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Author Topic: HotSpring Ozone Mixing Chamber  (Read 4185 times)


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HotSpring Ozone Mixing Chamber
« on: October 15, 2006, 01:24:23 pm »
I'm curious how the HS Ozone Mixing Chamber functions. Is it an actual chamber or is it the same clear tubing attached to the bottom of the injector? I'm assuming the purpose of the chamber is to give the ozone some time before it's injected into the spa water?

Is the chamber buried in the insulation underneath the spa? Is the chamber difficult to remove when repairs are required?
2005 Hot Spring Envoy still going strong. Million-Mile Club....

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HotSpring Ozone Mixing Chamber
« on: October 15, 2006, 01:24:23 pm »


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Re: HotSpring Ozone Mixing Chamber
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2006, 04:18:21 pm »
And why do I have a rub-off-able rusty colored circular stain right above the circular thingy where the ozone and heated water come out?  :-/
2005 HS Vanguard


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Re: HotSpring Ozone Mixing Chamber
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2006, 12:36:13 am »
The contact chamber is a length of pvc tubing - 'spa flex' to be precise. Right not I'm drawing a blank, but I am pretty sure it is 3/4" diameter and about 14 feet long. The length varies from model to model, as it wraps around the footwell area. They try to keep it fairly level, but since it is buried in the foam at the base of the footwell area it is not always so.

It has a gentle spiral built into it - all spa flex does - and since the water is flowing at low pressure and only about 6 gpm max, it tends to swirl and helps to mix the ozone.

Since it is just a length of tubing, there should really be no need to do any repairs to it, but if you had to, you could empty your spa, flip it up, and start digging. You will always know right where to start since the end of the contact chamber is connected to the bottom fitting in the floor of the spa.

The brown stuff is a reaction to iron, most likely. Adding a metal treatment at fillup should help. But if it gets real bad, you can spin the drain fitting off and dip it in pool acid for a few seconds. Rinse and it will look like new. Be careful, if you splash the acid, your clothes will be ruined, you lungs burned, any open sores or cuts on your skin will let you know their exact locations, get it in your eyes and go blind, and so on.

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Re: HotSpring Ozone Mixing Chamber
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2006, 12:26:43 pm »
I have .62ppm copper--allowable level for action to be taken is 1.3
I have 4 ppb lead-------allowable level for action to be taken is  15
17.2 ppb=nickel
5.4   ppm=sodium
15 ppm=sulfate

This is what I have in my water per my city's 2005 water report.  Is Sulfate related to iron somehow?

It's got to be some kind of off-gassing or chemical reaction from the ozone or the heat or both or something.  I use Metal Gon.  The stain is up above the water on the bottom of the spa blanket.  

I do not have any brown slime or stain anywhere on or in the tub or drain.  It is above, on the blanket.  

I am still in one , in good health and am not quite blind  ;) so this is not a HUGE deal--just a curiousity that no one has been able to give me a factual, straight answer for.  There has been some speculation, but no real answer and I am just curious, that's all.  Maybe no one knows.

 However, maybe I shouldn't be breathing in the hot tub if the air coming off of it, and the bubbles popping and circulating throughout,   contain poisonous, brown stain causing gasses!! :o :o  

I've only had the tub for 3 1/2 months.  Maybe the ozone is NOT working correctly if I have a brown stain directly above it on the spa blanket.  Maybe there is a problem with the heater and it is really smoke and something is slowly melting 24/7.  :o :o

Okay, I'll stop now, and Sorry Gomboman  :-* for jumping in on your thread.  I was assuming that some others would read YOUR post that may NOT have read one of mine a while back concerning this issue, and that perhaps by re-visiting it, I would get an answer.  :)

2005 HS Vanguard

Hot Tub Forum

Re: HotSpring Ozone Mixing Chamber
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2006, 12:26:43 pm »


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