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Author Topic: To A/C or not to A/C that is the question?????????  (Read 6463 times)


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To A/C or not to A/C that is the question?????????
« on: May 25, 2007, 05:54:44 pm »
So the wife says no, but I cant seem to relax.  I am uptight and moody, she says suck it up and it will eventually cool down.  She hates the A/C, why did we even buy it then.  She takes the cost approach to it and I take the quality of life approach to it.  

I came home from nights and was so tired.  I went to bed and was up an hour later.  When I got out of bed, I had a human outline of sweat in the sheets.  It looked like the police chalking.  Maybe an exaggeration, but what gives with you woman and hating AC??????????????????

My wife says, its only May, I say what the hay!
My wife says, its not that hot, I say it feels like im in a pot!
My wife says, suck it up, I say our dog is suffering, that poor pup
My wife says you dont hear the kids complain, I say, Im going insane.
My wife says come on its not that bad, I said it only makes me really mad
My wife says its not that hot, I say shut up you stupid tw.......  (Just kidding) I love her

You see, I am going insane, not to mention, I just read green eggs and ham to my son.  He sat beside me and now he is stuck to me from the humidity!!!  I need the AC on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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To A/C or not to A/C that is the question?????????
« on: May 25, 2007, 05:54:44 pm »


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Re: To A/C or not to A/C that is the question?????
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2007, 08:17:27 pm »
You are bosco, basco you am.
Did you enjoy Green eggs and ham?

Before you burn up and turn to ashes,
are you sure you are not,
having 'hot flashes'?

As far as your son being stuck to your side,
by the wet sticky weather that is out and inside,
read him a story that will loosen the clinch.
About the cold Xmas villan,
the Who hating Grinch. >:(

(Sorry Dr. Suess) :D

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Re: To A/C or not to A/C that is the question?????
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2007, 11:04:44 pm »
I'm with you.  Turn the damn A/C on.  What's it for if not to make the house comfortable.
 You turn the heat on when you're cold, and the A/C on when you're hot.  Especially when it's humid.  
A/C's are good at removing moisture from the air.



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Re: To A/C or not to A/C that is the question?????
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2007, 11:18:00 pm »
We have the AC set to 82 during the day and 78 in the evening when the man is home.  He's a wuss and whines when its hot.  Occasionally during the day if I get too hot and its 82, I will turn on the AC down to 80.  We used to have a rule that the AC couldn't be on until June the heat til November.  But, we threw that rule out this year when we whit the 100's in March.  I already have $300 electric bills... whats a few $$$$ more.


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Re: To A/C or not to A/C that is the question?????
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2007, 03:46:21 am »
You are the man of the house right? 8-)  Turn it on. :)

tommy tunes

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Re: To A/C or not to A/C that is the question?????
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2007, 09:23:06 am »
You are the man of the house right? 8-)  Turn it on. :)

...when she's not arooooooooound! ;D ;D ;D ;D

Sound's like you and your wife are the complete opposite of me and mine.  I can deal with it, she can't.  But it's 9:15 am here, and it's already in the mid 70's both inside and out and feeling a little sticky.  I'll be dragging the AC's out of the shed and putting them in today.  Especially since we hit near 90 yesterday.  I usually wait untill about the end of may or beginning of june depending on the temps.  So it's about that time again.... ::) ::) ::)


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Re: To A/C or not to A/C that is the question?????
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2007, 11:03:42 am »
You are the man of the house right? 8-)  Turn it on. :)

And this is why you are single.

 ;)   :D


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Re: To A/C or not to A/C that is the question?????
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2007, 07:06:12 pm »
Sorry Brook but 80 is not comfortable!  Thats hot!  My house is kept at 69 to 72 throughout the year!  Yes, my wife says she freezes but I keep her warm!   Here in ND though we can have 95 degrees one day and 45 the next.  Yep, the heater and the AC have both run in May so far!


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Re: To A/C or not to A/C that is the question?????
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2007, 11:28:29 pm »
I never said it was comfortable.  I just don't want to live in the van down by the river.  My AC went out in that this week.   :'(  If I keep my AC too cool, I won't be able to pay the bills.  Last summer I avg'd $450 a month for electricity on my 1200 sg ft house.  When I'm cleaning or doing vigorous activities, we do try and turn it down.


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Re: To A/C or not to A/C that is the question?????
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2007, 12:56:07 am »
Sorry Brook but 80 is not comfortable!  Thats hot!  My house is kept at 69 to 72 throughout the year!  Yes, my wife says she freezes but I keep her warm!   Here in ND though we can have 95 degrees one day and 45 the next.  Yep, the heater and the AC have both run in May so far!

80º where Brook lives and 80º where other people live may be VERY different. She's in SoCal where there is close to no humidity. Other places have to deal with the temp & the uncomfortable feeling the humidity brings so it doesn't surprise me that she can go without AC easier than someone else who is dealing with the same temp.
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Re: To A/C or not to A/C that is the question?????
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2007, 01:22:52 am »
Wow Brooke, $450 a month in the summer is harsh!  I complain heavily if my bill goes past $300 in the dead of winter.  My summertime bills with the AC set to 78 are usually around $80 for gas and electric (1800 sq. ft.).  Is electricity really that much more expensive in Cali?


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Re: To A/C or not to A/C that is the question?????
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2007, 12:00:11 pm »
Yes, electricity is more here, but there are a few other factors like I'm a drug dealer like the mom on Weeds, I just grow it in my house...   :)  no just kidding.  I am a stay home mom, so the tv is on, the lights are on, etc. all day where as people who go to work don't have anything on during the day.  We also have a couple pc's, tv's, etc.  The house is very poorly insulated and has old windows.

My bill I just got has me paying avg .21 kwh.  It will go up during summer months when I'm over baseline more.  My last bill was $245.  I have gas heat, stove, dryer.  During winter we use about 1100kwh, during summer about 1600 kwh.

Last July my bill was $428.96.  If I call right now and switch to the level pay plan I will pay $296mo.  I will probably do that before I get the expensive summer bills.  It'll be hard to cough up the extra $200 mo for 3-4 straight months.


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Re: To A/C or not to A/C that is the question?????
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2007, 02:31:41 pm »

  If I call right now and switch to the level pay plan I will pay $296mo.  I will probably do that before I get the expensive summer bills.  

We're on the 'level pay plan' with all of our utilities and it does make life easier during the peak months, however, you get a bit peeved when you're paying the level amount during the 'slow' months. :(

Give it a try, you may even get a rebate at the end of the billing period-we always tell them to keep it and apply it to the next cycle.

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Re: To A/C or not to A/C that is the question?????
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2007, 11:47:33 pm »

And this is why you are single.

 ;)   :D
No, that was not it at all. Nice try though. ;)  :D   ;)  :D  ;)  :D  ;)  :D  ;)  :D  ;)  :D  ;)  :D  ;)  :D  ;)  :D  ;)  :D

ps- I'm no longer single.  8-) :-*


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Re: To A/C or not to A/C that is the question?????
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2007, 09:01:51 am »

ps- I'm no longer single.  8-) :-*


This wouldn't happen to be the lucky woman?

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Re: To A/C or not to A/C that is the question?????
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2007, 09:01:51 am »


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