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Author Topic: dealer recomendations in norcross GA?  (Read 2273 times)

obi wan

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dealer recomendations in norcross GA?
« on: September 15, 2006, 06:40:09 pm »
well I have done gone and did it! ;D ;D
have spent the last dozen years or so in va beach, but just started a new job in atlanta. bought a caldera niagra back in march '05. plan on making it an option on the house purchase, per some good advice here, and will hopefully need a new tub down here in hotlanta!
as I recall there are some georgia folks on the board here. house hunting now, and looking on the ne side of the city I-85/985 area.... any recomendations? good or otherwise?

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dealer recomendations in norcross GA?
« on: September 15, 2006, 06:40:09 pm »


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Re: dealer recomendations in norcross GA?
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2006, 11:33:45 pm »
Do a search for dealers in that area. I'm sure I'm not telling you something you don't already know. You may find one who'll correspond by email frequently, and develop a good relationship prior to buying. Can't help other than saying check HS's dealer locator or maybe someone will chime in for you. Good luck.
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Re: dealer recomendations in norcross GA?
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2006, 10:27:08 am »
I shopped the area pretty extensively last winter. A lot of options including the Hot Springs/Tiger River, Sundance, Jacuzzi and Bullfrog in the I-85 corrider. Sundance spas are nice but they seem to be a little higher in cost and they appear to be sold through the Georgia Backyard stores which I found to be one of the least appealing in terms of dealership. And of course there is the good old Rec Warehouse which has Caldera and Leisure Bay and a rather brutal rep for after sales service. I didn't but there so I don't know first hand but then again the reputation was one of the reasons I didn't buy there.

No Marquis dealer near that part of town and I would like to have at least wet tested them. But the drive was too far to the nearest dealer. Also D1 was in Marietta which is a pain to get to from the Norcross area so didn't check them out either.

I ended up with a Reflections spa which is a made by the same company as Vita. I like it and have been happy with the dealer so far. Reflections is kind of like Tiger River is to Hot Springs I suppose. Vita is a brand that doesn't get talked about that much here.

Vita has more fancy options while Reflections is a bit more basic although you can get pretty much any option if you go with the top line in the series (Reflections has three levels of models and the top level has lots of options). I liked both the Vita and Reflections spas. Bullfrog was probably my second choice, but a distant second. I liked Sundance but felt the additional cost wasn't worth it for me and of course didn't get a warm fuzzy from the dealership. I liked the Hot Spring dealer but neither my girlfriend nor I cared much for the spas. Just weren't our particular cup of tea.

If you are interested in the Vita dealer PM me and I will be happy to discuss more. I don't work in the spa industry, I am just a customer for what that is worth.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2006, 10:32:55 am by tanstaafl2 »
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Re: dealer recomendations in norcross GA?
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2006, 12:12:48 am »
If you were happy with your Caldera, you can always go to Rec Warehouse to buy another one.  I agree their rep isn't that great, but, from what I have heard, their Georgia locations are among the better stores.

If you like Caldera and don't want to shop with Rec - totally understandable - then Hot Spring is made by the same company and they have a dealer there with a great reputation.  The dealer is Spas Atlanta.

I have a friend that lives near Newnan and he has filled me in on these guys.  He is someone I trust implicitly.
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obi wan

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Re: dealer recomendations in norcross GA?
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2006, 12:00:21 am »
thanx for the input.....
i am closing on the first house this friday, so i will start wet testing in earnest. i am going into withdrawl at this point ;) ;D, as i have been here since wed night and there is not a spa here at the lovely exteded stay america.....
was very happy the niagra, but there are other good tubs out there. rec warehouse in va beach doesn't sell caldera, but that was the first place i scratched off the list on the original search almost 2 yrs ago, due to obnoxtious sales reps....

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Re: dealer recomendations in norcross GA?
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2006, 12:00:21 am »


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