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Author Topic: Liesure Time Free sanitizer system  (Read 4133 times)


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Liesure Time Free sanitizer system
« on: October 17, 2006, 09:25:02 am »
Has anyone used this system? It was included with my tub. It is chlorine and bromine free. It seems easier to use than other systems from what I've read. There is only weekly maintenance nothing to put in after a soak. What are the pro's and con's? Is it more costly? Thanks in advance
« Last Edit: October 17, 2006, 09:25:32 am by grumpy »

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Liesure Time Free sanitizer system
« on: October 17, 2006, 09:25:02 am »


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Re: Liesure Time Free sanitizer system
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2006, 09:33:36 am »
it's my understanding it's a biguanide system.  I've heard mixed results on using biguanide.

 Here's an intersesting synopisis I found for biguanide (not specifically Leiserure time per se') over at http://www.poolcenter.com/biguan.htm

Originally developed as a pre surgery anti microbial scrub, PHMB was patented in 1977, and marketed for pools and spas under the trade name Baquacil. This technology has the distinction and the EPA approval as the only non halogen sanitizer available for pools and spas. Here's a page if you're looking here to find out how to convert  back to chlorine or some other sanitizer.
Now that the patent has expired, Bio Lab has also introduced a line of biguanide products under the name Soft Swim. A full system for complete halogen free water care, these products are a stand alone alternative to traditional sanitation methods. The Biguanide itself is combined with algaecides and hydrogen peroxide for periodic oxidation. The system tends to gum up filters, and of course a product is available to de-gum it. Biguanide are not recommended for spas or aerated pools. As long as you don't add any other chemicals but those recommended by the manufacturer, you'll do fine; but add a small amount of chlorine and your pool looks like orange sherbet! Biguanides are also incompatible with TSP, ozone, detergents, ionizers, and other common chemicals, but is not at odds with any water balancing chemicals you may add.
Biguanides have been reported to be easier to use, with less chemical level testing, and less adding of chemicals. The water doesn't smell of chlorine of course, and the reduced surface tension gives it a smoother feel. It doesn't degrade with sunlight, temperature or changes in pH levels like chlorine. At recommended concentrations, biguanides won't irritate the skin or eyes and can't corrode pool equipment.

And I checked some more and by googleing "biguanide hot tub" found this tidbit at http://www.angelfire.com/mi2/hottubs/chemicals.html.  

Biguanide Sanitizers;

This system uses a Biguanide sanitizer with a Hydrogen Peroxide based shock. I have never sold these products, because the spa manufacturers I was carrying at the time voided portions of the spa's warranty if you used peroxide based shocks. Some spa / hot tub manufacturers still do. So read your warranty before purchasing this type of system.

I can tell you, that I did change a number of other people's customers to Chlorine after they had tried biguanide in their spas / hot tubs. The reasons that they were unhappy with it were.

    * Slime, if the right things get introduced to the water, this system can make a pinkish slime.
    * Cost, these systems can be prohibitively expensive. As much as three to four times the cost of an ozone and chlorine system
    * Toxicity to internal flora. One customer came to me with a concern that the Biguanide would kill the naturally occurring bacteria in their digestive system. I could find nothing to disprove or support this claim.

Obvioslu, the above are just references, but hopefully give you some basic information to do some more research or begin to ask detailed questions.  
« Last Edit: October 17, 2006, 09:39:29 am by drewstar »
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Re: Liesure Time Free sanitizer system
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2006, 09:34:51 am »
Similar and compatible with SoftSoak/ Baquaspa I'm sure. Advantages...weekly treatment, non-chlorine....Disavantages.....not CRYSTAL clear water, More frequent filter cleanings.

Suggestions--do NOT overdose, keep levels on the lower end of safe. More is not better.

Oh, and it does cost more...usually 1/3 more.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2006, 09:35:46 am by hottub.pool_boy »
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Re: Liesure Time Free sanitizer system
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2006, 02:32:57 pm »
I had some itching and rash problem and my dealer put me on the Leisure time Free system and it helped!  Maintenance was an easy once a week treatment and wash you filters.  The water stayed clear and felt soft for 5 months and then you could tell it needed changing.  The cons I found was when you turned on the air jets the water would look milky and would clear as soon as you turned the air off and let the water dissapate the air.  The other issue was that there was a effervescence like alka seltzer when the air was on.  
Cost factor didn't seem bad:
I Control 16.99
II Boost  7.99
III Free  17.99
Total  42.97 for 5 months and there was some Control and Boost left over.
Good luck!


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Re: Liesure Time Free sanitizer system
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2006, 02:35:32 pm »
I had some itching and rash problem and my dealer put me on the Leisure time Free system and it helped!  Maintenance was an easy once a week treatment and wash you filters.  The water stayed clear and felt soft for 5 months and then you could tell it needed changing.  The cons I found was when you turned on the air jets the water would look milky and would clear as soon as you turned the air off and let the water dissapate the air.  The other issue was that there was a effervescence like alka seltzer when the air was on.  
Cost factor didn't seem bad:
I Control 16.99
II Boost  7.99
III Free  17.99
Total  42.97 for 5 months and there was some Control and Boost left over.
Good luck!


Do you have Ozone? I wouldn't be opposed to trying such a system, (I've got very sensitve skin).  But the "incompatiable with ozone" that I read about Biguanide put me off.
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Re: Liesure Time Free sanitizer system
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2006, 02:51:05 pm »
No, I'm Ozone free.


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Re: Liesure Time Free sanitizer system
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2006, 04:17:11 pm »


Do you have Ozone? I wouldn't be opposed to trying such a system, (I've got very sensitve skin).  But the "incompatiable with ozone" that I read about Biguanide put me off.
There are NO incompatability issues with ozone.  You will simply use more a little sanitizer, as the ozone will oxidize it.
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Re: Liesure Time Free sanitizer system
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2006, 04:17:11 pm »


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