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Author Topic: PH Keeps dropping  (Read 10701 times)


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PH Keeps dropping
« on: October 25, 2006, 04:40:35 pm »
MY PH keeps dropping on me.  I'm using Dichlor as my daily sanitizer and MPS to shock weekly.  Is the daily dichlor the culprit for dropping my PH?  It seems like when I do my weekly maintainence my PH has dropped to 6.8 from about 7.4 or 7.6    I add a healthy capfull of PH up and a week later it's back to 6.8   What's the deal?
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PH Keeps dropping
« on: October 25, 2006, 04:40:35 pm »


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Re: PH Keeps dropping
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2006, 05:20:35 pm »
I am curious to find out the response to this.  As a new spa owner I acutally have the opposite problem.  PH started out high (way over 8) as was TA.  I had added PH down (HCL) once and it took the PH and TA down to normal.

Now a couple of days later PH is back up over 8 but TA is still OK.

Maybe we should swap out 1/2 of our water to each other!!!  ;)
« Last Edit: October 25, 2006, 05:27:39 pm by gores95 »


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Re: PH Keeps dropping
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2006, 05:41:54 pm »
I have a similar problem.  

We are using bromine...the frog thing.

I add PH down DAILY

When I add new water, my ph will be over 8, my TA will be in the range of 70, and calcium will be way way low.  I adjust calcium first, then I start on the TA.  I get it up to 110 to 120 with AC up, then I adjust the PH... slowly I might add, and get it within range.....  the next day my TA will be 100 and my PH will be over 8.  I add more PH down, get it down to range...next day....TA 90 PH will be over 8, add PH down..... and on and on and on....daily fight.....HELP  Any ideas.....this is a small tub, a D1 Triad, holds 200 gallons water.


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Re: PH Keeps dropping
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2006, 05:50:51 pm »
MY PH keeps dropping on me.  I'm using Dichlor as my daily sanitizer and MPS to shock weekly.  Is the daily dichlor the culprit for dropping my PH?  It seems like when I do my weekly maintainence my PH has dropped to 6.8 from about 7.4 or 7.6    I add a healthy capfull of PH up and a week later it's back to 6.8   What's the deal?

Hey Spiderman...
Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate (Dichlor) has a very low PH of 6.7.  This could contribute to your low readings.


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Re: PH Keeps dropping
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2006, 06:16:17 pm »
As a rule of thumb, I recommend always getting the Total Alkalinity (TA) in line first.  TA works as a Ph buffer.  If the TA is low the Ph will follow it, likewise if the TA is high the Ph will follow it up.    


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Re: PH Keeps dropping
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2006, 07:37:00 pm »
Dichlor is considered ph neutral and shouldn't effect ph, but a lot of people report ph problems using it.
Bromine is considered ph low and can cause a slight ph drop over time, but some people still report ph climb.

I don't have ph problems either way, I don't know what is going on.


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Re: PH Keeps dropping
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2006, 06:58:27 am »
What's the alkalinity reading?

This is what locks the PH into place. Although for my water I don't worry too much about it, you still need to get it into the proper range. My Ph and alkalinity go up and down together, that's why I don't worry about it.

Dichlor doesn't affect the PH too much ... it's the MPS, it's PH is about 4. I believe if alkalinity is too high, PH will go up as well

Post some numbers on alkalinity!


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Re: PH Keeps dropping
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2006, 09:12:59 am »
What's the alkalinity reading?

This is what locks the PH into place. Although for my water I don't worry too much about it, you still need to get it into the proper range. My Ph and alkalinity go up and down together, that's why I don't worry about it.

Dichlor doesn't affect the PH too much ... it's the MPS, it's PH is about 4. I believe if alkalinity is too high, PH will go up as well

Post some numbers on alkalinity!

My Alk and PH, like yours go up and down together.  As far as the MPS goes, I was told by a HS rep that the MPS in nuetral or nearly nuetral, not the dichlor, but in reading numerous posts, everyone seems to have their own opinion or experience with dichlor, MPS and how they affect/don't affect the PH.  

My Alk is usually a little low, around 180 but I bring it up to over 200 during my weekly maint.
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Re: PH Keeps dropping
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2006, 06:51:19 pm »
What's the alkalinity reading?

This is what locks the PH into place. Although for my water I don't worry too much about it, you still need to get it into the proper range. My Ph and alkalinity go up and down together, that's why I don't worry about it.

Dichlor doesn't affect the PH too much ... it's the MPS, it's PH is about 4. I believe if alkalinity is too high, PH will go up as well

Post some numbers on alkalinity!

My Alk and PH, like yours go up and down together.  As far as the MPS goes, I was told by a HS rep that the MPS in nuetral or nearly nuetral, not the dichlor, but in reading numerous posts, everyone seems to have their own opinion or experience with dichlor, MPS and how they affect/don't affect the PH.  

My Alk is usually a little low, around 180 but I bring it up to over 200 during my weekly maint.

OK I think there's some info misinformation in here! As Per Taylor:

Alkalinity should be between 80 to 120 to be "in range".

Calcium should be between 150 to 400 to be "in range".

PH of Dichlor is 6.7 in 1 % solution (whatever that means). I would say it's 6.7 PH.

PH of Bromine is 4.8 in a 1 % solution. Again PH of 4.8.

PH of MPS is 2.3 in 1 % solution ... PH of 2.3.

I don't disagree with you that we all have different results but you have some misinformation and in order to get the proper results, you need to have the proper info.

If you have a Taylor kit K-2005, please look in the book to verify what I've given you. If you do not have a Taylor test kit, I would advise you do so ... it seems somethings not right. With alklinity of 180, your PH should be rock steady or possibly drifting up, it is rock steady at 120 for me.

Hope this helps!
« Last Edit: October 26, 2006, 06:52:13 pm by Vinny »

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Re: PH Keeps dropping
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2006, 06:51:19 pm »


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