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Part owner yes, kids no. You're not seeing my point at all. Last I checked my Z and spa were purchased from small family owned dealers. You do still know it is possible to have your own franchise right. You said and I quote,'' How many millionaire executypes you see walking around Home Depot? Ha!. The middle class drives the big box stores, they are their life blood.'' Where else are they supposed to go? They drove every other business out of town. I'm also not sure if you read my post about how much I pid for my JACUZZI, but it was $6095. DMW was saying his Hydrospa was $6700.
QuotePart owner yes, kids no. You're not seeing my point at all. Last I checked my Z and spa were purchased from small family owned dealers. You do still know it is possible to have your own franchise right. You said and I quote,'' How many millionaire executypes you see walking around Home Depot? Ha!. The middle class drives the big box stores, they are their life blood.'' Where else are they supposed to go? They drove every other business out of town. I'm also not sure if you read my post about how much I pid for my JACUZZI, but it was $6095. DMW was saying his Hydrospa was $6700.That is because he is pricing it at a Mom and Pops dealer. Â If he were looking at the similar model at Costco it would be $3999 with more features than your Jacuzzi and would come with a lifetime satisfaction guarantee. Â If I want good advise on a building project I go to Home Depot, they hire and train the best. Â If I want the best guarantee in the industry I go to Costco they guarantee satasfaction on everything they sell. Â Yes I like small businesses, but I am not going to pay an extra 20% for the same product if I can get it at Walmart for less. Â And if I have a problem with a product I bought from Walmart, I take it back, no questions asked. Â If I have a problem with a product I buy at a Mom and Pops store they are really put out if I try to return it, they want you to deal with the MFG. Â I know it is hard to be a Mom and Pop business now days, I did it many years. Â When I was in business for myself, I could buy stuff cheaper in the city at K-Mart or Sams Club than from my wholesale supplier. But that is the way of Free Enterprise, and it has given us the highest standard of living in the world. Â You wouldn't be driving that car or sitting in that Hot Tub without big business.
Home Depot hires the best? Are you kidding? Their "contractors" or whatever they want to call themselves are a joke, and horribly overpriced for the service they provide. My friend is in the process of trying to sue them for how they botched up a flooring job at his house. The house I live in now had fire doors put in by home depot before I moved in (sellers idea, not mine) and I could have done a better job cosmetically. In the store, there are a few people in there who can answer your questions and are competent. The majority, however, are trained just enough to get by in their department.The only reason I buy anything there is that I hardly have a choice, and yes, anything can be returned with no question. If there were another option, I would take it.
That is irrelevant in my situation as I have a money back, no questions asked, free removal, for a full month. I'd like Costco to try and compete with that. 8-)