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Author Topic: New Bengal  (Read 4290 times)


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New Bengal
« on: September 27, 2006, 11:59:20 am »

Thanks for those that inputted on my "downgrading".  I ended up going with the Tiger River Bengal.  had the first soak at 6:30 this morning.  I forgot how good that early morning soak can be!! I will also be getting a Spa Umbrella to make the tub a little more usable in the great white north.

I have to say that I'm very impressed with the jet pressure and how quiet the tub is.  I went inside after putting on "clean" mode, and I couldn't hear the jets.



« Last Edit: September 27, 2006, 11:59:56 am by golferm »

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New Bengal
« on: September 27, 2006, 11:59:20 am »


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Re: New Bengal
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2006, 09:38:01 pm »
Looks like a really beautiful setup you got there!  What spa umbrella are you thinking of getting?  Is it the Leisure Concepts model?

Enjoy the tub!



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Re: New Bengal
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2006, 10:03:52 pm »
Beautiful setup.......


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Re: New Bengal
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2006, 08:09:53 am »
water's so clear you can barely tell it's in there. NICE. Another spa in the blue we've learned to love.
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Re: New Bengal
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2006, 11:25:32 am »
We are getting the Watkins Spa Side Umbrella, which was included in the deal.  The mast bows out so you can put it anywhere around the tub, and then I'm hoping it will cover a good portion of the patio table & chairs when swung around that way.  

Yes, the blue has really grown on me.  We had the jacuzzi "platinum" which really showed the green / blue tint of the water, so I'm excited to not have to look at that anymore.  I absolutely love the cabinet, as it's got some real character to it.

More than anything, I'm totally impressed with the jet pressure of the 1 pump system.  The jets are just enough to give you great massage, but not to peel the skin off your back.  This is a great option for those that don't want to pay the extra money for the HS Sovereign, but want a lounger with great jets!!  



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Re: New Bengal
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2006, 11:33:42 am »
water's so clear you can barely tell it's in there. NICE. Another spa in the blue we've learned to love.
Yes, it looks very inviting. I just got back from a 3 mile walk with a few hills - I'm ready!

I like the blue, but we sure don't sell much of it. I delivered an ENVOY in that color yesterday and I think it looked great. I don't know why more folks aren't chosing that color but it sure looks like the right choice in your yard. Have you noticed yet how it sparkles at night with the lighting? It has just enough texture for my taste, too.

Welcome to (Blue) Spatopia!

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Re: New Bengal
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2006, 12:00:54 pm »
Congratulations Mark!  That looks really, really nice. :)

You even got Dallas Cowboy colors!  (Lay off the pain pills, though...you won't need them.) :D

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Re: New Bengal
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2006, 12:04:37 pm »
That is a very nice looking set up.  But next time, rather than trading in your spa because you need more space, I suggest moving the potted flowers or the large box behind the spa. It should be quicker and about 3000 dollars cheaper.


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Re: New Bengal
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2006, 01:21:58 pm »
Nice setup.  I too have a Bengal and am very happy with it.  Enjoy!  :D


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Re: New Bengal
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2006, 03:49:08 pm »
Looks great!  my bengal is silver with the gray cabinet.. I love turning off the foot jets and sitting in the corner.. the power of the jets in that corner is great.. and like you said.. its strong but not so high in pressure that it peels the skin off you.. The lounger hits me just below the shoulder blades, and I dont really like that, so I almost never sit there.. I do end up sitting on the high side of the lounger after I have enjoyed the jets for a few minutes.. I sit high enough to put my arms on the edges and relax while not overheating..

One problem I have noticed so far (3 weeks into it btw) is in the corner on the high side of the lounger, to the right of the controls, the water gets trapped there when the jets are all on, and so any gunk on the surface of the water tends to collect there and foam up, which then ends up at the water line on the shell.. 3 days after I got mine there was about a 3 foot line of scum about 2 inches tall.. and the rest of the tub is almost totally clean..

I have started running a clean cycle a couple times a week BEFORE getting in because the circ pump doesnt circulate enough to skim the oils and scum off the surface, so it just sits there.. I have one of those sponges that floats on the surface, but it doesnt seem to make much difference.  

Good luck with your tub, I certainly enjoy mine..


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Re: New Bengal
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2006, 08:21:05 am »
....3 days after I got mine there was about a 3 foot line of scum about 2 inches tall....

Scum is a sign that your water is starting to turn nasty.  I can't believe you had this problem 3 days in.  Are you using dichlor and watching your free chlorine levels?  Did you by chance do 3 days of monster hot tub partying  ;D  

I've had the current water in my Bengal for over 2 months at this point and I don't have the scum problem you are talking about.  Getting a handle on water chemistry including tub usage patterns is key.  (and watch those darn teenagers!).


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Re: New Bengal
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2006, 02:45:37 pm »
....3 days after I got mine there was about a 3 foot line of scum about 2 inches tall....

Scum is a sign that your water is starting to turn nasty.  I can't believe you had this problem 3 days in.  Are you using dichlor and watching your free chlorine levels?  Did you by chance do 3 days of monster hot tub partying  ;D  

I've had the current water in my Bengal for over 2 months at this point and I don't have the scum problem you are talking about.  Getting a handle on water chemistry including tub usage patterns is key.  (and watch those darn teenagers!).
well, I dont want to hijack this thread, but I did think that something was wrong the first time because the water was brand new, and the chemistry was perfect..  The scum was dark the first time, and I was concerned.. I asked the dealer about it and they told me it was just the impurities in the water.  It took me a while to figure out what is happening..

Like I said in my last post, the way the water circulates in the Bengal, the one corner does not make it to the filter.  This is just the surface water, and just the hydrodynamics I guess.. Anyway, my water is perfect, and I hit it with about 1-2 teaspoons of di-chlor after every use (per person, usually just 2 people), and about 10 teaspoons once a week, plus 2 ounces of activator (dunno what it is), and an ounce of protect (dunno what that is either).  3 weeks in and my water is crystal clear, but since the first time I used it I notice some scum floating on the surface when I open it.. I dont use any conditioner, and I dont get my hair wet when I soak, although the back of my hair might get a little wet.. I do use hair gel, but I doubt much if any of that gets in.  I use a gel deoderant/antiperspirant, and I am sure that is some of it.  My wife uses conditioner, and occasionally uses lotion on her feet, but I dont know if its enough to make a difference.. My kids are only allowed in if they shower first, so I dunno on that one..  The scum was dark the first time, but I think that was from swimming suits.

The scum is most prominent after I do the weekly maintenance.  The stuff floating on the surface doesnt really look like an oil, and the best way I can describe it is "scum".  When I run the jets, that one corner does not get skimmed or filtered, and what small amount of that scum that is there foams up a little and will collect in that corner, and eventually end up on the surface of the tub.  If I soak every day, and not wipe it for a week, the line will be wide, and a clumpy, and pretty heavy.  There is a little all the way around, but mostly in about 3 feet of that corner.  I dont know the brands of chems I am using yet as I dont pay too much attention to it, but they are what the dealer gave me, and they are the biggest dealer in the state by far, and I cant imagine the combination of chems would not be right.  I check the water at least once a week for ph and such, and like I said, it is crystal clear and no problems that I see, except for the scum floating on the surface..

Perhaps I will get some pics of it and post it here.. in another thread of course :P


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Re: New Bengal
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2006, 11:58:19 pm »
golferm, nice setup. The plants look beautiful. What part of the country are you in? I think the siding looks more attractive than the Hotspring version.
2005 Hot Spring Envoy still going strong. Million-Mile Club....

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Re: New Bengal
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2006, 12:07:38 pm »
Hey all, thanks for the replies....sorry I'm a little late in replying...

Gomboman, I'm in Calgary, Alberta Canada.  (for those Americans who don't know Canada, that's straight north of Montana).  We're about 40 minutes from the Rocky Mountains.  

About moving the potted flowers instead of trading, I actually didn't trade, I sold my tub privately, which got me a much better deal.  I only ended paying about $1300 for a brand new tub with 2 more years warranty, about $200 of chemicals, and a Watkins Spa Side Umbrella (retail value of $500).  Not to mention, imho, better filtration and jetting, plus a colour I'll be really happy with.

Yes, I do think the Tiger River cabinets have a nicer look to them then the Hot Springs.  They both look great, but the TR's seem to have more character in the surewood.

Loving it so far, and the water is clear as a bell.  I do notice a bit of scum in that one corner of the tub too, but if you run the clean cycle after being in it, that tends to go away.  

Anyway, great to be a part of the Bengal club and Hot Springs cult ....oops, I mean family.


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Re: New Bengal
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2006, 12:07:38 pm »


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