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Author Topic: Artesian Platinum / Piper Glen owners  (Read 3712 times)


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Artesian Platinum / Piper Glen owners
« on: October 13, 2006, 03:03:39 am »
If you have the sound system in your Piper Glen, how is it?  Nice quality or junk?

Also, can we put a head unit in these spas that offers satellite radio?

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Artesian Platinum / Piper Glen owners
« on: October 13, 2006, 03:03:39 am »


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Re: Artesian Platinum / Piper Glen owners
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2006, 07:18:51 am »
Don't know if this helps, but we didn't purchase the stereo on our piper glen.  We have satelite radio plugged into our home stereo and we have speakers in several rooms all playing through the home stereo.  Our plan is to install another set of woofer/speakers on the porch to have the same music playing throughout the entire home.


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Re: Artesian Platinum / Piper Glen owners
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2006, 07:07:58 pm »
Hello- we have a Dove Canyon which is essentially the lounger version of the Piper Glen which we've owned about a year. We got the stereo included as we bought a store model.  I would say it's "ok" at best but frankly we rarely, if ever use it- its the only time my wife and I get peace and quiet after all the kids are in bed!  The faceplate on the stereo on our model is removeable so you can take it indoors,etc if you want, but it does come with the ability to take satellite radio too.  At least our did. Hope this helps.


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Re: Artesian Platinum / Piper Glen owners
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2006, 10:48:57 pm »
Mark - if we get the Piper Glen, we were also debating about the stereo.  I know you said that you hardly ever use it, but when you do use it, how is the quality?  Can you hear it over the jets or only if you crank it?


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Re: Artesian Platinum / Piper Glen owners
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2006, 11:12:06 pm »
Hi bohms- well i tell you thats hard to say. you can hear it over the bubbling water but it also depends on what type of music you are playing too.   As mentioned earlier, we thought having the stereo/cd player would be so great, but after trying it several times we just liked the nighttime peace.  Also note we dont run the jets that much either- just love soakin at 104 and maybe a bit of a foot massage jets! I know many folks swear by the stereos so maybe others will chime in and give you more input.  


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Re: Artesian Platinum / Piper Glen owners
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2006, 10:06:40 am »
We opted not to get the stereo.  So far, we don't miss it.  I think it's in Brookstone I saw outside speakers that you can hook up to your inside stereo or IPOD and it will play outside.  Seems to me that this would be a good way to go.  More versatile.  If you have company and your hot tub is closed for whatever reason, you can still listen to music.  Also, if there is a problem, it's probably a little easier to service.  

In the summer, the sounds of the crickets was the perfect music.  The rustling of the leaves in the breeze sounds good too.  The sounds of the motors and the water is like a white noise sound and makes it easy to zone out and be with your quiet thoughts or to have no thoughts at all.  


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Re: Artesian Platinum / Piper Glen owners
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2006, 10:24:23 am »
We opted not to get the stereo.  So far, we don't miss it.  I think it's in Brookstone I saw outside speakers that you can hook up to your inside stereo or IPOD and it will play outside.  Seems to me that this would be a good way to go.  More versatile.  If you have company and your hot tub is closed for whatever reason, you can still listen to music.  Also, if there is a problem, it's probably a little easier to service.  

In the summer, the sounds of the crickets was the perfect music.  The rustling of the leaves in the breeze sounds good too.  The sounds of the motors and the water is like a white noise sound and makes it easy to zone out and be with your quiet thoughts or to have no thoughts at all.  

I have outdoor speakers and absolutely love them, however, listening to music while in the tub with the jets on and having the speakers away, out of the tub the sound isn't that great.  Speaker positioning is key.
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Re: Artesian Platinum / Piper Glen owners
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2006, 08:48:14 pm »
I would think that properly placed speakers would be effective but I think the sound would need to be kind of lound to get over the pumps especially with the air on. My tub is about 30' away from a neighbors and I could see them complaining about it.

Something that nobody suggested is headphones. I have a pair of Sony water resistant headphones and a 512 MB MP3 player and it's great! No, you can't share the music but I wonder how much you can (or how often) you'll soak, talk and listen to music. We don't entertain that often so my tub doesn't get to party.

Another thing I thought of is inexpensive computer speakers. Hook them up when you want music and store them when you don't. I think most of the time might be spent soaking in quiet, there have been a few times listening to clasical music and soaking was fantastic ... the headphones make me always in front row center! :)

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Re: Artesian Platinum / Piper Glen owners
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2006, 08:48:14 pm »


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