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Just ordered a D-1 Sarena Bay... Help!!!!
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Topic: Just ordered a D-1 Sarena Bay... Help!!!! (Read 5625 times)
Larry Becker
Junior Member
Posts: 51
Just ordered a D-1 Sarena Bay... Help!!!!
September 18, 2006, 02:34:51 pm »
Hi! Just found this forum recently...
The Sarena Bay I ordered is being delivered on Friday, so I've got some work to do to get ready for it. My concrete patio slab has too much of a slope (1.5" over 10'), so I'm building a low redwood deck platform to even it out (and also cover some oddness in the concrete). Any suggestions or concerns about thsi? Anything I should make sure the dealer does or doesn't do? They're wet-testing it this week, and I'm having them do the electrical (I already have a new 200 amp panel).
The spa itself was built in 8/05 and has never had water in it -- apparently in the showroom all this time. I considered a new Lotus Bay, but for not much more I got the Sarena Bay (maybe a little less...). The exercise options and dual Dynamic Massage sequencers seemed really great. It's got the white Ultralife shell and Mayan Brown Envirotect shell.
I wish it had the sound option, but apparently that has to be factory installed. The sales guy talked about a Dolphin remote that controls the spa and sound on models with that, but they didn't know if the remote could control the spa itself w/out the sound option. I found Dolphin remotes available through a dealer on line, and I think I could make it work myself with some outdoor speakers and a hookup to a reciever... any experience with this?
Quick note of introduction... I'm a Lutheran pastor/ceo of a church/school in the LA area. Married, 1 son in college, one just married. Just me, my wife and the cat at home. Cat isn't too interested in the spa. Probably just as well -- might clog things up...
Looking forward to getting to know some folks here -- I think there are even other ministers here? Seems we need to relax a bit in our profession...
Thanks again for all your help!
Larry Becker
2005 D-1 Sarena Bay
Hot Tub Forum
Just ordered a D-1 Sarena Bay... Help!!!!
September 18, 2006, 02:34:51 pm »
In Canada eh
Senior Member
Posts: 1036
Re: Just ordered a D-1 Sarena Bay... Help!!!!
Reply #1 on:
September 18, 2006, 07:47:37 pm »
Sorry I'm catholic, not sure how to refer to you.
With regards to your wood deck, make sure its strong enough to support the weight of the tub. You may want to consult an engineer.
D1 builds a good quality tub and have had favorable reviews so I' m sure you will be happy.
Sorry but I can't comment on the Dolphin remote because I am not familiar with them.
Yes I have seen a minister or two make the occasional post on this site, I have also seen a few with a bit of the "Devil in Them"
Last Edit: September 18, 2006, 07:48:21 pm by Confused_in_Canada
Bullfrog 451
Larry Becker
Junior Member
Posts: 51
Re: Just ordered a D-1 Sarena Bay... Help!!!!
Reply #2 on:
September 18, 2006, 08:34:33 pm »
Dear "In Canada_eh,"
Just "Larry" is fine when I'm not working... which is kind of what the spa thing is all about for me -- taking some time to not work... Though if I'm not careful, I'll end up with a bunch of church people in my tub. Can't win for losing! How do I address you? "In Canada"? "Eh"? "ICE"? BTW, I was born in Welland, Ont, so feel free to speak Canadian to me and I'll probably get it... eh?
Yeah, I've stressed a little about the strength of the deck, and I have it sorted out pretty well. If anything, I'm way overbuilding it!
As far as other ministers having a bit of the Devil in them -- SAY IT ISN'T SO!!!!!
Ok, maybe we do get into a little mischief sometimes
Thanks for your response!
2005 D-1 Sarena Bay
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Re: Just ordered a D-1 Sarena Bay... Help!!!!
Reply #3 on:
September 18, 2006, 08:42:04 pm »
You don't need our help, God is with you. Just prey it will all work out.
In Canada eh
Senior Member
Posts: 1036
Re: Just ordered a D-1 Sarena Bay... Help!!!!
Reply #4 on:
September 18, 2006, 08:44:19 pm »
We think the same,
When in doubt build it 5 times stronger then it needs to be
I was not referring to the other ministers having a bit of the devil in them, I was referring to some of the shenanigans that go on on this site. Seriously, its a good bunch of people always willing to lend advice and a helpful hint or two.
I have know a few catholic priests always willing to get into "mischief" on a basketball court, I never knew it was a full contact sport
Bullfrog 451
Larry Becker
Junior Member
Posts: 51
Re: Just ordered a D-1 Sarena Bay... Help!!!!
Reply #5 on:
September 18, 2006, 08:47:22 pm »
Dear sledjunkie...
I'll check again, but I'm sure there is very little in the Scriptures about soaking in a tub and spa chemical problems. Could be wrong, though... I'll check again --- HAH! Thanks for the laugh! I REALLY DO need help on this!
2005 D-1 Sarena Bay
Junior Member
Posts: 61
Re: Just ordered a D-1 Sarena Bay... Help!!!!
Reply #6 on:
September 18, 2006, 08:49:12 pm »
I don't think the slope you quoted will present a problem, especially if you orient it so the filter end is either up-hill or down-hill. Consult your dealer, though. I'd (personally) have a slight slope than worry about shell stress due to shimming (there will be a lot of weight, just with water.)
I have my Artesian on a slab with 1"/10' slope with no problems at all (other than the water is slightly higher on one side than another, and I mounted mine sideways to the slope.
Don't worry, be happy that you have a quality spa to relax in.
John F
Larry Becker
Junior Member
Posts: 51
Re: Just ordered a D-1 Sarena Bay... Help!!!!
Reply #7 on:
September 18, 2006, 08:55:31 pm »
I noticed the level of conversation on this board was pretty nice and helpful -- that's why I decided to join. I don't normally have or take the time to do such things...
2005 D-1 Sarena Bay
Larry Becker
Junior Member
Posts: 51
Re: Just ordered a D-1 Sarena Bay... Help!!!!
Reply #8 on:
September 19, 2006, 12:47:53 pm »
John F,
Just saw your not this morning... sorry...
I agree, a 1"/10' might be ok... but on a Sarena bay there is a filter on the left side of the spa (which would be the high side on my patio), and a Weir straining filter and whatever else is in there on the right side (which would be the low side). It seemed to me to be the way to go to build up the deck.
Even worse, as I've built up the frame for the base, I've found that it isn't an even slope -- in one side it's almost 2" over 10', and goes down to 1" or so on the other end. Not even at all! I'm glad I made the decision to do it, and I've consulted the dealer and told them what I plan and how I'll do it -- they seem very ok with it. I'm not just shimming, I'm building a whole new base with a fully studded and supported frame, covered with 2x6 redwood planks, with plenty of air circulation and drainage allowed for underneath. For the frame of the deck, I'm going 13" on center (not the usual 16").
I think it will be fine, at least as strong as a regular deck that a spa would be put on.
I'm SO EXCITED to get this thing in and running!
2005 D-1 Sarena Bay
Junior Member
Posts: 80
3 seats, 155hp jet pump - anything BUT relaxing!
Re: Just ordered a D-1 Sarena Bay... Help!!!!
Reply #9 on:
September 19, 2006, 01:04:49 pm »
Now, Larry, you are not getting a HOT TUB or a SPA. You are getting a "portable, full-immersion baptism facilitator". This would make the expenditure a PROFESSIONAL EXPENSE, and therefore tax deductible
Larry Becker
Junior Member
Posts: 51
Re: Just ordered a D-1 Sarena Bay... Help!!!!
Reply #10 on:
September 19, 2006, 01:11:59 pm »
Ya know, something like that occurred to me, but not as nicely developed as your concept. I like it!!!
I will be getting LOTS OF GRIEF from my congregation about this, but I won't care because I'll be very much more relaxed than they are.
It's funny -- when people hear what I'm doing they are talking about it, too... And several already have spas of some kind...
I really like this group -- nice sense of humor and spirit in this place! You're my kind of people... Which, I guess, should worry me...
2005 D-1 Sarena Bay
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Posts: 5274
Re: Just ordered a D-1 Sarena Bay... Help!!!!
Reply #11 on:
September 19, 2006, 01:22:02 pm »
I can see that. I think many people want thier church leaders to live a simple life and avoid material indulgences. (unless you have a castle in St Peter's sq).
so, yea, you might raise a few ebrows with a spa, as many people see them as high end luxary items (which to me is a bit strange, I've got friends driving around in $45,000 cars and they tell me they can't afford a hot tub. Hey, I drive a car the cost less than $19.
You buy a 6K tub and they'll talk. Show up to services in a new Lexus and they won't bat an eye lash.
Instead of water change outs, just change it into wine.
07 Caldera Geneva
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Posts: 406
Keeping a close eye on the new spa...
Re: Just ordered a D-1 Sarena Bay... Help!!!!
Reply #12 on:
September 19, 2006, 01:23:54 pm »
I am with you in trying to get a flat surface if possible without doing any damage to your new spa. A redwood deck sounds nice and since you have started on yours you may not want to try other possibilities. I managed to resolve a slope issue by having a concrete "shim" built (I didn't do it, a contractor recommended by my dealer did!).
So far after 6 months it is doing well and the spa is now pretty level as a result.
Anyway, if you have any interest the post showing it is here:
In hot water with my '06 Reflections Granada
Larry Becker
Junior Member
Posts: 51
Re: Just ordered a D-1 Sarena Bay... Help!!!!
Reply #13 on:
September 19, 2006, 01:59:58 pm »
I really debated the concrete shim, and would prefer to go that route, but the concrete people I called in the Los Angeles area didn't wan't anything to do with it -- too small a job, I guess. I'll talk to my dealer again to see what he says...
Thanks for the pics on your set-up - it looks great!
2005 D-1 Sarena Bay
Larry Becker
Junior Member
Posts: 51
Re: Just ordered a D-1 Sarena Bay... Help!!!!
Reply #14 on:
September 19, 2006, 02:08:11 pm »
Fortunately, I've been around the block in this business enough not to be bothered by what people say or do. At 65-70 hours a week, plus being on call 24/7, plus managing a staff of 45, plus overseeing a $1.8m budget, I don't feel too badly sitting in a tub of hot water a few hours a day.
In my last parish in NE I bought a used boat and refurbished it. Spent a lot of time on the lakes with my 2 boys. People got cranky about that, but MANY of them had boats as well. I learned to not even notice such things...
Come to think about it, this is similar... The boat was a fiberglass shell that kept water out, and a spa is a shell that keeps water in... Hmmmm...
2005 D-1 Sarena Bay
Hot Tub Forum
Re: Just ordered a D-1 Sarena Bay... Help!!!!
Reply #14 on:
September 19, 2006, 02:08:11 pm »
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