Woo-hoo! Â Our Optima was delivered today! Â Unfortunately... no hot water yet as our electrician is not available for a few days. Â Â

When we purchased I told the dealer we wanted to go the chlorine route, however they delivered
Bromine. Â From all I've read here seems like dichlor is the way to go... Also my husband has had several respitory issues and some folks here said bromine made them cough so thats the last thing he needs...
1) I told the delivery guy I requested Dichlor - he said he'd never heard of it.. he was only familiar w/ chlorine and bromine. Â Doesn't dichlor=chlorine?
2) Our dealer threw in SunPurity mineral cartridge. Â Isn't this the same as N2?
3) The delivery guy said that they switched us to Bromine because SunPurity is not compatible with chlorine... is that correct?
Sorry for the newbie questions but I thought I was somewhat on track and informed about our chemical routine and now I've got bromine and am totally confused :-/. Â Â Thanks. Â