Vinny -
Curious, So are you saying with your ozonator running 24/7 you still find you need to dose with dichlor every 1-2 days to keep your water clear?
I've gone 3-4 days(longest I've been able to stay out of the tub
) and my water is crystal clear when I open my lid. My ozonator is disconnected(will prop stay that way), however I do have a N2 stick under my circ pump filter.
What I have found is my water doesn't react the way other people's water does. I have never gotten 4 days of clear water except when my tub had chlorine lock and when I shocked the tub to 10 PPM and then went on vacation. Even when I used N2, I had the same results as without it.
I go minimal dichlor with my water, I use about 1.5 PPM as a regular dichlor dose. I have gotten 2 days vs every other day with the ozonator running 24/7. After my water turned bad this last time I obviously didn't sanitize enough and the ozonator couldn't keep up with the load. My PH was 7.8 and I think that was the culprit - not enough killing chlorine ions initally.
N2 and ozone are things that can be argued since there's no scientific study that they work in a spa but there seems to be enough people who swear by them. In the case of my ozone - Del doesn't produce too much ozone and a "better" unit may produce better results. As I have said in previous posts - I need proof and I am cheap. Marginal success (going 2 days instead of every other day is marginal IMO) doesn't impress me if it costs a lot ($20 a quarter is a lot IMO).
I live with going out there in the morning, adding 1 teaspoon of dichlor every other day if I don't soak. I thought of trying bromine but I hate floaters in the tub.