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Author Topic: I have tub maintenance fright!!!!    (Read 7055 times)


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I have tub maintenance fright!!!!  
« on: September 16, 2006, 03:16:45 pm »
Geez, after reading the topic, "BROMINE CORROSIVE"  and another topic about hating tub maintenance, I have begun to worry.  My tub hasn't arrived yet and it is my first tub.  I'm concerned that I will be a slave to my hot tub!!!!   I know nothing about maintenance and it all sounds complicated to the point of frustration.  Is it really that hard to maintain proper PH?  
So what do you call a fear of being unable to maintain clean water in a hot tub???
This may be a loaded question, but what is the simplest way to maintain proper ph?
And, what method is least harmful to the tub and my body???
« Last Edit: September 16, 2006, 03:18:12 pm by Bama »

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I have tub maintenance fright!!!!  
« on: September 16, 2006, 03:16:45 pm »


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Re: I have tub maintenance fright!!!!  
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2006, 03:44:10 pm »
Have you measured you water from the tap?  My water is perfect and I've never had to adjust it.  I use dichlor after use and shock weekly with MPS and have found water maintenance to be super easy.


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Re: I have tub maintenance fright!!!!  
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2006, 03:49:36 pm »
Don't soak in battery acid and you'll be OK! ;)

Seriously, there is a newbie learning curve but it really isn't difficult.

Use either  bromine or dichlor (which is chlorine for the tub) and everything will be fine.

You need to know what's coming out of the tap to know where you want to go. Once you know that it's a simple matter of adding chems to bring a certain level up or down. If calcium is too high you need to add a chemical to keep it from depositing  on the tub.

Stuff will happen to the tub - see my post on good water gone bad - but you'll gain experience and be able to handle it. Just remember that PH, alkalinity (you may or may not have to adjust this) and calcium have a range and the sanitizer needs to be enough to kill bacteria.

It may be fustrating in the beginning but it does get easier.

Adjust PH up with either soda ash or baking soda - baking soda will adjust alkalinity too. Adjust both down with PH minus.


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Re: I have tub maintenance fright!!!!  
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2006, 03:54:45 pm »
I've used three different routines for water maintenance so far.

First was Baqua Spa- Very expensive chemicals, only available at certain dealers.
 They made our water very fizzy- to where we coughed all the time if the pumps were running.  Ditched that routine.

Went next to bromine- much better but the combination of bromine and MPS kept pulling down my Ph and alk.  So I was constantly having to add adjusters.  It was also hard for me do dial in my correct floater setting- one day no reading for bromine, next day off the charts, etc... Plus the bromine was causing some brown stains to form on the lighter colored plastic surfaces in the tub.  Wasn't an issue with Baqua.
 Bromine was cheaper, but still not what I wanted.

Now I'm on dichlor.  It's relatively Ph neutral, so I'm not constantly having to adjust the water for Ph and alk.  I'm going thru a LOT less of those Ph increaser and alk increaser (baking soda in my case), and my water hasn't been clearer.  
 Dichlor is inexpensive, easy to find, and using Vermonter's method, it's a very easy routine to maintain.  

My tap water is very high in alkalinity- I have to add a whole lot of acid to get it to drop.  So by the time my Ph and alk get balanced, I've already added quite a bit of stuff to the water, so I like the fact that this is minimized with my dichlor routine.

I woulnd't fret to much right now, it's a lot easier to do than you might think based on what you read here.  See what happens the first weeks you have your spa, and give us a shout if you need any help.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2006, 03:55:10 pm by Brewman »


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Re: I have tub maintenance fright!!!!  
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2006, 04:35:53 pm »
I've only been up & running a little over a week, but I'm finding maintaining the water is much easier than I thought (thanks to the people here pointing me toward the Vermonter dichlor method).  So far, it has been easier than maintaining a 55 gal aquarium - add a little of this & little of that while filling (1/2 bottle metal gone, 1 pkg spa up, & 1 oz defender) & then 1.5 tbsp dichlor (spa 56).  Then 2 tsp dichlor after each use (has been daily so far).  Readings all come out where they should.  Used 2.5 tbsp to shock after neighbors came over the other night.  So far, so good  ;)

I bought the Leisure Time "Complete Spa Care Startup Kit (chlorine) for about $40.  It has everything you need to get up & running & maintain things for a while.  It even comes with an instructional DVD for water maintenance.  The only thing I found was that their recommended amounts of what to add seemed a little higher than needed so I backed off - can always add more later if needed so why put in a bunch of stuff on day one, right?


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Re: I have tub maintenance fright!!!!  
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2006, 05:33:48 pm »
I've only been up & running a little over a week

Make sure you change that first tub of water in about 3 weeks.  After the first tub of water, you can probably go 3 months between changes.

Clean those filters and add dichlor.
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Re: I have tub maintenance fright!!!!  
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2006, 05:44:11 pm »
You can make yourself crazy reading about everybody's problems!  You've ordered the tub.  Just do your best.  Be patient and know you will make some mistakes.  Remember to come to the board with questions.  You will learn.  In no time at all, you'll have the right things figured out for your tub and it'll be smooth sailing after that.  

I was a little surprised that it was so much more delicate than our pool.  But, now we've got it all figured out and things are clear and great!


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Re: I have tub maintenance fright!!!!  
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2006, 06:40:57 pm »
How can I get my tap water tested?  I'm waiting on my tub and hadn't thought to get my water tested beforehand, but what a good idea!  Can I take it to my dealer for an analysis?  Or should I use a standard test kit?
Paul G.
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Re: I have tub maintenance fright!!!!  
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2006, 07:00:10 pm »
Your dealer should be able to test your water for you, if they offer that service.  Most probably do.  Else you can just get a test kit and do it yourself.  Depending on what chemical routine you go with, you're going to need some type of testing supplies anyway- strips, liquid, etc...



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Re: I have tub maintenance fright!!!!  
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2006, 12:04:06 am »
I'm the one who posted about "hating tub maintenance" and I hate to think that I scared anyone off. I have more pH problems than most due to my water source, so you may never experience the same issues. And I only said i "hated" it because I was so frustrated that my tub was not playing by the rules- I am a bit of a control freak, so if I add acid, the pH better drop, dammit. :P I still love my tub, love the relaxation it brings me, and I look at tub chemisty as a chess game that I want to win in as few moves as possible. It can be fun. You'll see what seems to be a high proportion of people here having problems and seeking help because this is where we get great advice! I dont bother to post about how satisfied I am when my water is perfectly balanced.......maybe I should.......
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Re: I have tub maintenance fright!!!!  
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2006, 01:13:51 am »

I too am a relative newbie to owning a tub (approximately 6 weeks now) and couldn't agree more with what has already been said.  The most difficult thing for me was getting out of my "pool care mode" where I add lbs of chemicals at a time, and into using tsp and tbsp's of chemicals.  Once you figure out what makes your 'water happy', it is really not difficult at all to maintain.
The beauty of it all is if you mess something up too bad, within a few hours you can have it drained, refilled and once again be soaking in 'happy water.'  Not counting the electric to reheat the water, I can fill my 580 gallon Maxxus for no more than a $1.00

Best of luck to you,


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Re: I have tub maintenance fright!!!!  
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2006, 03:27:47 pm »
I've only been up & running a little over a week

Make sure you change that first tub of water in about 3 weeks.  After the first tub of water, you can probably go 3 months between changes.

Clean those filters and add dichlor.

Mine was a wet floor model.  Would it still be necessary to drain & start over in a few weeks since it is already on its 2nd fill cycle?


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Re: I have tub maintenance fright!!!!  
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2006, 04:32:21 pm »
I've only been up & running a little over a week

Make sure you change that first tub of water in about 3 weeks.  After the first tub of water, you can probably go 3 months between changes.

Clean those filters and add dichlor.

Mine was a wet floor model.  Would it still be necessary to drain & start over in a few weeks since it is already on its 2nd fill cycle?

I dont think it matters that it is not the TUB'S first fill.....it is yours- with your water, your water maintenance mistakes, your skin getting used to soaking, etc.
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hot tub Frank

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Re: I have tub maintenance fright!!!!  
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2006, 08:50:53 pm »
you will be like any other newbe.
you will waste a ton of testing strips the first week, change your water the first time after a month.( because you mest it up like me by adding to much of your chems.)
also you will have for 200$ chems at home. But you will have a ton of fun soaking in your tub.
don't worry you get the hang of it and then it's so easy!
« Last Edit: September 17, 2006, 08:52:17 pm by hot_tub_Frank »


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Re: I have tub maintenance fright!!!!  
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2006, 03:20:20 pm »
I know it will be hard, but simply follow the vermonter's method and you will be good to go.  $50 worth of chems will last you at least a year and you will only have to change the water 3-4 times per year.  I am on month 4 and my water is still stable and clear (it is my first fill).  The key was to simply follow the instructions.  I highly recommend taking a water sample to your spa dealer from the hose that you will be filling with, let it run for a minute or so before putting it into a jar to allow the hose to flush out any standing water.  Depending on the readings, you may have to add some PH up or down, and depending on metals, some defender or other sequestering agent.  Then get a cheap set of measuring spoons (2 teaspoonsm and 2 tablespoons) and you are good to go!!!

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Re: I have tub maintenance fright!!!!  
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2006, 03:20:20 pm »


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