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Author Topic: Bull Frog  how do they compare  (Read 19464 times)


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Re: Bull Frog  how do they compare
« Reply #30 on: September 14, 2006, 01:16:31 am »
I have a problem with companies that use Lifetime warranties.  Example:  Bullfrog if I'm not mistaken claims to have a lifetime warranty on jet packs against LEAKS.  Well how would you know if your jet pack was leaking?  It would just leak into the tub.  
The jet pack idea is kinda cool, but how good are the jet packs?  How often would you change them once you had your spa?  I like their web site.  Wet testing could get tricky if you wanted to try every pack.

Their advertising suggests that they have a better system to flow water through the jets, but have you ever looked at the back of a pack?  The cramped space and turns or "spaghetti" is as bad as it gets.  

However, I would definitely compare them to any high end spa on the market, although I doubt they are "thousands" less.  They use very high components.

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Re: Bull Frog  how do they compare
« Reply #30 on: September 14, 2006, 01:16:31 am »

In Canada eh

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Re: Bull Frog  how do they compare
« Reply #31 on: September 14, 2006, 09:45:20 pm »

Their advertising suggests that they have a better system to flow water through the jets, but have you ever looked at the back of a pack?  The cramped space and turns or "spaghetti" is as bad as it gets.  

However, I would definitely compare them to any high end spa on the market, although I doubt they are "thousands" less.  They use very high components.


   The underside of any spa behind the equipment compartment divider is a collection of hoses,  Bullfrog just puts it all behind the seat.

   In regards to the pricing thing and remember this is in Canadian dollars.  Our second choice in tubs when we were shopping was the Caldera Martinique and was very similar in size and shape although it had 2 pumps, had a price of $ 8450 can$. including delivery,cover,gfci,ozone and cover lifter.  The Bullfrog 451( one pump) was $6995 can$ including the same goodies.  While not thousands and thousands less it was one and one half thousand less.   Keep in mind these are Canadian prices and things may be very different in the US
« Last Edit: September 14, 2006, 10:22:03 pm by Confused_in_Canada »
Bullfrog 451


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Re: Bull Frog  how do they compare
« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2006, 12:05:08 am »
OK, first off, I have never sold or serviced a BullFrog spa.  However, I did speak to the owner and developer of the spas when he first showed them at the NSPI show.  My employer and I were deciding which spas to sell in his expanded showroom.  Although we did not choose the BullFrog, I was impressed.  Granted, the upgradable seats are a gimmic.  But the overall theory is good.  In that first meeting I was shown that the main feed line was a loop, distributing water evenly to all seats.  I was also shown that water is displaced behind the seat to reduce the chance of stagnant water.  Also the minimum conections going into the shell below the waterline decreases the chance of leaks.

There are better spas out there, but I just wanted to post my honest opinion.


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Re: Bull Frog  how do they compare
« Reply #33 on: September 15, 2006, 12:19:50 am »
I appreciate your honest opinion, mine is no less so. I have a problem with those who suggest the stagnant water was a false hood...as I have already posted if it was all just a rumor spread by the competition BULLFROG would have not tried to fix the problem and again perhaps it has been completely and fully resolved but to simply say it never was... is in fact dishonest or false... the only reason for me to bring it up was if someone hears it is still a problem from those I know who carry the line, they have said that they have addressed it, however they were still in a wait and see mode...
« Last Edit: September 15, 2006, 12:27:26 am by Mendocino101 »


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Re: Bull Frog  how do they compare
« Reply #34 on: September 15, 2006, 01:07:36 pm »
Hey all, new here...Just got my first spa, a Bullfrog model 562 with Bose stereo, and we love it. I've got to admit the cooler the nights get the more I'm lovin this...can't wait for that first light snow...
Bullfrog 562


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Re: Bull Frog  how do they compare
« Reply #35 on: September 15, 2006, 01:13:34 pm »
"Constant screwing around causes union failure."

Got it. Gonna write that one down.

Words to live by folks. And you thought you'd only get hot tub advice in here.  ;)  
« Last Edit: September 15, 2006, 01:13:56 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva

In Canada eh

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Re: Bull Frog  how do they compare
« Reply #36 on: September 15, 2006, 07:42:45 pm »
I'm just happy to see a few more Bullfrog owners start chiming in around here :)


      Are you paying attention to this?   Small corner of your showroom, lets get some Bullfrogs out your way! ;D
Bullfrog 451


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Re: Bull Frog  how do they compare
« Reply #37 on: September 15, 2006, 08:38:17 pm »
Gotta add my 2  on this This is not a Bash but an Educated opinion with relevant experience

-the little tube on the manifold does not have enough pressure to push water through the tiny little space between the mould in the seat

- unions do wear out over excessive use in Bullfrogs
- not all seats fit in all spots
- Kyle in his previous post was dead on
- If the glue joint does fail  it will be far worse a repair than any    
  other tub
- the jet packs are based on Gallons per minute  so tubs are
  preset with packs that make the flow meter look great  and
  if you decide to change up you may have to upgrade your
  pump as well
- there is also a jet warranty issue going on right now where
  they are falling apart
- decent tub  good marketability  but design still need some
  work  and not high end
- the top perimeter of a hot tub is the most vunerable to heat
  loss in the winter but yet the main piping is right there with nothing to protect it.

I do know what Im talking about for I sold and serviced Bullfrogs & am still in good contact with the other service tech for them currently    
« Last Edit: September 15, 2006, 08:38:52 pm by Pathfinder »


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Re: Bull Frog  how do they compare
« Reply #38 on: September 15, 2006, 09:06:36 pm »
We bought a bullfrog (tadpole) this August, and we love it. The only problem we have as I posted earlier was the expense on the Tubby tablets in our saltwater system for it. Other than that it has been a great relief from teacing 2 -3 fitness classes a day.

Fitnessadict  8-)


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Re: Bull Frog  how do they compare
« Reply #39 on: September 15, 2006, 10:58:40 pm »
As was mentioned earlier, once the jetpacks are set up there is really little or no reason to move them. Also to clarify the union issue, we're not talking about an iron plumbing union, but one with o-rings that is easily hand tightened and should hold up over many cycles. Not sure what you mean by the packs not fitting in every seat as mine certainly do. As for the gpm issue I upgraded to the largest pumps available and there is more than adequate flow. I suspect most buyers will do their due diligence and choose this option also. I can't speak for the jet warranty issue as my tub is only a few months old. All in all I'm very satified with our Bullfrog and would recommend it to others.
Bullfrog 562

In Canada eh

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Re: Bull Frog  how do they compare
« Reply #40 on: September 16, 2006, 09:06:33 am »

    While I don't doubt your previous experience, I do have to disagree with a couple of your points.

The water behind the jet issue IMO has been corrected by the small hose behind the seat and the issue here is two fold.

      The hose adds chlorinated water to the back of the seat to stop the issue in question

      The pressure behind the seat needs to only be 1 to 2 psi greater the the pressure pushing or holding the seat
      in place.  Remember that  1psi will raise a 1 inch column of water 2.31 feet,  if you have ever used a water
      level you'll see how this principle works.  when we were shopping for our tub I was aware of this
      issue/rumour/past problem and asked my dealer about it.   He added couple of drops of clarifier behind the
      seat with the pump on low and you could see the cloud coming out from the back of the seat

The thing about the unions wearing out

      the unions themselves don't wear out the "o"rings do.  If you move your seats around constantly you could
      wear out the "o" rings.  Who cares ! they are available at any factory supply dealer for about $5

Not all seats fit in all places

      Yes you are correct in that, there are a couple of the larger jet packs that will only fit in the corner or the
      lounger position that have deeper "pockets" for the jet packs

Glue joints are difficult to repair

      This is the same for any full foam tub

Jet pack/pump issue

      As I have said in previous posts and others have said also,  upgrade your pump to the largest available if
      your dealer has not already done so

Top perimeter of tub heat loss

      The 2 inch line that supplies water is about 4 inches down from the edge on a Bullfrog.   On a "regular" tub
      there are a number of smaller lines running around the poorly insulated bottom of the tub and I see
      no difference.  To date we have not noticed any increase in our hydro bill but winter is coming so
      I really cannot speak about the energy efficiency yet.

I also cannot speak about the jet warranty issue as I have not experienced it.   As for the not high end comment,  I have in my previous posts said,  no Bullfrogs are not Hot Springs, 800 series Sundance or 400 series Jacuzzi and they are not marketed as such,  however the are alot less money.  IMO they compare very well to other mid/high end tubs on the market.

It is amazing how much people will react to something that is different or resist change :o

I respect your experience and the fact that you started out your post with "this is not a bash" but I had to add my 1.65 cents

Bullfrog 451


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Re: Bull Frog  how do they compare
« Reply #41 on: September 16, 2006, 05:44:31 pm »
I dont resist change  for the fact that I used to have a 682 in my back yard as a perk   So Im not trying to start a debate that bullfrog is a bad tub  there are plenty of satisfied customers  
that I used to have and continue to deal with me at my new store
As stated by many" there is no perfect tub its the one perfect for you."   IMO the tubs are way too new and havent proven themselves for longevity yet only time will tell.   In Canada dealers get them for one hell of a low price  bc they are part of the IPG buying group which makes pricing very attractive for consumers  
« Last Edit: September 16, 2006, 05:45:15 pm by Pathfinder »

In Canada eh

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Re: Bull Frog  how do they compare
« Reply #42 on: September 17, 2006, 08:58:31 am »
  In Canada dealers get them for one hell of a low price  bc they are part of the IPG buying group which makes pricing very attractive for consumers  


    Thanks for your thoughts and professional manner.

Just curious about the buying group thing, in Canada most of the dealers I have seen are members of a buying group IPG group sells Bullfrog, Beachcomber and in the past Sundance.  Pioneer group sells Hot Springs, Caldera and Elite(maax), Foxx group sells Artesian, Saratoga and I think Marquis.   Are you saying that because of this a Bullfrog tub was cheaper in Canada then in the US ?

     If so then that would be a first!
Bullfrog 451


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Re: Bull Frog  how do they compare
« Reply #43 on: September 17, 2006, 12:29:32 pm »
I am considing buying the 451.  Please do not bash it I would like to hear from people who have one. I love the size of it a the layout with the lounger and cool down seat. What other brands compare to it? (even if the price is diffrent)

In Canada eh

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Re: Bull Frog  how do they compare
« Reply #44 on: September 17, 2006, 01:06:15 pm »

     We have a 451 and we both love it.  It is a perfect sized tub for 2 or 3 people, 4 seems to be a little crowded.  When we were shopping, we were comparing it to the Caldera Martinique for size and comfort.  The Caldera had 2 pumps and the Bullfrog had one large pump, other than that they were very similar.  We ordered ours with the 4.8 hp pump , ozone and our choice of jet packs.  Scroll back though this post and you should see some good advice and previous concerns about Bullfrog.

    If you have any questions with regards to your shopping around post them here,  you'll always get contested ;D, but good advice.

   There are a couple of Bullfrog owners on this site with different models that could also help
Bullfrog 451

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Re: Bull Frog  how do they compare
« Reply #44 on: September 17, 2006, 01:06:15 pm »


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