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Author Topic: HotSpring Bubba Keg Water Care Demo  (Read 21647 times)


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Re: HotSpring Bubba Keg Water Care Demo
« Reply #30 on: October 04, 2006, 02:01:28 pm »
Hey Giraff -
I'm sorry, really I am. This is just the way I look at it.

Maybe I'm just brutally honest. Not sure.

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Re: HotSpring Bubba Keg Water Care Demo
« Reply #30 on: October 04, 2006, 02:01:28 pm »


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Re: HotSpring Bubba Keg Water Care Demo
« Reply #31 on: October 04, 2006, 02:46:45 pm »
Hey Giraff -
I'm sorry, really I am. This is just the way I look at it.

Maybe I'm just brutally honest. Not sure.

Give us a break. Being honest with your opinion is fine but you go out of your way to belittle others who don't think your way. Whether it's their spa choice, their choice of how they sanitize or how they spend their money you always have to have some jackass response that is less than accepting of others opinions because only yours seems to count. You've made it pretty clear that you look down on most anyone who is in the spa industry here (most of us have thick skin so we'll live) but you try come accross as some expert but you have some need to put down others in doing so (didn't you make some kind of statement that you're here to educate consumers, Mr Nader?).

I'd say you're a legend in your own mind. (BTW, I doubt you're really very sorry other than to be sorry that others aren't smart enough to think your way).
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Re: HotSpring Bubba Keg Water Care Demo
« Reply #32 on: October 04, 2006, 02:52:30 pm »
I can see how someone might want this system.   It's not necessarily laziness as much as it is forgetfulness (missing a day or two in the tub and forgetting to add dichlor).  It's funny, I've been reading up on Bromine Generators for exactly this reason.

I forgot a dose of dichlor during a recent rainy spell and my water got cloudy.  A big shock and 2 days went by before I was back in business.  I was PO'd that I couldn't use my tub while I was waiting for the chlorine levels to stabilize.

I read a thread about a guy who switched from a Bromine Generator back to Dichlor because of fine black particles the generating unit was putting into his tub.  I guess there is no perfect solution.  

Dichlor does work extremely well (as long as you don't forget to add it)  ::)


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Re: HotSpring Bubba Keg Water Care Demo
« Reply #33 on: October 04, 2006, 03:13:06 pm »
Spatech , you're reading into my posts at bit much don't you think?

As far as belittling others, I don't see it that way. Too bad you do.
So what if I disagree with some of the posts. I give my opinion, whether you like it or not. I've also made a general statement in the past that I hate salesman. So? Generally speaking, I do.
I really don't care if alot of this board are salesman and get offended by that.

And I do feel I'm educating consumers. In this situation especially I'm making sure dirthead understands what this thing really is before visiting his local dealer who will most likely praise how good of a system it is, when in fact it's a waste of money in my opinion.
And to be quite honest I think most of you will agree this particular system is a waste of money, and utilizes a sanitizer that most if not all DO NOT recommend.


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Re: HotSpring Bubba Keg Water Care Demo
« Reply #34 on: October 04, 2006, 03:47:07 pm »
The Marquis system does not self adjust, but if you use your spa on a regular basis you set the cartrdige to a certain setting and forget about it.  There are also maintenance reminders that pop up and remind you to change your cartridges.  It would be cool if the HS system could test the water for you and disperse the other chemicals such as pH, Alk, hardness as well.  We all know that these will have to be adjusted manually on a regular basis because people's bodies put out different ph/alk.

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Re: HotSpring Bubba Keg Water Care Demo
« Reply #35 on: October 04, 2006, 04:16:40 pm »
when in fact it's a waste of money in my opinion.
And to be quite honest I think most of you will agree this particular system is a waste of money, and utilizes a sanitizer that most if not all DO NOT recommend.

A waste? Looks to me to be a very nice convenience. That ain't cheep. But a convenience never the less. There's alot of other "conveniences" that have become a way of life. Dishwashers, electric refrigerators, clothes driers, hell, indoor plumbing is a convenience. All of these things could be done other, cheaper, ways. If I was in the market for a portable spa, and I had the bucks (which many people do), this is something that for me, very likely would sway me.

As for no one recommending Baqua type products? [size=14]BULL![/size] BaquaSpa is a large company that's been around for a while. What? You think the owners just put the weekly payroll on their personal credit cards? Why then did Leisure Time, part of the largest spa and pool chemical company in the country, come out with their own "knock-off" line of baqua type products?

Oops......... So baquaspa is part of ARCH CHEMICALS INC. (ARJ), over 2700 employees, stock has done ok over the last 12 months (up almost 5% today), CEO making $1.30M (he'll go with the new Hot Spring Spa no doubt), 1.3B in annual sales with 133m in the bank.. Not bad, for something "NO ONE' recommends  ;)
« Last Edit: October 04, 2006, 04:26:16 pm by lets »
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

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Re: HotSpring Bubba Keg Water Care Demo
« Reply #36 on: October 04, 2006, 04:44:45 pm »
Ok Doc.

Do you use Baqua?
Would you?
Why or Why not?
Would you recommend it over Dichlor or Bromine to customers?

I have not read one good thing about Baqua on this site.

A waste of money. Yes that's right. I think so.

Are you seriously comparing the hotspring"autofresh" system to a dishwasher, refrigerator, or clothes dryer?
Yes they may be both considered conveniences, but you’re not comparing apples to apples.


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Re: HotSpring Bubba Keg Water Care Demo
« Reply #37 on: October 04, 2006, 04:45:55 pm »
Spatech , you're reading into my posts at bit much don't you think?

As far as belittling others, I don't see it that way. Too bad you do.

Umm, yeah, it must be me.  ::)

And I do feel I'm educating consumers. In this situation especially I'm making sure dirthead understands what this thing really is before visiting his local dealer who will most likely praise how good of a system it is, when in fact it's a waste of money in my opinion.

So how long have you been an expert in this field? Heck, I see people here with many years of experience in the field of spas (which would be many more than you) and they state opinions and experiences in a way to be helpful but they don't pretend to be nearly as omniscient as you.

Look up the definition of narcissist. If you don't have a dictionary just use the mirror.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2006, 05:53:01 pm by Spatech_tuo »
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Re: HotSpring Bubba Keg Water Care Demo
« Reply #38 on: October 04, 2006, 04:56:35 pm »
I know many people who use baqua spa and are very happy with it.  One of the advantages of using baqua is the ease of use and the need to add product just once per week.  One of the disadvantages is the high price.


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Re: HotSpring Bubba Keg Water Care Demo
« Reply #39 on: October 04, 2006, 05:13:19 pm »
$600 a year for the chemical cartridge alone?
And an additional $800-$1000 for the system?

Sorry if I'm being negative again, but that's absolutely the most ridiculous non-economical solution for water care.
No intended to be cheaper. It is intended to be easier.

I have spent more on many things in my life which make it easier, even if they are not cheaper.

If you want the cheapest way to go with a HS spa, there is nothing stopping you from using Dichlor, Spa Down and bottle of test strips.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

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Re: HotSpring Bubba Keg Water Care Demo
« Reply #40 on: October 04, 2006, 05:13:30 pm »
"Do you use Baqua?"


"Would you?"

I might..... Especially if I stocked it and could simply grab a bottle as I'm heading home  ::)

"Why or Why not?"

I don't carry or sell it, and prefer to recommend something I can make a $ off of (so I can some day buy me one O dem fancy new-fangled, take-care-of-em-selves spa) and prefer something I'm familiar enough with to offer complete competent support to my customers.

All I know about baquaspa I've learned from maybe a 1/2 dozen people posting on internet message boards. I have the intelligence to know to take this kind of information with the finest grain of salt  ;)

"Would you recommend it over Dichlor or Bromine to customers?"

Again, I don't sell it, I typically don't recommend it..... but you know, as I edit and spell check here, yeah, I've suggest to a few people that it might be worth them looking into it. SO THERE  ;D

"I have not read one good thing about Baqua on this site."

OMG! You're so right. How could I have ever doubted?? Nothin on this site? VINNY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got another stock to sell short... Now we can put our eggs in 2 baskets.  ;D

"A waste of money. Yes that's right. I think so."

And you have the right to think this, or anything else you want. Just like anyone else has the equal right to the opposite opinion. And neither of those opinions carries any weight.

Step back for a minute. The feelings you have towards someone for having a different opinion than you. Do you understand that they may have the same feeling towards you for differing from their opinion? Do you understand that they have the same right to feel this way as you do?

"Are you seriously comparing the hotspring"autofresh" system to a dishwasher, refrigerator, or clothes dryer?"

I made no such comparison. I simply said it was a convenience. A convenience that some, possibly many, people are going to be willing to pay for. The fact that you don't find value in it, has no bearing on what other people might feel. And, they have just as much right to feel the way they do, as you do to feel as you like.

An opinion is kinda like gas..... You may think yours is the best smell in the world, but to everyone else it stinks (feel free to edit this out bill  ;D)
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

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Re: HotSpring Bubba Keg Water Care Demo
« Reply #41 on: October 04, 2006, 05:32:49 pm »

1)  I have recommended BaquaSpa on this site.  I guess I am no one.
2)  BaquaSpa has no effect on plastics or seals unless cheap plastics or seals are being used.  The issues are usually pH related as pools and spas with Baqua tend to have high pH if user does not manage properly.  That being said, I repeat, the problems with plastics and seals are problems of the spa manufacturers not the chemicals.
3)  Our stores have 1000's of BaquaSpa users.
4)  If directions on all products are followed properly, Nature2 w/MPS is as costly or more so than BaquaSpa.
5)  AutoFresh will cost around $1000.  Catridges will be good for 3 to 4 months (or more on a light bather load Jetsetter).  Replacement will cost about $100.  Have you checked out cost of Nature2 and MPS?
6)  No question this will be a more expensive but more convenient system to use (if it works as advertised).  Just as the throw away filter programs are advertised as more convenient, but obviosly costly.
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Re: HotSpring Bubba Keg Water Care Demo
« Reply #42 on: October 04, 2006, 06:14:46 pm »
To make a cost comparison, you should be comparing the "Autofresh system(including cartridges) to using the Baqua Spa program. Any other comparison (including dichlor, etc) is not valid IMO.

I think this "Autofresh" system is a waste of money, period.


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Re: HotSpring Bubba Keg Water Care Demo
« Reply #43 on: October 04, 2006, 06:31:18 pm »
Everyone please peruse the pdf manual.  Does it not sound a bit like programming a VCR...complicated enough that only a middle schooler could operate? ::)  (BTW, does anyone still remember VCR's? :))  There's quite a bit to this--certainly not the "set and forget" that Watkins would like you to believe.  And you still have to add extra chems after a heavy bather load and you still have to check it once every two weeks and you still should clean the filters at least once every 2 weeks (IMHO).  It really doesn't do anything less than taking about 2 minutes after a soak to add dichlor and testing/adjusting the water once every week or two do (also, IMHO).

I'll be really interested to read how "seasoned" tub owners react to this.  I say "seasoned" because new owners that only use this system will have nothing to compare it to, though I would be interested in their opinions, too.  And I'll be very interested in the opinions of those dealers who try it and give honest opinions...no marketing rhetoric wanted.  And then there would be the opinions of the techs who have to fix'em...or do they not break?   ;)  I really don't see how those of us who find tub maintenance to be a "no-brainer" would be interested for our own tubs that we regularly use.
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Re: HotSpring Bubba Keg Water Care Demo
« Reply #44 on: October 04, 2006, 06:56:42 pm »

I think this "Autofresh" system is a waste of money, period.

I think your posts are a waste of disk space, period.

« Last Edit: October 04, 2006, 07:34:23 pm by Brookenstein »

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Re: HotSpring Bubba Keg Water Care Demo
« Reply #44 on: October 04, 2006, 06:56:42 pm »


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