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Author Topic: How's the back BP?  (Read 26942 times)


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How's the back BP?
« on: July 23, 2005, 02:12:38 pm »
Not so good today, seems I'm struggling to keep my pain under control today and I'm just not in a very chipper mood!I go see the Pain Specialist Next month the 30th 8 hour trip just doesn't enthuse me at all, luckily hubby is doing a two parter on the way down, we will stop in Casper to rest for the night (that's 4 1/2 hours from us) and then finish the trip the next morning about another 4 hours to Cheyenne. BTW...I'm glad it wasn't this week seems CFD is going on this week (for those of you who don't know it's Cheyenne Frontier Days the "grandaddy of them all!") Big event even have Toby there this year which my sister has tickets to  :'( Makes me realllllll sad about that I would LOVE to see Toby in concert!. Anyway, I left the cover completly off the tub today hoping it would cool down so I could get in, I was in ther about 10 and boy was it nice a comfy 94 degrees, so I'm about ready for another soak here shortly. The last bit of news I have for you all is......I got my hair cut yesterday, it's summertime and I'm not one to keep my hair long during the hot  dawg days of summer besides the fact taht hunting season is coming up and I'm looking forward to getting my buck this year with my new Barnett 400 Crossbow! (yes I actually sit in a treestand too can you imagine that??) Anyway, back to my hair...so I had it cut, it's pretty short now kinda like...ummmmm......Anne Heche's hair now..short and sassy. Anyway, I want you to all have a great weekend.


P.S. Yes...I think I've become a fish!! BTW...scared the crap out of my hubby yesterday night...my neighbor children have a couple of fish that swim (you actually turn a button on) around the pool of theirs and really look real..well I borrowed the one that seems to have started swimming on the bottom lately and put it in the hot tub (yes..I rinsed it off first) and he got in and was sitting there relaxing and the fish must have brushed his leg about that time and he jumped sooooo high I thought he was going to literally jump out of the hot tub. I'm sssooooooooooo mean!!!!

Hot Tub Forum

How's the back BP?
« on: July 23, 2005, 02:12:38 pm »


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Re: How's the back BP?
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2005, 06:13:28 pm »
Thanks for the update, BP!

Sorry that you can't go to the show!  I hope the trip isn't too hard for you!  
Oklahoma Vanguard owner-don't hold that against me

Hot Tub Forum

Re: How's the back BP?
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2005, 06:13:28 pm »


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