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Author Topic: opinions Grandee vs Niagra vs Nautilus  (Read 3451 times)


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opinions Grandee vs Niagra vs Nautilus
« on: September 19, 2006, 01:49:36 am »
    I will be buying a tub soon and after researching and visiting our local dealers available to us, we have narrowed our list to these three.  I can't wait to get it and start enjoying, but we have to decide first. We wet tested the HS Grandee and D1 Nautilus but only dry sat in the Caldera Niagra with a wet test to come.  All seem to be well built with good warranties and a similar price. No big sure difference in dealers.  Here is how I see things:

HS Grandee:  Pluses......bigger(500gal), love moto massage, remote that can be run from house and monitored
                    Minuses....No auto cycling of jet pumps

Caldera Niagra:  Pluses....bigger(500gal), interesting layout 1/2 lounger, jets more spread out, 1 ea 2 speed pump, 4          corner seating
                         Minuses....No auto cycling of jet pumps, no remote, slightly more expensive

D1 Nautilus:   Pluses.....Auto cycling of jet pumps, 2 ea 2 speed pumps, 4 corner seating
                     Minuses....smaller(370gal), no remote
**** The footwell dome is really a split personality thing thing for both my wife and I.  It is nice to be able to push against it and have more foot jets for each seat.  I also find it hard to strech out and feel like my heels are resting on top of a golfball when I do.  It also feels akward to get out of the tub compared to a flat bottom tub.  Maybe I would get used to it but it's not like it can be removed and my initial feeling is I don't like it more than I do.  

I have this feeling that a slow flow circulation pump can't handle 100% of the filtering as you can tell from my pluses/minus list.  I would rather have a circ pump than not have one. I just feel that it is good if the jet pumps are run anyway to shake things up if the tub is not used for a time like vacations or if after a period of time your usage just goes down.  I realize that the tub will be used very regular and it filters then. But in the event it doesn't it is a nice feature not to have to manually do it.  On the Niagra, there is no remote and the control panels are both under the cover so that is the worst case for this senario.  I might be totally wrong about this, just how I feel.  

I have been reading the posts and learning much.  Sometimes someone can bring up something you didn't think of or has experience which is really the best teacher.  Thanks in advance for you responses.  Looking forward to hear especially from owners of these models.  

Hot Tub Forum

opinions Grandee vs Niagra vs Nautilus
« on: September 19, 2006, 01:49:36 am »


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Re: opinions Grandee vs Niagra vs Nautilus
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2006, 09:30:07 am »
We must be traveling in the same circles.  I too am looking at those exact tubs.  I have added Bull frog, knocked out Artic and Jacuzzi and are adding Sundance this week. Here are some of the issues I found.  By the way, a month ago I didn't know one thing about hot tubs....but with 7-8k on the line....I will do the work!

 I am not going to test the D1 mainly due to the lack of controls for pressure.
The D1 does not have variable air control in the seats.  I found this to be a good feature in the Niagra.  I like a really soft feel, wherer as my wife likes to beaten.......I mean...high pressure.....LOL

To get the same features in a jacuzzi, you need to move to the 400 series....pricey and has a uneven tub line on the top, that would not work in my application.

Arctic was just uncofortable.  The heaad rest kept hitting me in the bottom of my head.  I loved the pitch and the sales guy....but it's suppose to be comfortable....right???!!

HS Grande is the test for today.  It's comfortable dry just like the Niagra was.  I expect it to stay in the loop

Comes down to the wet test.  They all seem to be close in features and specs.


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Re: opinions Grandee vs Niagra vs Nautilus
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2006, 01:34:52 pm »

HS Grandee:  
                    Minuses....No auto cycling of jet pumps

Caldera Niagra:  
                         Minuses....No auto cycling of jet pumps

I'm no expert, but if HotSpring and Caldera (two very reputable tubs) thought that auto cycling of jet pumps was critical, they would have that feature.  Both have the 24 hour circ pump, which you're aware of, and it works fabulously.  And you're right, the moto-massage is wonderful, that's how we ended up with a HotSpring  :)
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Re: opinions Grandee vs Niagra vs Nautilus
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2006, 01:45:45 pm »
Just got out of a grande at HS.... a quick wet test at lunchtime....

I noticed that the controls on two of the seats were only controlled by diverters or manually changing the "changable" nozzles.  

Two things that I did not like.

The Moto Massage....personal preference...defiently wet test this option.  It's an up and down nozzle...I didn't really like it....I also could not get it soft enough when I was trying to use the neck spray at the same station.

2nd, The foot well has a few jest....can't control them.  Again personal preference.  They did.t turn down a bit.  The whole time they are banging against your legs.  I found a comfortable spot, but my legs would be in someone elses lap.

Overall this tub is comfortable.  It really lets you lay vback.  But the other two issues, for me, make it a no go

Off the the FROG tonight


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Re: opinions Grandee vs Niagra vs Nautilus
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2006, 06:39:32 pm »
Spiderman: Your probably right on with your analysis of the circ pump issue Spiderman.  It sounds as though you have not had any trouble with water in your tub.  Like I said, that is just how I feel.  Nice to know someone hasn't had any trouble.

Hottbpete:  Sounds like you and I are on the same track allright.  I  thought the Grandee had the most "pedal room" and had to put most everything on minimum power and then it felt great.  That includes turning the diverters to between positions to power most everything.  I don't like things too aggresive.  I also agree that you can really strech out and lay back.  That is one of the things that draws me to it.  

What were your impressions of the Niagra?  I also checked into the Jacuzzi 400 series but was too much money for the difference.  Right now, I am leaning toward the Grandee or the Niagra all depending on the wet test of the Niagra.

Thanks for the replies.  I apprecitate it.  


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Re: opinions Grandee vs Niagra vs Nautilus
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2006, 06:55:57 pm »

I understand your concern on the auto-cycling.  I can tell you that you won't have to worry about anything with that.  In particular, if you plan on using your spa.  With the water in the spa circulating 24/7, there is no need to turn the jet pumps on as all the water in the spa will be moving.  Granted, water will not be moving through the piping with great velocity without the jet pumps on, but it does not need to.

I concur that if this were a needed feature, it would be on Hot Spring.  I've had a Vanguard since 2003 and have never had any issue of anything coming out of my jets due to stagnation.  I would have to guess that stagnation is your concern.

If it comes down to that feature, I think you are looking at a non-issue.  
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Re: opinions Grandee vs Niagra vs Nautilus
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2006, 12:24:28 am »
     Thanks for the reply, Vanguard.  

 Stagnation was my concern in the pipes, jets and possibly even "dead spots" in the tub itself. I was thinking it might be like electricity taking the path of least resistance leaving dead spots in certain places.  It sounds like it is nothing to worry about and a non issue as you say.  


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Re: opinions Grandee vs Niagra vs Nautilus
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2006, 09:52:11 am »
Wet test the Niagra.  It has better control devices.  The extra cash may not be worth it however.

I have another wet test tomorrow, Sundance.   :D


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Re: opinions Grandee vs Niagra vs Nautilus
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2006, 06:42:33 pm »
just wanted to bump so I can respond to a few p.m. 's     less that 5 doesn't cut it


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Re: opinions Grandee vs Niagra vs Nautilus
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2006, 06:43:39 pm »
hottbpete:  how did your wet test of the sundance go?

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Re: opinions Grandee vs Niagra vs Nautilus
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2006, 06:43:39 pm »


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