to withstand the elements.

If you use ventillation while in the tub and then A/C other times, I don't see a problem with cushions.

I have to say we were planning on putting the tub into a "sunroom", we didn't and I'm glad - it's so nice to be outside when it's crisp out ... and we don't have to worry about moisture problems. Of course when it's raining or cold and windy we (mostly I) don't use the tub. I guess everything has pros and cons!


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Re: Spa indoor installation questions/comments
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2006, 08:51:49 pm »
Have your future hot tub dealer put you in touch with a few souls who've done the same thing as you're thinking. He/She should be more than willing.

My thoughts... Build the room as you want...install exhaust fan to handle a couple hundred cubic feet per minute, with a humidistat (switch that measures the humidity of the air). You only need it for the fractional time of the day when you're in it.

Make reparations for the spa TO COME OUT OF THE ROOM.....8ft slider, etc. You may not like it inside. Try one inside first (test soak).

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Re: Spa indoor installation questions/comments
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2006, 10:34:50 pm »

- My spouse seems to be under the impression the spa would be used more if indoors rather then outdoors.

Thanks in advance

Get a new spouse, then put the tub OUTSIDE!!!   ;D     In addition to the mucho ventilation, make sure you plan for water spilling on the floor.
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Re: Spa indoor installation questions/comments
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2006, 10:38:17 pm »
My HS Grandee is indoors and my wife and I love it !  WE do however have the room capable of being closed off from the rest of the house and have 4 skylights above the tub that open as well as 5 sliding patio doors that also open. This makes it like your outside even when your not. In the seasons when its not cold here in the metro chicago area we dont  have a moisture problem at all as the windows are all open but in the winter its very different. Also in this room is a wood burning stove that sucks the moisture from the room very well. Let me know if you would like any more specific info as we have now benn 3 years with an indoor tub with zero issues at all.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Spa indoor installation questions/comments
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2006, 10:38:17 pm »


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