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Author Topic: Ozone system not working??  (Read 9270 times)


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Ozone system not working??
« on: October 01, 2006, 10:11:30 pm »
I just changed the water on our 04 Caspian Tiger River spa.
I noticed when I turned it on that the bubbles are not showing from the ozone system.
I took off the front panel, and went to run vinegar through the system as the manual says, but it really wasn't drawing much through the tube. It couldn't draw enough to fill the tube.
The ozonater light is on, but I hear no sound from the ozone box.
I see no bubbles coming up in the tub.
Is it broken? Is there somewhere I should look?
We are rather meticulous in care of the tub, so I am not sure why this would occur.
Thanks for any input.

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Ozone system not working??
« on: October 01, 2006, 10:11:30 pm »


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Re: Ozone system not working??
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2006, 10:36:21 pm »

Mine did the same thing and they ended up having to put a new ozonator on it.  When the tech pulled the old one out, somehow water had backed into the unit and ruined it.  Not sure how it happened as it had the check valve installed correctly, but there was clearly water in the ozonator.



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Re: Ozone system not working??
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2006, 10:50:19 pm »
How did you know for sure the ozonater wasn't working? I am making the assumption that since I cannot see any bubbles, it isn't working even though its light is on. What model did you have that the ozone went out on?


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Re: Ozone system not working??
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2006, 08:08:36 am »
How did you know for sure the ozonater wasn't working? I am making the assumption that since I cannot see any bubbles, it isn't working even though its light is on. What model did you have that the ozone went out on?
Was the ozone working b-4 you drained it?  If so, you might just have an air lock on the circ pump.  Take your filter out, stick a hose down the filter stand-pipe while wrapping a towel around the stand-pipe to dis-allow air as to apply waterflow pressure through the circ pump.  Run for a minute until you see air bubble release from the heater return.  Reset the spa and see if that takes care of it.  


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Re: Ozone system not working??
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2006, 09:09:58 am »
Bubbles are not a sign that your ozone generator is producing ozone. Bubbles are just a sign that the venturi is working correctly and is drawing in the ozone gas, or oxygen if you are not producing ozone. Chances are either your venturi check valve is clogged, or you have reduced flow through your circulation pump system so the venturi is not drawing the air/ozone in. Chances are it's like PKUD said and it's just an airlock.


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Re: Ozone system not working??
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2006, 09:27:50 am »

Mine went from putting off alot of bubbles to putting off none.



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Re: Ozone system not working??
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2006, 10:13:50 am »
I tried what PKUD said to do with the air lock. No bubble came out of the heater return.
I powered the system back on, turned on and still no bubbles coming out of heater return.
I can tell warm water is pumping out as evident by the ring at the water line, but no bubbles at all.
Any other ideas?, thanks everyone for your input thus far.


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Re: Ozone system not working??
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2006, 11:35:13 am »
I tried what PKUD said to do with the air lock. No bubble came out of the heater return.
I powered the system back on, turned on and still no bubbles coming out of heater return.
I can tell warm water is pumping out as evident by the ring at the water line, but no bubbles at all.
Any other ideas?, thanks everyone for your input thus far.
Maybe a bad check valve or the ozone tubing is kinked.  Pull the check valve off and see if you get bubbles, if so your check valve is bad.  Make sure there are no kinks in the ozone tubing.  You can also try cleaning your injector.  Unscrew the tubing from the black injector and use a small nail to unclogg if necessary.


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Re: Ozone system not working??
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2006, 11:37:57 am »
I tried what PKUD said to do with the air lock. No bubble came out of the heater return.
I powered the system back on, turned on and still no bubbles coming out of heater return.
I can tell warm water is pumping out as evident by the ring at the water line, but no bubbles at all.
Any other ideas?, thanks everyone for your input thus far.

If your circ pump is working I'd guess the check valve. If you remove the tube just before the check valve you'll probably see bubbles appearing. This will tell you that you need to change out the check valve.
220, 221, whatever it takes!

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Re: Ozone system not working??
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2006, 05:35:11 pm »
Check for a kink in the tubing if none found remove the tube from the ozone generator and blow into the end, have someone else check for bubbles in the tub.

BE CAREFUL EVEN OZONE RESIDUE CAN CAUSE SKIN BURNS, use a pucker mask or a small piece of rubber with a hole pin hole in it.   If you see bubbles there is no problem with mazzei injector or check valve and you have bad ozone generator.  If you don't see bubbles follow others advice already discussed

                                                                            Good luck
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Re: Ozone system not working??
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2006, 09:53:56 pm »
 :) :) The problem is solved.
I took off the tube from the bottom of the ozonator. I carefully made sure to keep it above water level and wrapped some cloth around it and blew hard in it until bubbles came up from the spa floor. I reconnected all and the bubbles are now surfacing again from the ozonator.
If anyone else tries this, watch for the ozone and or the nitric acid. Use protection.
Thanks all for your great help.


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Re: Ozone system not working??
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2006, 03:46:46 pm »
I've tried that before and it worked.  Most likely a little something stuck in the check valve and you unstuck it.  Most problems with no bubbles start with the check valve.  They can be fussy.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Ozone system not working??
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2006, 03:46:46 pm »


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