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Author Topic: Sundance Maxxus for 17K??  (Read 8432 times)


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Re: Sundance Maxxus for 17K??
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2006, 09:37:43 am »
There is such a thing as a sales person who is not there for the buck? News to me.

I thought the primary goal of a sales person was to sell something?

I'm sorry honorable and sales shouldn't be in the same sentence.

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Re: Sundance Maxxus for 17K??
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2006, 09:37:43 am »


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Re: Sundance Maxxus for 17K??
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2006, 10:39:56 am »
No everyone is NOT a sales person. You are ridiculous.
You must be one to believe that.

I'm a network engineer, so I am VERY far from sales world. I DON'T word things is such a way that persuades people to believe something that is not real. I also don't lie.
Did you interview for your current job?  If the answer is yes then you did sell yourself.  

It sounds to me like you are a very intollerant person.  And don't give me this holier than thou  crap because you work in a hospital.   I'm sure you have plenty of marketing and sales people pushing that place.

If you're high enough in the food chain in the IT department to brief the hospital director (or whatever you call the person in charge) on your network projects then yes, once again, you are a sales person.




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Re: Sundance Maxxus for 17K??
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2006, 10:43:15 am »
So anyhow we were talking about........oh yeah high end hottubs.  If people get this worked up over a job title no wonder world religious groups act as they do.

Beachcomber 750, Brampton On Canada, GO LEAFS GO!!


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Re: Sundance Maxxus for 17K??
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2006, 11:14:17 am »
I don't sell myself, I prove myself.

anyway, I can't belive a hot tub can be priced at 17K.

For that price it would have to have a solar powered cover to heat the water.


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Re: Sundance Maxxus for 17K??
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2006, 02:05:54 pm »
Wow this is an interesting string.....

I guess by the string, I am hated by someone I don't even know!

Listen Mr IT Guy from a "non" profit hospital
Fastest growing customer base for TV and Radio ads......Hospitals
    Oh yeah, one of my advertising sales guys told me that
Most major hopspitals have a PR department

If that is not sales.....get out of your cubicle Dilbert

Also, in your world I wish that all sales people would dissapear.  Then the next time your looking for computers or a mainframe or making any technical decsion......look out.  Without the sales representatives...your lost

I have been on the hunt to buy a Hot Tub for the past 5 weeks.  I have run into a bunch of different sales types.  One surprising issue for me was their depth of knowledge of their products.  Now some of it may be smoke and mirrors, but they are trying to differenciate themselves.  Have salt.....sell salt

Lighten up Frances  ;D


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Re: Sundance Maxxus for 17K??
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2006, 02:33:07 pm »
Yes hospitals advertise on TV/Radio. And yes we have a marketing and public relations dept.

So what exactly are you saying? Not quite sure I'm getting your point.

I do NOT consider that sales, well at least by my definition.
That is called marketing and advertising, which help support sales, however is not direct sales.

Regardless I'm not saying I disagree with sales, or the sale of a product. I'm also not disagreeing that you can get valuable information for a sales person.
I simply said "I hate Salesman".
I can't stand their methods, and practices. I think they are ok if you need to gather information. That's about it.


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Re: Sundance Maxxus for 17K??
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2006, 06:11:06 pm »
Well, well, well...of all the people who walked through my door today, guess what one of them did?

She worked for one of the local hospitals.  She was out taking donations for their upcoming charity ball.  A gentleman who was sitting at the table buying a spa asked her if she was a nurse.

"Oh no honey, I'm in the sales and marketing department."

It struck me as funny since I had just read this thread a few minutes earlier. ;D

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Sundance Maxxus for 17K??
« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2006, 08:10:18 pm »
I couldn't believe it when I heard it.

Any Sundance dealers actually have them for this much?  Or is that just an all-inclusive sticker-shock style pitch that you're able to give people tons of good news on?

Geez, that's seems very high to me!  
I was quoted 11K on the Sundance Maxxus, here in Alabama.
Good luck


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Re: Sundance Maxxus for 17K??
« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2006, 03:57:30 pm »
I never said without them the world wouldn't go around. I just said I hate them.
Stop asuming things.

I work for a non-profit organization, more specifically a Hospital.
No salesbags as far as I know.

Very interesting topic we have here...
I don't want to put words in your mouth, but I'm wondering, could it possibly be that it isn't really "salespeople" you hate, but rather being, "sold"?  Especially, something you don't want.  Who really does?  I have great respect for the salesperson who brings the facts to the table and helps me to make an informative decision.  I believe it is my responsibilty to obtain all the facts.

I too worked for a non-for-profit organization...I was Director of the March Of Dimes.
While the job is not thought of as a sales position, I certainly found myself, "selling" to bring in those donations!  I don't believe we are all salespeople, but I do believe we  sell/promote ourselves, or  ideas that serve our personal agenda.  Just like politicians...we all do it.   Are you not selling/promoting your idea about hating salespeople?   ::) ::)   ::)

That's just my 2 cents for what it is worth.


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Re: Sundance Maxxus for 17K??
« Reply #24 on: September 13, 2006, 04:09:46 pm »
I don't sell myself, I prove myself.

That's funny.

I too work in an industry that would be considered "non profit" (Research and Development funded by grants) but you may want to reconsider your choice of words, making  blanket statments about salesfolks makes you look foolish (to be polite)   and I am sure you are not that "foolish", are you ?

Actually, I found if I read your posts and I think that Dwight Shrute (The Office) is writing them, they are funny.

« Last Edit: September 13, 2006, 04:30:19 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Sundance Maxxus for 17K??
« Reply #25 on: September 13, 2006, 05:12:45 pm »
I don't sell myself, I prove myself.

That's funny.

I too work in an industry that would be considered "non profit" (Research and Development funded by grants) but you may want to reconsider your choice of words, making  blanket statments about salesfolks makes you look foolish (to be polite)   and I am sure you are not that "foolish", are you ?

Actually, I found if I read your posts and I think that Dwight Shrute (The Office) is writing them, they are funny.

Now this is getting interesting!
Drewstar, I agree with the Dwight Shrute picture.  That's funny!
   I'm sure you can relate to this....

To further prove that we all have to do a little sales:
While Director of the March Of Dimes, I personally delivered the checks to the children's hospital, where the researchers (doctors) received me and my checks to help fund their research.  I always got a personal tour and an update on their projects.
In a way, they were  selling themselves to me to keep those checks coming.  


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Re: Sundance Maxxus for 17K??
« Reply #26 on: September 13, 2006, 07:00:56 pm »
Drewster, love the show. Good times.


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Re: Sundance Maxxus for 17K??
« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2006, 07:08:31 pm »
I simply said "I hate Salesman".
I can't stand their methods, and practices. I think they are ok if you need to gather information. That's about it.
You say you can't stand sales peoples methods. Could you be more specific so we could all learn what not to do. As a salesman there are certain sales techniques that I can't stand also, so I don't use them. I treat my customers exactly how I would want to be treated, with respect for their concerns and needs.
One thing I hate is when a sales person does not listen. Example, I told one car sales man that I wanted a car that was any color but black, he then tried to sell me....you've got it, a black car he had a great deal on.
Another thing I can't stand is overfamiliarity, like the waitress who wants to join you at the table while she takes your order, or the sales guy who thinks he's your life long buddy, complete with back slapping.
Thankfully these types of sales goof offs are becoming more and more of an extinct species, so don't paint everyone with the same brush. I personally know some excellant sales professionals who take pride in their jobs, and earn a very honest living, and whats wrong with making a buck, do you work for nothing, are you willing to do without a pay raise next year? I doupt it. But I know this, if you are going to get that raise, learn some good sales techniques, they can really help sometimes.


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Re: Sundance Maxxus for 17K??
« Reply #28 on: September 17, 2006, 09:41:06 pm »
$9995.00 including tax, delivery, and questions.  That was 14 months ago.


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Re: Sundance Maxxus for 17K??
« Reply #29 on: September 17, 2006, 10:06:01 pm »

Was that price for a brand new Maxxus or was it a demo model?


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Re: Sundance Maxxus for 17K??
« Reply #29 on: September 17, 2006, 10:06:01 pm »


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