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Author Topic: Jets not powerful enough on one side  (Read 2627 times)


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Jets not powerful enough on one side
« on: October 09, 2006, 02:54:34 pm »
I've got a Superior Spas Malibu II.  It has a diverter valve that regulates how much power the jets have to each side.  When I turn it to one side the jets on that side don't have hardly any power.  I do notice that one jet on the floor puts out a lot of power.  It's like it all goes to this one jet, like somethings clogged a little.  Is this possible?  I've had 2 different people look at it.  One when we first bought it and one last week.  They both said it's working properly but I can't see that as correct.  I wasn't able to be there when either tech looked at.  With the power the jets have on the one side I just don't believe the other side would be that weak.  Any suggestions?

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Jets not powerful enough on one side
« on: October 09, 2006, 02:54:34 pm »


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Re: Jets not powerful enough on one side
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2006, 04:33:20 pm »
I've got a Superior Spas Malibu II.  It has a diverter valve that regulates how much power the jets have to each side.  When I turn it to one side the jets on that side don't have hardly any power.  I do notice that one jet on the floor puts out a lot of power.  It's like it all goes to this one jet, like somethings clogged a little.  Is this possible?  I've had 2 different people look at it.  One when we first bought it and one last week.  They both said it's working properly but I can't see that as correct.  I wasn't able to be there when either tech looked at.  With the power the jets have on the one side I just don't believe the other side would be that weak.  Any suggestions?

On most Spas you can turn on and off individual jets by turning the outside of the jets, maybe some of your jets are turned way down or off.  Try turning the outside ring of the Jets and see if that helps.  You might turn off the strong one and see what it does to the pressure on the others to.  Good Luck


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Re: Jets not powerful enough on one side
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2006, 10:10:45 am »
Thanks, I tried that but all the jets on that side are on.  The one jet where the pressure is so high doesn't adjust.  It's just a small, probably 1/2 inch jet, close to the floor.

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Re: Jets not powerful enough on one side
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2006, 10:10:45 am »


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