Thanks for dredging up that thread! That was the one I was referring to.
Dont get me wrong: when I refer to N2 as "voodoo" it was a joke- I think that was something that came up in that thread, too. I would not go back to using if if I did not 1) think it made a little difference last time, and 2) believe in the chemistry.
It seems that the N2 debate is two-fold. First, there is the general argument of do silver ions have a bacteriostatic effect or not and then 2) is that effect actually meaningful in a tub. So first it has to make sense "on paper" and then it has to work in the real world. I chose to do a few months with and without just for fun. Th end result was that I went from believing in the theory on paper, to being more confident (anecdotally, at least) that for me, those little silver ions are helping my chlorine do it's job. I would not, however, rely on N2 as anything other than a supplemental way to ensure healthy, more resistant water.