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Author Topic: I Think We Got a Floor Model  (Read 38153 times)


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Re: I Think We Got a Floor Model
« Reply #105 on: October 11, 2006, 12:06:34 pm »
Just because this thread is 7 pages long, I thought I would tell you my opinion.  First of all, the dealer made a huge error.  He could have easily cleaned the tub before hand, put new filters in the spa, removed the Frog, cleaned the thing, and told the customer that they remove the wrapping prior to delivery for ease of just putting the wrapping in their dumpster instead of taking it back with them.  No one would have even noticed.  But the dealer is an idiot.  He offered a $150 credit for his stupidity.  

From what I read, the spa owner was not going to be happy without receiving a $1,000 discount.  This amount seemed to be non-negotiable.  I don’t think any dealer would give a $1,000 dollars off, quite honestly, even if their stupidity caused the problem.  $1,000 is a lot off.  Assuming that the amount was non-negotiable, the dealer did what he needed to do – he took the spa back as quickly as possible.

On another note, some dealers do remove the wrapping before delivering the spas and they are still brand spanking new and never had water in them.  As I said earlier, dealers do this for convenience.  So don’t read too much into a spa being delivered without any wrapping.  It really is not that big of a deal

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Re: I Think We Got a Floor Model
« Reply #105 on: October 11, 2006, 12:06:34 pm »


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Re: I Think We Got a Floor Model
« Reply #106 on: October 11, 2006, 12:21:41 pm »
>:( :(

This thread is such a disappointment....

you are all losers....

God Bless you all, and I hope and pray that everyone of you will buy your next BRAND NEW automobile, albeit it at the upper end of the luxury lines to the lower end of us commoners, from whatever manufacturer you choose with 000000 on the odometer.
The true winner here may be the dealer  


Amazing. A consumer purchases an expesive product that when delivered is not what was represented. When the customer contacted the merchant, the merchant was deliquent in thier response, refused to provide straight forward answers, and did not offer a resonable alternative.  

What would you have done? You're quick to call us losers, and preach, but you offer no answers, no suggestions or anything of value.  

Your'e quick to forgive the dealer for deceitful practices, and even quicker to attack posters here for responding to the question.

Seems you're angry and frustrated about something...I don't know where the new car comment came from, but hopefully some day, maybe you'll too will be able to buy one.  Here's a tip:  The Drive thru station pays more than the French Fry station,  so maybe ask your boss to give you a chance at the drive through. Then maybe you can afford a new car.

Anyhow, If you ever do, I hope the dealer doesn't send you a scracthed up lease vehichle, and charge you champage prices, but you probably wouldn't know any better.

I have no dog in this fight and there is no place in my post where I “defend or forgive” the dealers position, but reading the thread Bohms goes from a diligent adventuresome shopping experience through the excitement of water testing “spatopia”, to the degree of extreme difficulty getting it where it has to go, to the end resolve where communications breakdown and the spa is removed in what appears to be delight in the damage done.  In no way am I defending the “dealer”, the salesperson, or the sales manager who botched up a relationship, but a complete breakdown of communication and trust on both sides that took place here.  Certainly, it could have and should have been handled differently to a winning conclusion for all, but that chemistry did not prevail.

Stuart’s interest to intervene and attempt to influence things differently didn’t even seem to work, and the dealer seems to have come to a conclusion so as to not give a $h*t about how he got it out of there.  Again, I see no winners here, and I can only assume things could have worked out differently with a better “up front” understanding and/or direct owner communication.  I understand the spa was manufactured and delivered to the dealer within 6 weeks of this delivery and the spa had never been sold or delivered to anyone before this delivery.  How used can a 6 week old spa be?  New filters and pristine conditions should certainly be expected, as well as knowing what spa is to be delivered.  

A “reasonable” alternative is certainly a subject of conjecture.  Amounts of $150 to $3,000 have been bantered about, which one is reasonable.

Deceitful practices that you imply indicate the dealer, the sales person and the sales manager were all in collusion to defraud the consumer intentionally misleading and lying to them or not telling the “whole” truth, this is presumptive for us to determine or discuss b/c we don’t know all parts of the story, or all of the facts, but it is very clear, Bohms is very upset and disappointed and the primary source of communication prior to deliver was with a salesperson before anyone else got involved.  It is extremely unfortunate this scenario turned out as it did when it could have been different.  I wonder what new spa will replace this one and how easily it will be delivered and then again, at what cost?

As for automobiles, I have never known of one that was not driven before it finds its way into the hands of the end user.  Odometer readings seem to vary from double digit readings under 100, to triple digit readings over 100 and they are sold to happy customers that purchase what is sold as a “new car”, but previously driven.

I really see no need for you to be demeaning or denigrating to me in your comments.  Maybe it is just within your character to do so.  There seems to be a lot of “slam dancing” here by aggressive keyboards.  

As for, “What would you have done? You're quick to call us losers, and preach, but you offer no answers, no suggestions or anything of value.   I only point out there are no winners here.  What I would do is irrelevant, but I can tell you this, I wouldn’t be asking you for your opinion as to what I should do, much less even discuss it with you.  Bohms is the only person here truly affected and that is disappointing.  I think she should seek out the #1 hot tub advertised here and have it clearly stated to be “new in the wrapper” and “Free delivery included” up front and written on the contract.  Now there is my “suggestion” or “comment of value” that you goad me for
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.


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Re: I Think We Got a Floor Model
« Reply #107 on: October 11, 2006, 12:40:26 pm »
Clover - yes, you are right.  There was some pleasure in the fact that they scratched up the tub trying to get it out of here.  Maybe they'll learn their lesson and not lie to their customers.  I know we learned our lesson....make sure everything is written out on the contract and all boxes are checked.
I don't care if the tub was only used as a "wet test" model for 6 weeks or 6 months, if it's hooked up and the pumps are running and people are getting in and out of it, then in my eyes, it's USED, NOT NEW.


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Re: I Think We Got a Floor Model
« Reply #108 on: October 11, 2006, 12:52:56 pm »
I was wondering what the point was until the end. This isn't about Marquis but rather about a particular dealer so don't get all over everyone because you think it looks like a put down on your favorite spa brand. If Bohms had this same expereince with another brand I SERIUOSLY doubt you'd have made that same post.
I am so sorry to mislead you and I really don't see how I did that Spatech t.u.o. but I do not own, sell or in any way represent Marquis Spas, nor is it my fovorite brand.  I am simply making a statement that has repeatedlty been stated on this forum.  I have no dog in this fight.
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.


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Re: I Think We Got a Floor Model
« Reply #109 on: October 11, 2006, 01:01:54 pm »
Clover - yes, you are right.  There was some pleasure in the fact that they scratched up the tub trying to get it out of here.  Maybe they'll learn their lesson and not lie to their customers.  I know we learned our lesson....make sure everything is written out on the contract and all boxes are checked.
I don't care if the tub was only used as a "wet test" model for 6 weeks or 6 months, if it's hooked up and the pumps are running and people are getting in and out of it, then in my eyes, it's USED, NOT NEW.
Thank you for your kind words and I hape all turns out well for you.  We do become wiser with every experience and every day we live.  I do apreciate and understand your situation and your experience has been dissappointing for all of us, but mostly for you.  I just know this turned into a bad situation that resulted in anger for each and every individual in this dog fight and I am sure that accounts for more than 10 people.  Without exception, there were lessons learned.
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.


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Re: I Think We Got a Floor Model
« Reply #110 on: October 11, 2006, 01:21:22 pm »
Excuse me  Clover, but perhaps I misinterpeted your statement "you are all losers".   In the context of your post, I took that as to be directed towards the members of this forum. Perhaps "You are BOTH loosers" might have been a better turn of words. Your chiding of being disapointed with this thread, also alluded to a negative impression of all the contributing posters. Since you called me out by name, I took your odd, slighted remarks personaly.

But i will point out, that you accused the posters of "attacking" the dealer, and wanting retribution in the "thousandS"
and tossed out a slight jab when you said the only "winner" was the dealer.

I disagree.

The dealer took a big hit here. It's frustrating because it didn't need to be that way. As Steve said, a dealer could have handled this many different ways and left the customer feeling good about the whole deal, but in a move of complete incompetence, or perhaps in a defensive, knee jerk  reaction to being caught with his pants down, really dropped the ball.

Your analogy to a car was also incorrect. As the industry standard for automobiles is that there are some miles on even the newest of cars (luxary cars  or not).  That is not the case with Spas.  As many will tell you, a new spa comes wrapped up and wasn't used on the floor.  You may not know that, but the dealer certainly does. Scratched steps, dirty filters, marked up cabinet? That's unaceptable. That's not a new spa.

Your quip at being a "commoner" suggest that many here may feel they are superior also doens't come off in the freindliest of ways.  If you belive that ensuring the product be new and in proper condition makes me an elitist, then so be it.  Don't serve me chuck, and tell me it's filet. And by all means, don't charge me for filet.  Yea, we are elitist.  ::)

This was a poorly handled sale and the way the dealer removed the tub suggests that they are indeed incompetent.

The oringal poster will get a new spa from  another dealer, and probably another manufactuer. And I'll bet dollars to donuts they'll be just as thrilled, or even more so with their new "awesome" spa than before. The dealer however lost the sale, increased his comptetiors sales, has a used damaged tub, and for what it's worth, negative reivews on one of the more popular spa sites.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2006, 02:17:22 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: I Think We Got a Floor Model
« Reply #111 on: October 11, 2006, 02:07:05 pm »
>:( :(

This thread is such a disappointment....

you are all losers....

God Bless you all, and I hope and pray that everyone of you will buy your next BRAND NEW automobile, albeit it at the upper end of the luxury lines to the lower end of us commoners, from whatever manufacturer you choose with 000000 on the odometer.
The true winner here may be the dealer  

I really see no need for you to be demeaning or denigrating to me in your comments.  Maybe it is just within your character to do so.  There seems to be a lot of “slam dancing” here by aggressive keyboards.  

It seems that the comment of calling everyone, who posted on this thread, losers is why comments were directed at you personally.  

The dealer a winner???  :-/

I would say more, but would only echo what drewstar and other members have so eloquently stated in rebuttal to your postings clover.  So, I will only say to them "Well said."  

Bohms will have her a NEW spa and end up with a better dealer, no matter what brand she/they go with!

Now I have to go check on my NEW Grandee that was delivered on time this morning, and is now filling with water  8-)

I must say our purchase, delivery and set up has gone very smooth... :)
« Last Edit: October 11, 2006, 02:08:51 pm by NWHotTubber »


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Re: I Think We Got a Floor Model
« Reply #112 on: October 11, 2006, 02:20:32 pm »
As an employee owner of Marquis Spas, even I lost in this situation :(


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Re: I Think We Got a Floor Model
« Reply #113 on: October 11, 2006, 02:24:29 pm »
NW Hot Tubber - congrats on your new purchase....ENJOY!!!


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Re: I Think We Got a Floor Model
« Reply #114 on: October 11, 2006, 03:29:27 pm »
Clover - yes, you are right.  There was some pleasure in the fact that they scratched up the tub trying to get it out of here.  Maybe they'll learn their lesson and not lie to their customers.  I know we learned our lesson....make sure everything is written out on the contract and all boxes are checked.
I don't care if the tub was only used as a "wet test" model for 6 weeks or 6 months, if it's hooked up and the pumps are running and people are getting in and out of it, then in my eyes, it's USED, NOT NEW.

To clarify terminology, I agree you they did not deliver to you what you purchased.  You purchased a NEW spa, not a DEMONONSTRATOR or a FLOOR MODEL.  they did not deliver to you a USED spa.  A USED spa, to use the car industry as the model, is a spa that has been owned by another customer.
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.


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Re: I Think We Got a Floor Model
« Reply #115 on: October 11, 2006, 04:27:01 pm »
Clearing up the car analogy (at least imo)...

A car that has been "test driven" would not be referred to as used.
However, a previous demo or leased vehicle would be considered used, and being discounted as such.

Although, the auto to spa analogy is not really an apples to apples analogy.  

The spa would be different (imo) because once they are on the floor and full of water, the components have to be running just as an in home situation.  Therefore, more use of the pumps, heater, etc.  It would be a demo model.  

Now, when we had our spa delivered this morning, they tipped it up on it's side and water ran out of the drains... this was from testing at the factory, did they test the pumps, heater, etc... sure, and that is still considered new (and I would want it tested in that manner).
Our spa was wrapped up like Fort Knox!  Exactly what I expected, since I ordered and paid for a NEW spa!  I would not want it delivered without wrapping and padding due to what you have to do to get them in the right spot.  From the salesperson, dealer and delivery guys could not have been better at this point.  When spending that much on a luxury item you really should expect nothing less.  We even had drinks and hors d'oeuvres served while shopping   :D

Bohms, Thanks!  You too will find the right dealer and spa soon to begin your Spatopia!   8-)


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Re: I Think We Got a Floor Model
« Reply #116 on: October 11, 2006, 04:37:34 pm »
speakig of the wrapping....I would have been thrilled if my dealer took the wrapper and all the packing material off.  I hate ripping up the boxes and such.

My wife and I love internet shopping, but the shipping boxes...argh.   The person who can come up with a better shipping container/method/material will be considered a hero in my home.

07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: I Think We Got a Floor Model
« Reply #117 on: October 11, 2006, 04:40:52 pm »
speakig of the wrapping....I would have been thrilled if my dealer took the wrapper and all the packing material off.  I hate ripping up the boxes and such.

Oregon Hot Spring Spas finished up the top notch buying experience with unwrapping and taking all the trash with them!  We didn't have to do a thing, except watch.  [smiley=thumbsup.gif]  


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Re: I Think We Got a Floor Model
« Reply #118 on: October 11, 2006, 04:52:30 pm »
speakig of the wrapping....I would have been thrilled if my dealer took the wrapper and all the packing material off.  I hate ripping up the boxes and such.

Oregon Hot Spring Spas finished up the top notch buying experience with unwrapping and taking all the trash with them!  We didn't have to do a thing, except watch.  [smiley=thumbsup.gif]  

I hate to be watched. It makes me nervous and I get performance anxiety.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: I Think We Got a Floor Model
« Reply #119 on: October 11, 2006, 05:12:47 pm »

I hate to be watched. It makes me nervous and I get performance anxiety.

These guys were confident, didn't hinder the performance at all  ;D  [smiley=laugh.gif]

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Re: I Think We Got a Floor Model
« Reply #119 on: October 11, 2006, 05:12:47 pm »


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