I have not used it on a spa filter before, but for those that want to soak the filter in something, plain vinegar is a great cleaner and would rinse easily... just a thought 
Hmmm interesting . . . I use white vinegar for a lot of cleaning. We try to run a pretty "green" household, and I find that most jobs can be pretty well covered by vinegar, baking soda, and CitraSolv (I'm not fond of licorice so can't really deal with the smell of Simple Green).
Yesterday was the one-month mark for my new J-220, so I'm looking at doing a filter clean, or at least a rinse, this weekend. We've been in the tub all but three or four nights since getting it. I use dichlor after use (1 tsp for 350 gallons), and weekly MPS shock. Had to add calcium at the beginning, and have used only a tiny bit of baking soda or PH up to keep the TA and PH pretty steady. Stopped using my favorite body oil (Neutrogena sesame if anyone cares) in honor of the new tub.
So far water quality has been great! I noticed a very slight cloudiness last night, so I figure a filter clean and maybe an extra shock is in order, but am hoping I can get away without the newbie water dump.
So . . . I would LOVE to be able to use the vinegar for cleaning the filter, if folks here think that's a good idea. (FYI our dishwasher is the Spouse, so that's not an option.)
Wondering, would a vinegar rinse affect the PH? What dilution/strength should I use? (I use 3 parts water to one part vinegar for glass cleaning.) How long should I soak the filter?
Any advice appreciated . . . thanks!